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Return to Monkey island by Ron Gilbert : 19 september 2022

Total Posts: 320

Joined 2022-05-09


I think it’s unfortunate to close the comments due to this. You’re not only cutting off the extreme opinions but also all the other ones, people who are enjoying to exchange each other about the game. On one side he wants to provoke, on the other side he’s not willing to take the heat. Apart from a civil discussion with opinions and pros & cons, some people got triggered and expressed themselves in rude ways whilst a few were trying to patronize others more with fanaticism than expertise.

They could have made a trailer where they explain how they came to certain design decisions. People actually could have learned something and add this to a discussion.

Whilst Prometheus could have been better, but it still was a great movie in quite some respects. Prometheus suffers from that there doesn’t exist a proper Prometheus 2, continuing from where Prometheus ended, apart from the short film The Crossing. I was more disappointed by Covenant. Let’s see how the Alien prequel will turn out.


Total Posts: 1688

Joined 2015-07-01


I’m not sure how to link a Twitter chain on here but Dominique, the voice actor for guybrush, just released an epic twitter PR chain of how Devs should handle upset fans.


Total Posts: 1688

Joined 2015-07-01


seething wolf - 30 June 2022 12:05 PM
St_Eddie - 30 June 2022 11:01 AM

to reveal a pasty, albino buff dude behind the curtain

I’ve seen that porno. Good example, and speaking of another R. Scott’s classic, there’s also the case of 2049 laying bare in its first trailer an old, grumpy Deckard. The neat mystery set by up the former put to rest just like that; all consequent nexus models theories being a cope trying to maintain what was now gone.

Jdawg445 - 30 June 2022 11:19 AM

I’m about to say something hugely unpopular

Is that the case within the AG community? Because everywhere else is pretty much a given behaviour at this point. Take for instance the Fez developer, or Kamiya’s overall dickishness when it comes to polite criticism or when asked to expand on his controversial tweets. Then their groupies run to their aid and invariably shut down any opposition.

Somewhat yes especially because most of the games are made by indy Developers and fans will try to give them a huge pass because they’re not big games made by Ubisoft or EA. Some will defend bad voice acting, bad animation, Etc…  plus as an adventure game fan you will constantly be bombarded with pitches and people begging you from money for kickstarters and that also gets old very quickly, to me.

Ps i adore blade runner 2049, took the premise of the first movie and made a far superior story out of it. The first Blade Runner was excellent in World building but not much substance beyond the tears in Rain speech. not a lot of detective work going on in the film, enhance, enhance, enhance lol.


Total Posts: 410

Joined 2018-09-09


Jdawg445 - 30 June 2022 11:19 AM

Everybody talks about toxic fandoms and they are most definitely real but nobody ever talks about toxic developers and they are also extremely real. look at someone the toxicity that’s been spewed on here from the Saint kotar people alone. A lot cant handle criticism, they either deflect or attack others themselves. My favorite passive aggressive statement is a “small vocal minority,” talk about coping much. At the very least it’s a 50-50 split on the art style. That has been said by creative people now for 10 years and it’s plainly not true. Is usually a strong large contingent never a vocal minority.

This is something which has occurred to me as well but I have pussyfooted around the topic out of fear of ruffling the feathers of others.  However, given that you’ve brought the subject up, I may as well dive in (dons scuba gear)...

Firstly, I don’t blame Ron for closing the comments down on his blog.  It’s his personal blog and he ought not to have to deal with toxicity (by that, I mean actual toxicity, not people respectfully being critical of the art style).  However, I must say that Ron’s post when declaring that he would be shutting down the comments kinda rubbed me up the wrong way…

“I’m shutting down comments. People are just being mean and I’m having to delete personal attack comments. It’s an amazing game and everyone on the team is very proud of it. Play it or don’t play it but don’t ruin it for everyone else. I won’t be posting anymore about the game. The joy of sharing has been driven from me.”

The first couple of sentences within that post are not objectionable but it’s what follows which read as overly salty to my eyes.  I’ll break it down…


“It’s an amazing game and everyone on the team is very proud of it.”

I’m happy that Ron and his team are proud of their achievements but shouldn’t the descriptor of “an amazing game” be left for players to say, or not say, upon playing the game?  It just comes across as overly defensive and maybe even a bit conceited to declare one’s own work as “amazing”.


“Play it or don’t play it”

This attitude right here is a real bugbear of mine; the implied suggestion that people have two options…

1/ Play the game and love it.

2/ Don’t play the game and keep your critical thoughts to yourself.


“but don’t ruin it for everyone else.”

I also cannot stand it when people invoke the nonsensical defense against critique that is “don’t ruin it for everyone else”.  How are differing critical opinions an attempt to “ruin” a game for other people?  It’s no more an attempt to ruin people’s enjoyment of a game, than it is for people who like the game trying to “ruin” people’s critical thoughts (that is to say; not at all).

People ought to be free to express their critical opinions (in a respectful manner).  I just can’t stand that egocentric mindset that anybody who is critical of a game, or movie, or whatever that somebody else likes, is therefore making an indirect attempt to stop that person from enjoying the thing they like.  If you like something, then why would somebody else’s differing opinion ever stop you from liking it.  Surely if that were the case, the criticism being made would have to have some level of validity, otherwise why would it ever be a threat to your enjoyment?

I dunno, I just don’t care for the implication being made by Ron here; that his game should be criticism proof and that either you say nice things about it or you keep your damn mouth shut.  No professional artist should (or even want to) be showered with only sycophantic praise and to nullify and void all critical feedback from their audience.  I don’t think that’s a healthy mindset for a creative to possess.


“I won’t be posting anymore about the game. The joy of sharing has been driven from me.”

This quote does make me sad and I do feel empathetic towards Ron.  Yet, this also feels like an attempt at emotional manipulation; a way to draw a line in the sand and rally his faithful troops, as a call to arms and shout down anyone who dared to say a critical word about the art style by way of saying “See! This is what you drove Ron to! This is your fault for being critical!”.

Anyway, that’s just my reading on the situation.  I may have been slightly ungenerous within my take, but it’s how I genuinely interpreted Ron’s comment when reading between the lines.  Either way, I really feel as though it would behoove Ron, as a professional artist, to grow a thicker skin.  I know that is easier said than done, but it’s not a good look for a professional to throw his toys out of the pram (twice now, no less) and it can’t be good for his mental well being to be so reactive to criticism and idiotic trolls on the Internet.


Blogga - 30 June 2022 11:33 AM

Not sure this is justified, still. He’s respected in the industry and some need to get a grip.

Those comments really are despicable, though I do wonder how many are posted by the same person, given that Ron’s blog allows users to enter any username they like for every single post that they make, especially given that all of the comments were made one after another, within a relatively short span of time. Not that it excuses the comments themselves but a bit of perspective from Ron wouldn’t go amiss, for his own sanity alone if nothing else.


Total Posts: 1688

Joined 2015-07-01


Eddie, you basically read my mind that’s how I feel about Ron’s comments. They come across as passive aggressive, rally the troops, im taking my ball and going home.

As far as those comments left on his blog maybe I’m desensitize but that’s honestly not that bad compared to some of the other vile crap I’ve read over the years.


Total Posts: 179

Joined 2003-09-11


Advie - 29 June 2022 07:20 AM
Gabe - 29 June 2022 06:10 AM

It’s the funniest looking one already,don’t you think?

yeah, he is now more of a Guybrush Hipwood

Clearly the worst iteration of Guy.brush so far

And he’s all of 3 foot 8

EMI was pretty bad too, but limited by the technology


Total Posts: 410

Joined 2018-09-09


Jdawg445 - 30 June 2022 12:31 PM

As far as those comments left on his blog maybe I’m desensitize but that’s honestly not that bad compared to some of the other vile crap I’ve read over the years.

Well, it’s all relative but I certainly consider the likes of “Fix your awful artstyle, godamn no-taste cuck” to be beyond the pale.

Burge - 30 June 2022 12:38 PM

And he’s all of 3 foot 8

And 2’8” of that is all head!


Total Posts: 29

Joined 2005-06-14


Jdawg445 - 30 June 2022 12:31 PM

Eddie, you basically read my mind that’s how I feel about Ron’s comments. They come across as passive aggressive, rally the troops, im taking my ball and going home.

As far as those comments left on his blog maybe I’m desensitize but that’s honestly not that bad compared to some of the other vile crap I’ve read over the years.

No one should have to endure bile from people online.

It’s easy to be constructive without resorting to insulting people.


Some good points there and developers certainly have an ego and do flex it on occasion.



He gave me a cold, shocked stare as if I’d farted at a funeral.


Total Posts: 2653

Joined 2013-03-14


Burge - 30 June 2022 12:38 PM
Advie - 29 June 2022 07:20 AM
Gabe - 29 June 2022 06:10 AM

It’s the funniest looking one already,don’t you think?

yeah, he is now more of a Guybrush Hipwood

Clearly the worst iteration of Guy.brush so far

And he’s all of 3 foot 8

EMI was pretty bad too, but limited by the technology

Nah, the 2009 Special Edition version is still the worst. I’d actually put this new version after the first 3.


Total Posts: 410

Joined 2018-09-09


That’s the second wrongest post I’ve ever seen!  Tongue


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2020-12-24


St_Eddie - 30 June 2022 12:23 PM
Jdawg445 - 30 June 2022 11:19 AM

Those comments really are despicable, though I do wonder how many are posted by the same person, given that Ron’s blog allows users to enter any username they like for every single post that they make, especially given that all of the comments were made one after another, within a relatively short span of time. Not that it excuses the comments themselves but a bit of perspective from Ron wouldn’t go amiss, for his own sanity alone if nothing else.

In my experience this sort of thing tends to happen from social-media-driven coordinated campaigns a-la review bombing. Not much to be done from this apart from, as he did, closing public comments.


Total Posts: 1688

Joined 2015-07-01


St_Eddie - 30 June 2022 12:40 PM
Jdawg445 - 30 June 2022 12:31 PM

As far as those comments left on his blog maybe I’m desensitize but that’s honestly not that bad compared to some of the other vile crap I’ve read over the years.

Well, it’s all relative but I certainly consider the likes of “Fix your awful artstyle, godamn no-taste cuck” to be beyond the pale.

Burge - 30 June 2022 12:38 PM

And he’s all of 3 foot 8

And 2’8” of that is all head!

True, the word cuck has been used and mis-used so many times that it basically has no concrete meaning anymore. Its now thrown around like the three letter F word used to be.


Total Posts: 410

Joined 2018-09-09


fbjim - 30 June 2022 01:07 PM

In my experience this sort of thing tends to happen from social-media-driven coordinated campaigns a-la review bombing. Not much to be done from this apart from, as he did, closing public comments.

It would surely be a prudent move for Ron to consider implementing a sign up process for user account creation, as opposed to his current system of allowing users to post under as many names as they like.  It would probably also be wise to have a system whereby Ron can shadow ban specific IP addresses.  Again, I’m not condoning the toxic comments but the way that Ron has comments set up on his blog does kinda invite and encourage trolling behaviour.

Jdawg445 - 30 June 2022 01:09 PM

True, the word cuck has been used and mis-used so many times that it basically has no concrete meaning anymore. Its now thrown around like the three letter F word used to be.

Indeed.  The word ‘fig’ has lost all meaning these days.  Back in my day, when I told someone that I couldn’t give a fig, I literally meant that I had no sweet fruits left to spare, not that I didn’t give a damn!


Total Posts: 1688

Joined 2015-07-01


seething wolf - 30 June 2022 01:39 PM
Jdawg445 - 30 June 2022 12:11 PM

Ps i adore blade runner 2049, took the premise of the first movie and made a far superior story out of it. The first Blade Runner was excellent in World building but not much substance beyond the tears in Rain speech. not a lot of detective work going on in the film, enhance, enhance, enhance lol.

It brought a novel subgenre spectacularly to the big screen, so outside of its existential themes which were bound to then leave audiences digging for answers, a complex(er) story on top of it would’ve been far too much. I find 2049 to be lacking in almost every department, especially in art direction which is understandable seeing as Lawrence G. Paull, etc. weren’t there. The world felt outright aseptic to me.

Also, there was no need whatsoever to bring Deckard and his whole deal back, other than nostalgia bait ofc. And I’d argue the Voight-Kampff test right at beginning was a more gripping investigative scene than most of its sequel.

Gabe - 29 June 2022 06:10 AM

So how old is exactly Guybrush at this point? Early 30s? I haven’t lost any hair and I’m not saying I’m envious of that mane but goddamn I am envious of that mane.

Just say i totally disagree, even the romance subplot in 2049 was handled far better. So quit trying to ruin my enjoyment with your critiques LOL just kidding.


Total Posts: 30

Joined 2004-03-14


Wild take: this would’ve been less divisive if it was an FMV game.


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