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Aimbot or Expert? How to Spot Cheating in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

When it comes to hacking these days, it’s getting a lot harder to spot, especially in huge games like Call of Duty. Things have become so intensely intricate that some players who are hacking just make themselves look really skilled. It’s not always an obvious thing when hackers are using cheats to get ahead, but it can still be spotted. There are a few tells that hackers have when playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, and these are a good litmus test for those players. 

Why Cheat in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?

People cheat in Modern Warfare 3 for the same reasons they cheat anywhere- fun, ego, money, or just to be a jerk. If you’re going to cheat, at least don’t try to be the last option there, because nobody likes that guy. The real reason in MW3 though is money, because people will pay a lot of money for a top 250 account. Even just for accounts that have a decent level and loadout, because people hate having to grind for decent guns. This means meeting the demands of these people who don’t want to grind falls to the hackers in Call of Duty. They’ll use cheats to artificially advance an account through the leveling phase, even just pulling Battle Pass rewards. 

When they do eventually sell the accounts they’ve hacked to the top, it’s for some big money, as in hundreds of dollars. Considering a good grinding run on MW3 can take a few days if that’s all they set their mind to, that’s pretty good money. That also depends on where they rank as well, with some Discords for selling accounts seeing even higher numbers. That’s only for Call of Duty too, as other games with more competitive player bases sell for some insane amounts.

Cheaters Brag

Most of the people who use cheats aren’t just going to take a win and be quiet about it. A lot of people do it for their own ego, and in the toxic cesspool that is a Call of Duty lobby, it can only get worse. Especially when expanded to the massive player count of Warfare 3, with over a hundred players at a time. If someone is bragging to everyone they kill, it’s good odds that they’re either really cocky in their skills or they’re cheating. Usually, it’s going to be the latter option, and you’ll be able to tell. by their attitude toward other players when they die or get a kill in.

Deaths for them will usually result in a tirade of curses and threats that would make the most hardcore sailor blush. If they win though, they become the world’s worst braggart, not letting anyone forget their defeat. It’s a toss-up of which player you’re more likely to get in a match, but if they’re overly toxic, they may need to get a few reports to take a break anyway. This might be a job for some people, but they still need to chill out and see that other people are just trying to have fun. 

Their Aim is Too Good

Some hackers will rely on the aimbot to get to the top of the list, taking every shot possible and making sure it hits. These are usually some of the easiest to find because of just how stupidly obvious they can be. Most people don’t realize that aimbots being used through subscriptions or just single hacks have sensitivity sliders. A lot of players will simply use it at the default levels, and in doing so make themselves the most visible target for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 players to get reporting. If someone runs by you with seemingly no notice just to headshot you automatically, odds are that you've just encountered an aimbot user.

Aimbots are going to be the easiest to report since they’re the easiest to find. Just know that you probably aren’t going to be the only one to find them, so they should catch the ol’ boot and ban combo pretty quickly. One other defining feature of aimbot use is that it will often shoot straight for the head, going for the quickest possible kill on players. That’s usually a dead giveaway, especially if they’re getting you from some really stupidly impossible angles or distances. 

Inflated Kill Count

Before even loading into a game of COD Warfare 3 it’s possible to tell if people are cheating. Their Kill/Death ratio is going to be insane, often in the levels of hundreds to one or some other lower number. Some more brazen hackers will let themselves get up into the thousands before finally getting caught or disabled. Kill counts will make it pretty apparent who the cheaters are, especially if they’re using combinations of aimbot, ESP, and radar cheats to get the jump on other players.

When you do see one of these players in a lobby with you, just be wary and keep an eye out. They can come out of nowhere and kill you without the slightest hint. If you notice that they seem to be able to find you too easily, their shots are too accurate, or they’re just being odd in general, they may be cheating. It’s often a pretty big combination of things that leads to these levels of outright, in-your-face cheating. Some people’s egos are too big to keep in check though, usually leading to their downfall.

Psychic Powers

If players are using ESP hacks then they’re going to appear as some sort of fortune teller or future seer by other players. These hacks will often put a third-party software on the game, giving players a sixth sense on the battlefield. When a bullet is approaching it will play a directional ping, sometimes even glitching you slightly to the side of the flying ammunition. Other times they may just know when you’re approaching, getting a ping that someone is sneaking up behind. This can absolutely kill any chances of a fair encounter most of the time. 

Players using ESP in Modern Warfare 3 are going to be a real pain to get a hit in on, especially while they’re using other hacks to hit players. The best option here is to go straight for the report feature, taking them out of the game entirely. These reports often will get the account banned entirely too, so it could take care of the problem for future players if you’re lucky. 

Cheaters aren’t always out to ruin the fun. Some cheat just for their own fun, but keep it fair enough that they’re not ruining it for everyone. Hacks through sites like VeteranCheats are great for anyone just looking to sit back and level without the stress of being demolished. It’s still important to be able to spot hackers though, especially seeing that some experts at Call of Duty are really, really good. So, just keep an eye out, and trust your gut when it comes to spotting the cheaters in Modern Warfare 3.

NOTE: The opinions within this article reflect those of the poster, and not of Adventure Gamers. Our policy is that game reviews can never be guest posts.
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