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Walkthrough for Recursive Ruin (Hints)

Recursive Ruin

Super Secret Puzzle Hints



This document will only address actual puzzles and their Hints and is not intended to be an outright game guide. Also, only certain levels contain puzzles, so not all levels will be covered here.

II. Citadel

Watchtower 1

Puzzle: There seems to be no way out of the room, though there’s a blue screen in the ground.

Hint: Throw a cube at the eye!

Watchtower 2

Puzzle: You are trapped in a room with Elrich. There’s an exit in the ground, but when you fall through the exit you just land in the same room again. 

Hint: Speak to Elrich and you’ll get a new ability!

Citadel Exterior

Puzzle: You need to gain access to the citadel interior by powering the floor hatch on the ground. However the eye which powers the floor hatch is out of reach at the top of the tower.

Hint: Get a cube, then SHIFT the world so that the tower is below you. Then you can throw the cube into the eye.

Citadel Interior Floor 1, Puzzle 1

Puzzle: You need a cube to power the eye and allow entry through the powered wall. However, the cube spawner seemingly is blocked off by glass. 

Hint: Use the SHIFT ability. You’ll then be able to access another iteration of the cube spawner.

Citadel Interior Floor 1, Puzzle 2

Puzzle: You need to power the floor hatch, however a “cube eating wall” is preventing you from taking the cube directly to the powering eye. 

Hint: Use the SHIFT ability. Throw the cube through the window with a gold rectangle. 

Elrich 2

Puzzle: Next to Elrich, there’s one exit but it’s way too small. 

Hint: Speak to Elrich and unlock the SHRINK ability. 

Citadel Interior Floor 2 and 3

Puzzle: You need to get a cube past a “cube eating wall”, so you can throw it into the eye. 

Hint: Use the SHIFT ability. Throw the cube into another iteration of the room. Go down the floor hatch by yourself. The cube should be on the ground in front of you.

Pick up the cube. Go to the tiny exit, and use the SHRINK ability. Carry the cube through, then use the SHIFT ability. Follow the golden path. Still small, go through the golden gate into the black device. Throw the cube in the eye.


IV. Echoes


Puzzle: You need to unlock the floor hatch on the ground and jump to the ground below, but your exit is blocked. 

Hint: Click the button on the red panel. Use the SHIFT ability. 

Objective Switch 1: Scanner + Wall 

Puzzle: You need to follow the power cable past the wall and press the switch, but the wall blocks your way.

Hint: Use the SHIFT ability, and to your right you’ll see another bridge just like the one you’re standing on. Note that you can clearly see an area beyond the wall. Jump down to the area beyond the wall. 

This can be tricky and you might fall to your death if you don’t time it right. I promise it’s the only jumping puzzle in the game. Once past the wall you can follow the power cable to the objective switch and hit it. You can now progress further.

Objective Switch 2: Follow the Cable Down the rabbit hole 

Puzzle: You need to follow the power cables, first the powered one, then the unpowered one. However it seemingly goes over the edge.

Hint: While looking in the direction the power cable goes over the wall, SHIFT the world. Where the cable went over the edge you should notice that there’s a kind of walled off area with a golden arrow pointing down. Jump down into the area and turn around. Notice a golden gate on the ground. SHRINK and go through the gate. 

Objective Switch 2: Hallway 1

Puzzle: You need to follow the power cable, but the way is blocked.

Hint: The blocking wall is powered by a scanner eye. Use the SHIFT ability. Now the scanner cannot see you, and the wall goes away, allowing you to progress further.

Objective Switch 2: Hallway 2 

Puzzle: The powered cable leads either off the edge, to a seeming dead end. 

Hint: Use the SHIFT ability. Go into the path you’ve revealed, and turn around. Use the SHIFT ability again. Go down into the area revealed by the powered floor.

Objective Switch 2: Golden Gate off the ground

Puzzle: You are at a seeming dead end. 

Hint: You should see a golden gate leading to a tunnel in the wall, but the gate is off the ground which prevents you from entering it while shrunken. Use the SHIFT ability. Walk onto the bridge. Standing before you should be that same golden gate. SHRINK and go through the gate. Keep following the tunnel. 

Objective Switch 3: Hallway 1

Puzzle: You can’t get past a powered wall.

Hint: Use the SHRINK ability. Go to the shadowy area and the scanner will not be able to see you. Now you can walk past the powered wall.

Objective Switch 3: Hallway 2

Puzzle: You are in an infinite hallway and need to get through the second golden gate, but a powered wall is active due to the infinite scanners that see you.

Hint: Note the scanners have a big giant red button on their back. Press the giant red button. It will explode, and the wall will go away. SHRINK and go through the second golden gate.

Objective Switch 3: Disappearing bridge.

Puzzle: You need to get onto the bridge to progress further, but the bridge disappears when the scanner cannot see you.

Hint: You’ll need something else to activate the scanner eye. A cube will do this. 

Use the SHIFT ability. Turn around and walk onto the black platform behind you. Look right. The cube spawner should be right before you. Get a cube and drop it in front of the scanner eye.

Objective Switch 3: Past the bridge, Switch in sight.

Puzzle: You need to hit the red switch but you can’t access it, behind a powered wall.

Hint: Use the SHIFT ability. Go through the doorway in the back left of the room. Follow the path and ramp, to the cube spawner.

Throw the cube onto the bridge to your right, marked with a gold square. The scanner eye will see the cube and deactivate the powered wall.

Objective Switch 4: Two bridges

Puzzle: You need to cross two powered bridges. They are powered by a scanner, but only one is active at a time. How to get across?

Hint: Get a cube, and drop the cube where the scanner can see it. 

Go across the first bridge. Then SHIFT the world again. The first bridge will be deactivated, and the second bridge will now be safe.

Objective Switch 4: Long Winding Hallway 1

Puzzle: You need to hit the objective switch, but when you go to press it the scanner can no longer see you, and a wall appears.There’s a cube you can see, but it’s behind glass. This puzzle is tricky! We’ll use some screenshots to make things more clear.

Hint: You need to get the cube and bring it all the way back to this starting area, but you’ll have to solve a few puzzles to get it all the way back. It’s not as easy as it first appears to be. Follow the long winding hallway to the end. 

Image #1 Image #2 Image #3

At the end of the hallway should be a cube spawner. 

Image #4

Get a cube and bring it back to right before the first “cube eating wall”. 

Image #5

There’s a lit up side hallway that you can’t get into. Throw the cube into that hallway. Now go past the “cube eating wall” into the next room with the scanner. Notice the powered floor on the ground.

Image #6

While standing in that room, SHIFT the world. The scanner will move far away from you and stop powering the floor. The floor will deactivate and you’ll fall into the room below. 

Image #7

While down below you should see the cube that you threw into the hallway. 

Image #8

Grab the cube. Then go back to the area you fell down into and look up. SHIFT the world such that the scanner is right up above you. It can’t see you because you’re too far away. 

Image #9

Throw the cube up. The scanner will see the cube and power the floor again. The cube will fall back down onto the powered floor safely.

Image #10

Now go to the entrance of the lit up side hallway and drop back down into the main long winding hallway. 

Image #11

Go through the “cube eating wall” and you’ll be back in the room with the scanner, but now the cube is there. Grab the cube and enter the next hallway. You can now progress further.

Image #12

Objective Switch 4: Long Winding Hallway 2

Puzzle: You need to take the cube back to the beginning of the long winding hallway, but a “cube eating wall” prevents you from taking the cube further.

Hint: While looking at the cube eating wall, SHIFT the world. Notice that the floor moves away, and the “cube eating wall” along with it! However you can’t get past. Thankfully, the cube can. Throw the cube over the chasm into the hall beyond it. It should safely land on the floor. SHIFT the world again and you should be able to walk on the floor over to the cube and pick it up. You can now progress further.

Objective Switch 4: Long Winding Hallway 3 (with Golden Gate)

Puzzle: You need to take the cube back to the beginning of the long winding hallway, but a “cube eating wall” prevents you from taking the cube further. There’s a golden gate you could go through, but it’s raised off the floor.

Hint: Use the SHRINK ability. Throw the cube through the golden gate. Now unSHRINK and go past the “cube eating wall”. You should see the cube on the other side.

You can now, finally, take the cube to the starting area. Place it in front of the scanner. Walk up to the switch and hit it to progress further.


VI. Spires

Spire 1

Puzzle: You need to exit the spire, but there’s a closed floor hatch which is blocking your way.

Hint: The eyes can provide power to the floor hatches and open them up. To activate the eyes you need to point a laser at them, however you can’t reach the laser. To reach the laser you first need to use the “launch cannon”. Go up to and click on the launch cannon. While in the launch cannon view aim to the general vicinity of the laser. Click the launch button and the player will be shot through the air up to where the laser is. Now click on the laser and aim it towards the eye. The eye should be activated, powering the floor hatch, and allowing you to progress further.

Spire 2

Puzzle: You need to point the laser at the eye to power the exit doorway, however the laser is out of reach.

Hint: You need to use the launcher to access the laser. However the laser is behind some kind of wall which prevents you from launching it. First go to the launcher. While launcher SHIFT the world such that you can see a repetition of the spire behind you. Note that you can see the laser from this angle. Use the launcher, and aim it towards the area with the laser. Launch yourself to that area. You can now aim the laser at the eye, which will allow you to progress further.

Path 1

Puzzle: You need to go further up the path to reach the next spire, but some kind of room has boxed you in, preventing you from going further.

Hint: You need to use the launcher to get around the wall in front of you. The trick is to aim the launcher at the blue diamond thing and launch yourself into that. The blue diamond thing is a “repeater” and will redirect the launched player towards where it’s pointing to. Now you can progress further.

Spire 3

Puzzle: You need to power the eye with the laser, but the laser can’t be accessed, not even by using the launcher and repeater.

Hint: You need to use an alternative route. Go to the entrance you used to get into the spire. While standing inside the spire looking outside the entrance doorway, SHIFT the world such that you can see a repetition of the spire. Notice that the laser is accessible from this direction. Use the repeater next to you and aim it towards the area with the accessible laser in the repeated spire. Exit the repeater, then use the launcher to launch yourself into the repeater. You should now have access to the laser and be able to progress further.

Spire 4

Puzzle: You need to power the eye with the laser, but the launcher doesn’t have line of sight to either the laser OR the repeater.

Hint: You need to use an alternative route. Go to the launcher and look out the big diamond shaped hole in the back of the spire. SHIFT the world such that you can see the repeated spire down below you. Notice that you can see the repeater from here. First go to the repeater and aim it up above the wall towards the back area with the laser. Next go to the launcher and launch yourself to the repeater in the repeated spire. You should end up in the area with the laser. However you can’t aim the laser directly towards the eye because the wall is blocking you. You need to aim the laser back towards the eye in the repeated spire below you. The eye should now be powered and you can progress further.

Path 2

Puzzle: You need to go further up the path towards the next spire, but a powered wall in a room blocks your way. There’s a laser, but it doesn’t have line of sight to the powering eye.

Hint: You need to use the repeater to redirect the stream of the laser. First aim the laser towards the repeater. Notice that it now has some kind of red beam coming out of it instead of the normal blue one. Now use the repeater and aim it toward the powering eye. The eye should be powered and you should now be able to progress further.

Spire 5

Puzzle: You need to power the eye with the laser, but the launcher doesn’t have line of sight to the laser. There’s a repeater, but it’s pointing towards an unuseful spot.

Hint: You need to gain access to the repeater to aim it towards a more useful position. In the room with the eye ,look above the eye and notice that there is a platform with a glow coming out of it. Launch yourself to the platform area. There’s a hole in the wall which allows access to the repeater if you get close enough. Use the repeater and aim it up towards the area of a SECOND repeater in the upper spire area. Go back to the launcher and launch yourself into the first repeater. You should be in the upper spire area. Notice that in the spire behind you there’s another upper area containing the laser. Now aim the second repeater towards that area containing the laser. When the repeater is aimed, drop down the hole to the room with the eye. You’re not quite done yet, because the first repeater needs to be re-aimed. Launch yourself back to the platform area above the eye. Re-aim the first repeater to launch directly into the second repeater. Now go back to the launcher and launch yourself into the first repeater. You should be redirected twice into the area containing the laser. Now aim the laser at the powering eye. You should be able to progress further.

Spire 6

Puzzle: You need to power the eye with the laser to get through the wall blocking the golden gate. However doing so activates a second powered wall above the eye, preventing you from getting through.

Hint: The trick is that you need to use the “world SHIFTing” ability to break/toggle the laser “circuit” after it’s been set up. This will allow you to toggle which of the two powered walls are on. First launch yourself into the repeated spire area which contains the repeater in the upper area. Aim the repeater towards the eye. Next go to the laser and aim it towards the repeater that’s at the entrance of the spire. Next go to the repeater at the entrance of the spire and aim it towards the upper repeater *IN THE REPEATED SPIRE IN FRONT OF THIS SPIRE* (not in the same spire). That last part is important. If set up correctly SHIFTing the world should toggle the eye being on/off. Now use the launcher to launch yourself the repeater at the entrance of the spire *IN THE REPEATED SPIRE BEHIND THIS SPIRE*. You should be redirected until you’re standing on the purple powered wall. Now SHIFT the world to break the circuit. You should fall down into the area with the eye and the blue wall. SHIFT the world again and the circuit should be toggled on again and the blue wall should be gone. You can now progress further.

Spire 7

Puzzle: You need to power both eyes, however the second laser is up on a platform behind two powered walls tied to one of each powered eye.

Hint: Like the previous puzzle, the Hint here requires the player to set up a circuit which can be toggled by SHIFTing the world. Aim the first laser out the entrance towards the repeater at the bottom of the spire outside. Notice that the yellow beam is bounced back into this spire into one of the eyes. Also note that a purple wall above the second laser’s platform is now on. Use the launcher and launch yourself towards the same repeater that is outside past the entrance. After being redirected a few times you should land on the platform with the second laser. SHIFT the world again to break the circuit and the wall blocking the second laser should disappear. Go into the room with the second laser. SHIFT the world again such that you can see the first repeater outside the entrance to the spire. Aim the second laser to that same outside repeater. You’re blocked in, but SHIFTing the world will toggle the beam circuit and the wall will disappear. Now you can leave the room and aim the first laser towards the blue eye. SHIFT the world again and now there should be a beam powering each eye. You can now progress further.


VIII. Tombs

Entrance / Sarcophagus 0

Puzzle: Your way is blocked by a shadowy purple cube which cannot be moved.

Hint: These are “shadow stones” and are only corporeal while in the shadows. Pick up the fractal cube in front of the light and the shadow will move away from the shadow stone. Then the shadow stone will turn into its incorporeal state and you can walk through it.

Tomb 1

Puzzle: You need to make your way into the first tomb, however your way is blocked by an iron fence.

Hint: While looking at the tomb, SHIFT the world. Note that the ground around the sides of the tomb rises up creating walls. You can use this as a means of entry. SHIFT the world again and drop off the sides of the ground near the fence. When you land, SHIFT the world again, now the entrance to the tomb should be below you. Walk off the ledge into the entrance area below you. You can now progress further in the game.

Sarcophagus 1

Puzzle: You need to activate the sarcophagus located inside the room with glass windows, but the entrance is blocked by shadow stone.

Hint: There’s a fractal cube casting shadow which causes the shadow stone to be corporeal. You need to move it to get the light to the shadow stone, however the fractal cube is too high up. To reach it you’ll need to back outside, around to the back of the tomb on the outside looking in. You should be larger now and can reach through the window to pick up the (now tiny) fractal cube. Move the cube somewhere else and the shadow will go away. Now you can go back inside and the shadow stone should be incorporeal.

Lower Chambers 1

Puzzle: You need to activate the glowing head thing but it’s trapped inside a room. The entrance to that room isn’t accessible, as a panel of the flow only has incorporeal shadow stone, and you fall through it.

Hint: You need to create a shadow over just the one shadow stone at the floor of the entrance tunnel. First grab the cube in the back of the lower chambers. You’ll have to go the long way with the cube out the back and then back through the front door of the lower chamber. With the cube in hand drop it in front of the light on the ground, such that only a single shadow covers the one shadow stone at the floor of the tunnel. Once placed correctly you can use the now corporeal shadow stone as a floor and progress further.

Sarcophagus 2

Puzzle: You need to use the tunnel entrance to access the sarcophagus, however the shadow stone which acts as a floor for one part of the tunnel is incorporeal. 

Hint: There’s a fractal cube in the room which could cast a shadow, however the light is too high up for the cube to stay in place and cast the shadow in the right area. The trick is to get the cube up into the same room as the light. To do that you need to take the cube outside, however it’s not so straight forward. The entrance is covered by a “cube eating wall”, and just throwing the cube outside makes it grow too large to fit through the window. You need to place the fractal cube on the window seal with the golden square marking out. Now go outside to the small tomb in front of the entrance. The cube should be sitting on the window seal, but this version of it is smaller. Pick up the smaller cube and walk it around to the side window with the light. Drop the small cube in front of the light. When placed correctly it should cast a shadow over the shadowstone inside the tomb. Go back through the entrance to the previous tomb. You can now SHRINK and walk over the corporeal shadow stone through the tunnel into the room with the sarcophagus.

Lower Chambers 2

Puzzle: You need to turn the shadow stones corporeal to be able to use the tunnel entrance to the sarcophagus, however all you have is a glass cube, which isn’t much use on its own.

Hint: This one is a bit of a trick question type puzzle. To solve it you’ll need to actually backtrack and retrieve the fractal cube from the previous puzzle. Go back out front and use the tiny elevator up to the top area. Once there, go back to the second tomb. Spawn the cube then throw it outside the back window. Go back outside and you should see the cube on the ground in front of the small entrance to the lower chamber. Pick up the cube and SHRINK then enter the lower chamber by going up the small ramp. However, the cube is too low to the ground to cast a shadow over the two shadow stones. To get the shadow in the right place you need to place the glass cube on the floor in front of the lamp, then place the fractal cube on top of the glass cube. Now the shadow should cover the two shadow stones, and you can walk over them to get to the sarcophagus inside.

Tomb 3

Puzzle: You need to make your way into the third tomb, however your way is blocked by shadow stone and a platform.

Hint: While looking at the entrance, SHIFT the world. Note that this toggle the state of the shadow stone. You can use this to get in. First SHIFT the world such that the entrance is in shadows and the shadow stone is corporeal. You should be able to jump onto the small shadow stone, and then up onto the platform. While there, SHIFT the world again. The big shadow stone should become incorporeal. You can now walk through it and into the tomb.

Sarcophagus 3

Puzzle: You need to make your way into the room with the sarcophagus, however the entrance is raised off the ground, and two shadow stones block the way.

Hint: The trick here is that you need to have only the bottom shadow stone in corporeal form, and then you can use it as a step ladder to get into the entrance tunnel. But how to shadow only the bottom shadow stone? You need to use the fractal cube in the room. Go to the spawner in the room and get a cube. Carry the cube outside. Notice that there is a pedestal of sorts right outside the window. Place the cube on the pedestal. When you go back in the tomb and you’ve SHIFTed the world correctly, the bottom shadow stone should be in shadows and corporeal, while the top one is in the light and incorporeal.

Lower Chambers 3

Puzzle: You need to activate the head thing in the glass room. There’s a “light cube” that you can use to get into the room, but it keeps the head in its incorporeal state. 

Hint: You need to use the carryable shadow stone as a step ladder to get inside. However the light from the light block will keep it in incorporeal form, preventing you from carrying it. You’ll need to move the light block behind various objects to allow you to carry the shadow stone over a small distance. You’ll need to reposition the light block several times to get the shadow stone fully over to the area it needs to be. Once the shadow stone is in front of the hole in the glass room, make sure to place the light cube somewhere that keeps both the shadow stone and the head thing in their shadowed corporeal form. You can now activate the head thing and progress further.


X. Cathedral

Bridge 1

Puzzle: You need to put the cube inside the powering eye, but the cube spawner is on the ceiling.

Hint: To reach the cube you need to turn around and re-enter the space you came from. If you go far enough back and follow the red beam you’ll see a cube spawner. Spawn the cube from there. Now carry the cube back to the eye and put it in the eye. This will power the purple switch. Activate the switch and the bridge will fall down. You can progress further.

Bridge 2

Puzzle: You need to put the cube inside the powering eye, but the eye is floating over some deadly liquid. You can’t walk there, and you can’t throw the cube far enough to reach it.

Hint: You need to use the gravity switching nature of the space to get the cube in the eye. Spawn a cube, then run back to the previous space. When you SHRINK down into it, note how the gravity “switches directions” and the lamps fall down. Look for the blue eye on the ceiling. The red beam should be pointing towards it when you run far enough. Line up the cube to be directly under the powering eye. The red beam should help you line it up. Once it’s been lined up, drop the cube on the ground. Now go back to the platform you started at. When you transition back into the larger space the gravity should switch directions again, and the cube should fall into the powering eye, powering the switch. Go to the switch and activate it. The bridge should fall down and you can progress further.

Bridge 3

Puzzle: You need to put the cube inside the powering eye, but the eye is inside a tunnel area blocked off by a “cube eating wall.

Hint: You need to use the gravity switching nature of the space to get the cube in the eye. Spawn a cube, then run back to the previous space. Look for the tunnel room thing on the ceiling. Note that the ceiling is open in one spot. Place the cube directly under that spot. Not return back to the bridge area. The gravity should switch directions and the cube should fall into the open ceiling space, past the “cube eating wall”. You can now pick the cube up and put it into the powering eye. Once powered, activate the purple switch and the bridge should fall down. You can now progress further.

Bridge 4

Puzzle: You need to put the cube inside the powering eye, but the eye is on some strange platform. There seems to be a cube spawner under one of the bridges, but it’s easily accessible.

Hint: The trick is to realize that the weird platform area is actually upside down! You need a way to access it in its right-side up state. To do that go back to the previous repetition of the space. Once you SHRINK down into it, turn around and SHIFT the world. Notice how the platform area’s “ceiling” is now below your feet. Drop down onto the platform. Go past the first SHRINK gate. Look for the cube spawner on the ceiling to your right. Spawn a cube and it will fall to the floor. Drop down off the platform onto the floor and pick up the cube. Carry it back to the bridge area with the dark liquid. Keep going over the bridges until you reach the second pedestal protrusion in the platform on your right. It should be black and gold and you should be able to easily place the cube on top. Once it’s in place, go back to the small space you came from. Once you SHRINK down into it, turn around and SHIFT the world again. Drop back down onto the ceiling of the platform. This time go through both SHRINK gates. After the second SHRINK gate you should see the cube on the floor. Pick up the cube and put it in the powering eye. Now you can return to the original platform you started at and activate the purple switch. The bridge should drop down and you can progress further.

Bridge 5

Puzzle: You need to put the cube in the powering eye. You have a weird floating cube but a “cube eating wall” prevents you from putting it into the eye. You have a heavy white cube, but you can’t throw it nearly far enough to get it into the eye.

Hint: If this puzzle is giving you issues, worry not! This is perhaps one of the hardest puzzles in the game. Good job making it this far! Buckle up, ‘cause this is a weird one. You’ll need to use both cubes to solve the puzzle. The real trick is that they both do different things. The white cube is heavy and can fall with gravity. The floating cube can travel far distance, but isn’t affected by gravity. Combined you can get the floating cube into the eye. First, spawn the white cube and drop it down on the lowered platform on the ground with the golden rectangle in the center. Now, turn around and spawn the floating cube. To get it out of this room you need to throw it over the liquid pit, then walk through the second hallway past the “cube eating wall'', then catch the floating cube on the other side. Carry the floating cube all the way past the bridge back to the smaller repetition of the space. The gravity should switch directions and the white cube should fall out of the room that it was in onto the ground. Go over to where the white cube fell on the ground and let go of the floating cube DIRECTLY OVER THE WHITE CUBE. That last part is important! Now go back to the area with the bridges and the dark liquid. Gravity should switch again. Notice that the white cube has fallen down due to gravity and is now weighing down the floating cube, pushing it down into the room below. Go all the way to that room. The floating cube should be there under the white cube. Move the white cube out of the way. Pick up the floating cube and throw it over the liquid into the powering eye. Make sure to aim correctly! Otherwise you’ll have to do the whole process again. Now the eye should be powered. Activate the purple switch, the bridge should fall down, and you can progress further.

Secret Hallway

Puzzle: You need to put the cube in the powering eye. However two “cube eating walls” prevent you from carrying the cube into the eye or outside the hallway.

Hint: You need to use gravity to your advantage here. Spawn the cube then carry so that it is under one of the slots in the ceiling. Place the cube under the slot. Now go back outside the hallway, then back out to the outer repetition of the space. Gravity should switch direction, the bridges should fall down, and the cube along with them! This is only half the battle, however. Go pick up the cube. Now walk back with it such that it’s over the last bridge before the smaller version of the space. The red beam should be pointing mostly upward. Drop the cube here. Now go forward into the smaller space. The gravity should switch and the bridges, along with the cube, should fall down. Go down into the secret hallway. The cube should be at the end of the hallway in the same room with the powering eye. Place the cube in the powering eye. The powered wall should disappear, and you can now progress further.


XII. Mountains

Focus 0

Puzzle: You need to put the sphere in the powering eye, however it blows up after several seconds outside of the blue dome.

Hint: You need to make a pit stop in the second blue dome. The blue domes“regenerate” the “health” of the spheres. First spawn the sphere and pick it up. Walk outside the first blue dome towards the second blue dome. Don’t stop until you’re inside. Once inside, wait a second or two for the “health” of the sphere to regenerate. Now carry the sphere to the powering eye. You should be able to place the sphere in the eye with time to spare. Now you can go back to the “focus” machine thing. Click on it and aim it toward the glowing purple sphere. The doorway should open and you can now progress.

Door 1 / Focus 1

Puzzle: You need to put the sphere in the powering eye, however if you naively run towards the eye the distance is too great, and the sphere blows up.

Hint: The correct path is not always the most obvious one. First get the sphere from the first blue dome area. Take it into the second blue dome, and then into the third blue dome at the top of the ramp. You should see the eye in the distance. Resist its siren song! Turn around. When the world is SHIFTed in the correct way, you should see a small version of the powering eye with two platforms leading directly to it. This way is shorter! While holding the sphere walk over one of the platforms, and then make a turn to the powering eye. You should SHRINK down to its size. Place the sphere in the powering eye. Now go to the “focus” machine thing. Aim it directly UP at the purple sphere thing in the sky. Now you can progress further.

Door 2 / Focus 2

Puzzle: You need to put the sphere in the powering eye, however if you naively run towards the eye the distance is too great, and the sphere blows up. There’s a ramp up the side and a blue dome on top, but you can’t get up there with the sphere either.

Hint: The correct path is not always the most obvious one. First get the sphere from the first blue dome. Look at the powering eye, now turn around. There should be a gap in the floor leading down. If the world is SHIFTed correctly, when you drop that hole you should fall through a blue dome on the wall. This will recharge your sphere just enough that you can walk into the blue dome just before the ramp. Once there go to the blue dome at the top of the ramp. Look to your left. In the side of the “mountain” thing is a blue dome. Go into that. Once inside you can see that there’s a passageway that leads from this blue dome to the next one. Go through that passageway to the next blue dome. If you look at the ground in front of the blue dome there’s a slot in the floor. That’s the original area you started in. The powering eye is at the end of that slot in the ground. Step forward and you’ll SHRINK down, then step into the slot in the ground. Below you should be the powering eye. Put the sphere in the powering eye. Now aim the “focus” at the black purple sphere in the middle of the level. Now you can progress further.

Door 3 / Focus 3

Puzzle: You need to get to the sphere spawner, but it’s trapped behind glass, seemingly with no way in.

Hint: You need to find the entrance on the outside. Starting from the area with the glass and the sphere spawner, go back down the hallway to the center of the level. Now go up the ramp at the back of that area. Once at the top turn right and go around the outside of the “mountain” thing. You should see a yellow red power cable. Follow the red power cable to the right, around the wall, into the blue dome. If you look down at the ground you should see a small slot in the ground. Walk forward over the slot. You should SHRINK down and fall into the slot (otherwise walk into it). Go down the ramp in the slot. The sphere spawner is inside the blue dome. Now take the sphere and head back up the ramp to the blue dome at the top of the ramp. You may be tempted to go around the wall and follow the power cable to the powering eye, but that path is just a bit too long to work. You’ll have to take the long way. Look to the right of the slot on the ground. You should see a smaller blue dome in the repetition of the space. Walk into that area, you should SHRINK down and be able to go into the blue dome. Once there, SHIFT the world, then look to your right. You should see another blue dome in the middle of the gap in the “mountain thing”. Run into that blue dome. Once inside, keep going in the direction and peek over the edge. You should see the hallway that leads to the powering eye. The distance from this blue dome is shorter, so you should be able to make it. Drop down to the ground then run forward and put the sphere inside the eye. Now follow the power cable to the “focus” machine. Aim it toward the purple sphere in the middle of the level. You can now progress further.

Door 4 / Focus 4

Puzzle: You need to get to the sphere spawner, but the obvious path which follows the power cable goes all the way around the edge of the map, and is much too long to be able to make it with the sphere intact.

Hint: The path to get to the powering eye is a bit tricky. First grab the sphere from the sphere spawner, go to the blue dome at the bottom of the ramp, then go to the blue dome at the top of the ramp. Now look left. Go into the blue dome in the side of the “mountain” thing. Follow the passageway there into the second blue dome in the side of the “mountain” thing. Look 45 degrees to your left and there should be a smaller blue dome before you. Walk forward, you’ll SHRINK down, and then walk into the blue dome. There’s a blue dome in the distance that seems like you might be able to get to, but it is in fact too far away. You’ll need to go the long way round. Look to the right a bit and then SHIFT the world. At the top of the “mountain thing” in the gap in the middle is another blue dome which is much closer. Run into that blue dome. Once inside you might be tempted to turn around and head to that other blue dome again, but don’t! It’s still too far away. Instead keep going forward and peek over the edge of the “mountain thing” to the left. On the ground should be a blue dome you can actually get to. Run over the edge and to the left into that blue dome. Look to your left again and run into the blue dome directly ahead. Almost there! The red power cable is in front of you, but don’t follow that, as the path is too long. Instead look to your left. There should be a gap in the wall on the floor in front of you, and just peeking up over the edge should be a bit of glass from the area with the powering eye. Run directly through the gap in the wall towards the bit of glass. Fall off the edge onto the ground below and place the sphere in the powering eye. Now turn around and aim the “focus” machine at the purple/black sphere in the middle of the map. You can now progress further.


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