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Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


D.C. - 16 October 2012 05:10 AM

I just finished Dishonored and was sort of blown away. Beautiful art direction and excellent story telling told through observations rather than cutscenes. Almost like a combination of Thief and BioShock gameplay. Can’t recommend it more if you’re into these kinds of games! Next up is XCOM! Grin

Yup, i finished it and now playing again for different solutions, found out plenty of new tricks, routes and non lethal ways i missed the first time. Then i have to ghost the game on hard later.

The amount of ways to tackle the objectives is insane thanks to powers and
level design. One can get really creative.



Total Posts: 1902

Joined 2010-11-16


just finished resonance and its a very nicely put together game. For much of the game i thought the story was okay but i wasnt completely into it. The big twist changed that, and made a lot of things make more sense and fit better. The puzzles were fun and paced nicely.. my biggest complaint with the mechanics is that sometimes it could be nitpicky with responses needed to advance (having to bring up a certain subject in 1 specific way). But its a cool system and worth playing through a little frustration. The sound was also a big plus, both voice acting and music (particularly the credits theme).
If i was going to give it a score right now id say… 9/10
Im tempted to play through again with the commentary.


Total Posts: 643

Joined 2006-09-24


I finished The Book of Unwritten Tales. Such a beautiful, wonderful game. A classic.

I wish I knew a Wilbur in real life whom I could take everywhere and hug all the time.


Total Posts: 86

Joined 2003-09-21


nomadsoul - 18 October 2012 06:43 PM

The amount of ways to tackle the objectives is insane thanks to powers and
level design. One can get really creative.

The end felt a little anti-climactic, but it was an exceptional ride while it lasted! Grin


Right or wrong, weak or strong.


Total Posts: 643

Joined 2006-09-24


Dark Fall: Lost Souls

Pretty good overall. Quite spooky with great sound and atmosphere. The story was a little disjointed, and sometimes I was a wee bit annoyed with the navigation, but those weren’t major issues. Great game for Halloween!

I think now I’ll just wait for Cognition to be released on the 30th and take a break tonight and tomorrow.


Total Posts: 28

Joined 2010-05-14


Last testament of Sherlock Holmes

- Too many standalone puzzles
- Great locations, graphics and the puzzles
- Horrible mouth synch
- Story started off great and went downhill
- Horrible WTF ending. HORRIBLE!!
- Disappointing confrontation closure (that ending will haunt me for days god the pain)

I give it a 7/10


Total Posts: 28

Joined 2010-05-14




-Assassin-Stealth a la Riddick
-Killing is very satisfying which inevitable leads to the omnicidal ending (yay!)
-Some cool powers


-Cliché story, uninteresting
-Mute main character (yaaawn again?)
-Gameplay becomes repetitive and way too easy
-The graphics are ok (many disagree ofc) but i did not like the style (gorilla hands)
-Repetitive environments, bleak,bland,etc..
-Terrible assassinations, TERRIBLE! They really should play Hitman Blood Money for some interesting scenarios (the ball was meh, could’ve been so much cooler)
-too short!!!

A hyped up game and i knew it was gonna disappoint. The trailer looked amazing but the game itself is a stinker. 5/10 and this is being generious.


Total Posts: 643

Joined 2006-09-24


The Blackwell Deception

Great game. Left me wanting even more, but I’m not sure what the plans are for the series.


Total Posts: 21

Joined 2009-07-30


Finally finished “Assassin’s Creed 2”! It was the first game I got on my PS3 back for Christmas 2010, and now it’s the second game I’ve finished on this system after “Heavy Rain”. Naturally I’ve started “Brotherhood”.


Finished: Assassin’s Creed 2 (PS3)
Playing now: Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (PS3), The Longest Journey (PC)
To continue: So Blonde (PC), Silent Hill Homecoming (PS3)


Total Posts: 28

Joined 2010-05-14




- Illogical puzzles and annoying mini games.
- The sequence of puzzles and trigger sequences (the store example) puts a dent in enjoying the game.
- Flat humor, Rufus has his moments but the guy tries too hard sometimes.
- Disappointing ending but with a sequence in my hands it wasn’t that bad (for those who had to wait.. lame Nerd )
- Terrible cheap movie sequences, choppy and the mouth synch is way off. Also the bum song doesn’t make any sense (maybe that’s the point?)


-Beautiful environments, Deponia has its charms
-The monkey island vibe is def here, points for nostalgia!
-interesting characters, puzzles are a challenge and satisfying
-Story is ok

I give it a 8/10, i really enjoyed it

Chaos on Deponia

All the above + Floating black market was pretty amazing. The puzzles are a challenge (some illogical ones) but damn i loved the monkey island travelling and the freedom in pursuing your goals. I really really enjoyed it, it def surpassed the first one. I can’t wait for the third one/

I give it a 9/10, probably the best adventure game i’ve played in months!


Total Posts: 8472

Joined 2011-10-21


King’s Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - 4 / 5

Well well well, a King’s Quest game that I actually like! Tongue
Graphically this is very similar to King’s Quest V, but with slightly better imagination (Chessboard Land and the Realm of the Dead are awesome), and with an opening movie that was ahead of its time at the moment of this game’s release. The intro may look dated now, but it must’ve dropped jaws in 1992.
Gameplay-wise this is a massive improvement over earlier Sierra titles (most likely due to the rise of LucasArts’ influence, and Jane Jensen’s participation): most puzzle solutions make more sense (no more pie-throwing at a Yeti), there are fewer deaths (most notably: taking a wrong step doesn’t mean an insta-kill as often), and there are a lot less dead ends than there used to be. The best example of this is entering the catacombs: if you don’t have all the necessary items yet, then Alexander will say he’s not ready to enter the catacombs yet, which enables the player to get the needed items first. Trying to enter the catacombs a second time (while not yet having all the items) WILL lead to a dead end, but hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day…
The biggest improvement over earlier installments lies in the writing and the story, though. Jane Jensen’s impact is immediately noticeable by having an overall more mature storyline. Sure, there’s still a lot of lovey-dovey stuff (it’s the basis for the game after all), and most deaths are still accompagnied by bad puns, but some storylines are much darker than we’re used to in a King’s Quest game, and those prove to be the best parts of the game. Basically, the more mature the story gets, the better the game is. Needless to say, the absolute best part of this game is featured in the “long path” that can be taken to finish the game - and it’s no coincidence that it’s by far the darkest part of the game.
There are of course still some minor faults with the game. Like I said earlier, dead ends still aren’t eradicated, and there is one sequence in particular that’s excruciatingly frustrating: scaling the Cliffs of Copy Protection Logic. It’s overly long, you’re prone to misclicking and falling to your death, and it takes you entirely out of the story. Fortunately you only have to tolerate this sequence once, and luckily the game’s manual (that is needed to complete the sequence) is pretty well-written. Other than that, KQVI is by far the best game Sierra had made up until that point in time, and it ushered in a less frustrating era of Sierra gaming…
And it’s also one of the very first games to feature a fully voiced song during the end credits, a love ballad titled ‘Girl in the Tower’ (which is an adaptation of Princess Cassima’s theme in the game). And it’s not even a bad love ballad at that…

As a side note: although King Graham only has two lines of spoken dialogue in the game, I’m a bit surprised that they didn’t use Josh Mandel again. (Or did they?)
It didn’t sound like the King Graham of KQV, and Josh was not mentioned in the game’s credits…


The truth can’t hurt you, it’s just like the dark: it scares you witless but in time you see things clear and stark. - Elvis Costello
Maybe this time I can be strong, but since I know who I am, I’m probably wrong. Maybe this time I can go far, but thinking about where I’ve been ain’t helping me start. - Michael Kiwanuka


Total Posts: 63

Joined 2007-05-25


Finished Phantasmagoria for the first time.

I loved the graphics. There was so much detail placed into the house, it really was beautiful. The music was awesome too.

The last chapter was a little frustrating to me as I wasn’t sure if I could still find all of the needed items once ‘the chase’ started. Also, the two vagabonds in the shed were annoying.

Altogether I really enjoyed playing the game. My favorite part was that it seemed to get better as it went along, each chapter more exciting than the last so I never found myself getting bored!

Next up: Grim Fandango


Total Posts: 28

Joined 2010-05-14


Chronicles of Zerzura

Eh, really nothing special about it. Bland easy puzzles, cliché story & uninteresting etc. Average game 6,5/10


Amazing game, great graphics, fun puzzles, hilarious conversations. It wish it was longer (the bonus chapter was great) and the abrupt ending sucks too. Let’s hope for a sequel:)


Darkness Within

The game started great until i was stuck. I had all the patches, everything and i played the game on hard detective. So after hours hours of searching, i checked if there were any bugs. Sigh, some items were invincible, some mechanisms don’t even work, i mean this completely RUINED the game for me. I took a walkthrough and speeded through the game, BAH. CRAPPY ENDING. I give it a 2/10 for broken puzzles, unforgivable.

Hitman Absolution

Lame. They completely ruined the hitman franchise. It’s not 47, it’s some guy that saves a little teenage girl and whispers :“i’ll take care of you baby girl” (i’m serious,he actually does this). The cold blooded killer is gone, replaced by the fugitive or whatever. No more sandbox levels, no more real assassinations and much more.I don’t want to think about it anymore back to Blood Money for me.


Far Cry 3

Hunter atmosphere, great conversations, interesting villains. The game got a little repetitive and the sandbox freedom gets old quickly.

8/10, it was a good game with a great ending(s). Def worth it.


Total Posts: 1338

Joined 2009-08-06



They’re only the publishers, not developers.


Total Posts: 8472

Joined 2011-10-21


Jake Hunter Detective Story: Memories of the Past - 4 / 5

Jake Hunter Detective Story: Memories of the Past is a noir visual novel that has you tackling several cases as Jake Hunter, a gritty, hard-boiled detective who gets by solely on scotch and cigarettes, and who has a good-looking, smart and language-savvy assistant called Yulia Marks.
The pair may not sound like the most original combination, and in fact the entire premise of Jake Hunter is rather cliché (Jake is best friends with a high-ranking police inspector, and also with a high-ranking member of a mobster family, for instance). But despite the been-there-done-that set-up, it all works pretty well as a whole.
There are five cases to be solved, as well as the titular ‘Memories of the Past’ case (that can even serve as a framework for the other cases if you choose to play it that way). All these cases have a large amount of variation in them (murder, missing persons, theft, smuggling, fraud, etc.), and none of them fail to hit the mark.
One case in particular stands out above the rest, namely the fourth case, ‘As Time Goes By’. Coincidentally, this is also the first case where you not only play as Jake Hunter, but also as Yulia Marks. This particular case even manages to pack an emotional punch by its conclusion, which makes me compare it to the best that the Phoenix Wright games had to offer. This case alone is worth the price of the game, imo.
But of course, there’s more to Jake Hunter than just 6 cases that average at two to three hours of game time each. If the rather humourless, gritty and dark approach starts to get you down, you can easily switch to the *other* part of the game: Jake Hunter ‘Unleashed’.
Jake Hunter Unleashed is a series of cases with a distinctively different style: instead of the realistic graphics and the adult take on things, the Unleashed-cases are done in a very cartoony graphical style, and are a LOT more humourous. And in these cases you can actually fail and get a ‘game over’ (which is not possible in the main cases). Naturally, the shorter (30 minutes to an hour on average) Unleashed cases are little more than a fun distraction, but they’re a welcome addition. Some of them (like ‘Picture Perfect’ and ‘The Mysterious Hotel’) even manage to be both clever and fun…
Jake Hunter Detective Story: Memories of the Past may be pretty low on actual gameplay (it’s a visual novel after all) and the translation could have done with a few less spelling mistakes and typos, but the total of six main cases, six ‘Unleashed’ cases, and 20 unlockables (which feature a variety of bonus content like designer/developer comments, concept art, and even some bonus puzzles) make this a pretty meaty game that’ll easily net you over 20 hours of gaming. Not too shabby, if you ask me…


The truth can’t hurt you, it’s just like the dark: it scares you witless but in time you see things clear and stark. - Elvis Costello
Maybe this time I can be strong, but since I know who I am, I’m probably wrong. Maybe this time I can go far, but thinking about where I’ve been ain’t helping me start. - Michael Kiwanuka

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