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IGN has posted previews of Fahrenheit and Law & Order: Justice is Served. Here's a clip from the preview of Law & Order:



Now on my list of "really, really great people" are the producers at Legacy Interactive, who are super, super nice people and--amazingly enough--really, really sincere adventure fans. The third in the Law & Order series, Justice is Served, is a much better-looking game that is actually designed to appeal more to adventure fans; there are many more "puzzle" elements and a lot more thought put into the interface.



The official website of Myst IV: Revelation, the next sequel to one of the best-selling computer games of all time, has posted a new trailer from the game. Check it out here.



We squeezed our way into Microids' press room for a ten-minute demonstration of Still Life, a very dark murder mystery that uses an improved version of the Syberia engine. I can best describe it like this: imagine the grim darkness of Post Mortem with the point & click third-person goodness of Syberia, then mix in lots of gore (we're promised it's not gratuitous). The plot is actually related to the plot of Post Mortem in a bizarre way. Suffice it to say, this game will soon find a home on the Hype-O-Meter, and will be the salve that pure adventure fans who love dark mysteries have been waiting for. It's scheduled for a Q4 2004 release. Stay tuned for more!



A beaming representative of Revistronic Games, developer of Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner, happily told us just half an hour ago that a North American publisher has been secured. At this time the contract is not signed, and thus they were unable to tell us who the publisher is, but the deal is apparently all but done, and those who have been hearing great things about this game from overseas can rest easy that we'll soon see it in the States.



Objective journalism fails me; Fahrenheit is absolutely fricking amazing. Everything about it excited me. Anyone who is a fan of the movie Memento, or the TV show 24, will absolutely love what's being done here.



Ubisoft Montreal gave us a very nice demo of Myst 4 this afternoon, and I must say it was extremely impressive. Here are some of the key points:



Digital Jesters announced today that they have secured the rights to publish Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Silver Earring in Scandinavia, Benelux and the United Kingdom, among others. The game will be released on September 3rd.



We spent half an hour this afternoon with Ragnar Tornquist, watching a special trailer of Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (which appears to be the full title), followed by fifteen minutes of a playable build, with Ragnar demonstrating some of the unique features.



We spent an hour or so this morning on a tour of the upcoming lineup from The Adventure Company. There were show floor demos for Aura: Fate of the Ages, Atlantis Evolution, and Missing (aka In Memoriam). Dark Fall: Lights Out and Return to Mysterious Island were not shown, but are confirmed.



Well, the five of us (with one still to join) have made it to E3 safe and sound, and completely sleep-deprived. Another shot of adrenaline to go, please!



Developer Quantic Dreams has just posted three brief in-game footages from the upcoming horror themed Fahrenheit at their developer's site, along with fresh screenshots and more detailed information about the game. Fahrenheit, slated for release by Vivendi late this year (Q4 2004) for Playstation2, Xbox, and PC, promises a departure from traditional adventure game gameplay by introducing such innovations as multi-character playability, episodic narrative, cinematic camera work, and body specific character controllability.



Gamer's Hell has put up four music-pieces from The Black Mirror, the horror-adventure released last year by The Adventure Company. You can find the tracks here.



RPG Vault has interviewed Ragnar Törnquist of Funcom about Dreamfall, the sequel to The Longest Journey. The article includes four new screenshots and two new concept images.



Another Jules Verne-based adventure game is set to hit the market this winter. The Adventure Company today announced that they will be publishing a game adaptation of Verne's Return to Mysterious Island. It is being developed by Kheops Studios, who previously worked on Crystal Key II and The Egyptian Prophecy.

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