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Best rated Adventure Games page 181

Below you'll find an overview of Adventure Games that have received a very high rating based on our reviews, the list is sorted based on highest rated Adventure Game first combined with recency of the review we've done. Be sure to also check-out our Top 100 Adventure Games of all time, as well as the winners of the Adventure Game Awards (Aggies) that we hold on a yearly cadence.

Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper  (2009)

If you’re interested in either Sherlock Holmes or Jack the Ripper, you’ll like this game for its rich atmosphere and keen sense of detail, but don’t expect twice as much enjoyment from this unusual pairing.

Secret Missions: Mata Hari and the Kaiser’s Submarines  (2008)

Mata Hari’s full-fledged adventure is sure to get more attention, but Secret Missions manages to sneak in under the sonar and take you by surprise with its engaging casual gameplay.

The Legend of Crystal Valley  (2009)

Despite its technical shortcomings and somewhat clichéd premise, The Legend of Crystal Valley does what every story-based adventure should do: it tells a compelling tale full of appealing characters while delivering a solid gaming experience with some impressive variations from the norm.

Ankh: Battle of the Gods  (2009)

Similar to its predecessors, the third Ankh installment is another bright and sunny adventure that at times still manages to feel a little under-baked.

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek  (2007)

Nancy Drew is bigger than ever, but not necessarily better, as the Wii port of White Wolf of Icicle Creek presents the exact same game with minor advantages and disadvantages over its PC predecessor.

Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual  (2008)

While never fulling rising above its clichéd premise, The Scorpio Ritual is nevertheless an enjoyable (albeit short) adventure in the Da Vinci Code mold.

Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst  (2008)

You may not want to live there, but the return trip to Ravenhearst offers a little something for casual gamers, puzzle lovers, and adventurers alike.

Carol Reed: The Colour of Murder  (2008)

The fifth Carol Reed mystery is a short but intriguing mystery that should appeal to series veterans and newcomers alike.

A Vampyre Story  (2008)

It isn’t quite a triumphant cartoon adventure achievement, but it’s a promising debut adventure that is wonderful to look at and worth playing for most genre fans.

Casebook: Episode I - Kidnapped  (2008)

Not only a very good pilot for a promising mystery series, but in its own right Kidnapped is an entertaining, if brief, adventure game – oops, “interactive movie".

Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People: Episode 5 - 8-Bit is Enough  (2008)

8-Bit is Enough is at least as good as any previous episode, though it’s not quite the series finale you’ve been waiting for, unless you’re in it for Trogdor and a bevy of NES-era humor.

The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft  (2008)

The first Hardy Boys mystery is definitely geared to the younger crowd, but it has just enough depth to provide some light entertainment for everyone.

Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People: Episode 3 - Baddest of the Bands  (2008)

Episode 3 is still lighthearted fun but doesn’t tip the scale of the series, delivering more of the same as the previous games, if in slightly different proportions.

Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail  (1990)

Despite its flaws, Conquests of Camelot is an underrated little gem that offers a lot of high-quality entertainment.

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