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Old 06-10-2009, 04:04 AM   #2681
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Originally Posted by tsa View Post
Wep) What is the biggest animal you have killed?

Pfu) Tell us about a close encounter you've had with an animal in the wild.

Uks) Have you ever killed an animal and eaten it?
1. A Bird...... It was completely by accident... it flew in front of my car.
2. When Matt and I were dating we left his apartment and a fox came out of the woods. Once it saw us it ran back into the woods.
3. Do fish count? I didn’t eat the fish….. I gutted it and cleaned it and Matt and Jenna had it for dinner.

1. What is your favorite meal?
2. Do you like to cook?
3. No matter how hard you try ….. What can’t you cook?
Lord make my words as sweet as honey, for tomorrow I may have to eat them.

“Pretty badass and tough and won't take crap from anyone” -Squinky
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Old 06-10-2009, 07:11 PM   #2682
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Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
1. What is your favorite meal?
2. Do you like to cook?
3. No matter how hard you try ….. What can’t you cook?
  1. Oh my, I really can't answer that directly. The older I get, the more culinary experiences I have and therefore place me the farthest from a single favorite meal.
    But I can answer indirectly: any meal in which the chef has poured their best honed craft into and gives me a gastronomical experience that will not be forgotten. This does not happen at home.
  2. Not really. I'm do prepare sustenance for myself, but don't consider myself a good cook. For myself, I cook simply and rely on others to knock my socks off.
  3. Sauces. I still don't understand the science of a good sauce and probably never will. I bow to the great sauciers of our finest restaurants.
  1. What has been your most favorite culninary experience to date?
  2. What is your favorite comfort food (down home cookin' or diner food qualifies, even burgers)?
  3. Have you ever felt guilty for paying for restaraunt meal that you could have prepared at home yourself?
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:20 AM   #2683
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Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
  1. What has been your most favorite culninary experience to date?
  2. What is your favorite comfort food (down home cookin' or diner food qualifies, even burgers)?
  3. Have you ever felt guilty for paying for restaraunt meal that you could have prepared at home yourself?
1. If it’s at home, I like when I make something that Matt and Jenna look at something and say…. “I don’t think I’m going to like that” and then they end up eating seconds.

2. Oh my…
Fried Chicken
Saw Mill gravy
Cat head biscuits
Mac and Cheese
Green beans
Tea to drink
Yellow butter cake w/ chocolate frosting

3. Sometimes….but sometimes you just don’t want to cook.
1. If you could go back to High School what would you change? (i.e. make more friends, make amends… so on)
2. Did you play sports in High School?
3. What sports don’t you like and why?
Lord make my words as sweet as honey, for tomorrow I may have to eat them.

“Pretty badass and tough and won't take crap from anyone” -Squinky
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:28 AM   #2684
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Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
1. If you could go back to High School what would you change? (i.e. make more friends, make amends… so on)
2. Did you play sports in High School?
3. What sports don’t you like and why?
1. Oh please don't let me go back to High School! I sometimes have nightmares about being back at school.
2. No.
3. I don't like any sport. They give me bad, bad memories about High School.


I'm far too busy to be here on the forus so I pass Bullsie's questions on to the next person and will stop procrastinating now.
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Old 06-12-2009, 08:53 AM   #2685
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. What sorts of things would you rather buy brand new?
2. What sorts of things would you rather buy used?
3. What sorts of things would you rather borrow?
1. Boxers.
2. Guitars.
3. Video games.

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. How has Obama done his job so far?
2. Has the current economic crisis changed your mind about capitalism?
3. How does the crisis affect you personally?
1. Yes. I had no greater expectations than that he would do his job conscientiously and make things happen. He's done that. If I were American, I'd be proud.
2. No. I think that a free market economy has a dark side, and for every multi-millionaire or wannabe who preaches the gospel, there are plenty of people living in squalor down the street who can tell you what BS it all is.
3. I'm still not working, and the bills are looming. It's made me very anxious.

Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. What's the last thing that surprised you?
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
3. Are you still in contact with any of your childhood friends?
1. How good that container of strawberries from our local grocery store were.
2. I don't eat breakfast on a regular basis. Occasionally cereal, occasionally breakfast sausage on a bun, rarely waffles and sausage. Today I finished a container of strawberries that weren't as good as the previous container.
3. Yes, Scott and I still talk from time to time, and I was best man at his wedding a couple of years ago.

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. So tell me: where on Earth would you like to live and in what era in our history? For instance: In Southern France in the Middle Ages.
2. What job would you have there?
3. What is so attractive about the situation you just described?
1. Venice in the Age of Enlightenment or London at the height of the Victorian era or the Swinging 60s.
2. Artist or musician. Perhaps a writer in Swinging London.
3. I know those eras were filled with troubles, but I'd like to have seen them for myself. Maybe a blue police box...

Originally Posted by Fantasysci5 View Post
1. If you could have any pet in the world (that exists), what would it be?
2. Why would you pick that?
3. What kind of pros and cons would having that pet have?
1. I have a cat. That's as much pet as I have any interest in at this time.
2. I grew up with cats, so I'm used to their peculiarities.
3. Vlad bites, scratches, and frequently pesters to be let outside. He's also fussy about his wet food.

Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
  1. What pets do you consider to be the most maintanence? (I'm thinking Chimp, and yes, I've known some with one.)
  2. Do you know any carnies with a pet chimp?
  3. Are lizards really "pets"
1. Fish are more trouble than they're worth. Lap dogs are annoying.
2. No.
3. Yes, sort of, but I wouldn't want one. Not even an iguana or chameleon, and they're kinda neat.

Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
1. What do you eat for breakfast?
2. How do you drink you coffee ( strong... chunky... with cream and sugar.. and so on)
3. Favorite breakfast meat?
1. Answered this one.
2. I don't drink coffee anymore. Stomach problems.
3. Breakfast sausage. Not English Bangers. Those things taste nasty.

Originally Posted by Jelena View Post
1. If you could make one change in your life right now. What would it be?
2. If you could go back in time and change one single thing. What would it be?
3. If you could read the mind of one person, who would you choose?
1. I'd like to have the books I'm working on done and in print.
2. I'd go back and convince myself to see a psychiatrist to get medication before I flunked out of college, so I could go on to possibly get a certificate in graphic design.
3. I can't choose anyone in particular.

Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. What's a defining event in your childhood that made you feel insecure about yourself?
2. What's a defining event in your childhood that made you feel confident about yourself?
3. Pretend you have kids, if you don't already. In what ways do you raise your kids differently from the way your parents raised you?
1. I honestly can't pin down one specific event, though I suspect having Jerome Phillips knock me down and jump on my chest while I laid on the ground may have been a little ego-destroying.
2. If I had any, they no longer resonate with me. Perhaps my first girlfriend in Hillsdale Elementary.
3. I could delude myself into thinking that I would do a better job than my mother did, but really, I would have a hard time not instilling my own neuroses and insecurities onto my children.

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. When did you discover the thing that makes you you?
2. Did you think a lot about what to do with your life when you were an adolescent?
3. Who helped you the most in finding out who you are?
1. When I was a boy, I wrote a piece of horrible fanfic featuring Rom the Space Knight and Geiger's Alien, which I illustrated int he margins with crayon. Happily, that piece no longer exists. However, my love of storytelling started to really hit home there.
2. No. I figured I'd be a writer or artist when I grew up. I'm still waiting.
3. My mother, though not consistently, and I'm pretty sure I didn't turn out the way she'd hoped.

Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. Would your adolescent self be proud of the person you are now?
2. If you were raised in a different country, how would your personality have changed, and how would it have stayed the same?
3. How do you occupy your brain while you're going for a long walk/run/bike ride/whatever?
1. Probably not.
2. I can only make rough suppositions. If I grew up in another country, I would perhaps be a little more focussed on basic survival skills and getting work. However, I'd probably be even more high strung than I am now.
3. Music and conversations with people I wish I could speak to just then.

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. What animals do you find the most creepy?
2. What animals do you find the most cute?
3. What animals are the most indispensible for keeping our planet habitable?
1. Most flying insects. I'm okay with moths. Flies just irritate me. But bees, wasps, yellow jackets and mosquitos freak me out.
2. Baby bunnies?
3. Bees, probably. I still don't like them though.

Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
  1. What musical instrument do you wish that you knew how to play (that you do not now know how to play)?
  2. How green is your thumb?
  3. Do you believe that religion and the theory of evolution are diametrically opposed?
1. Drums.
2. Not very. I have no real affinity for raising plants.
3. No, but I think fundamentalists make religious explanations for life on Earth far less appealing to me than the scientific explanations do.

Originally Posted by Trumagottist
!) What makes you happy right now?
") Do you have a quote you like?
#) Do you have a good memory? (And how has that changed over the years?)
1. Music.
2. Not really. I'm lousy with quotes. I don't even use epigraphs in my stories. Perhaps song lyrics. Out of woman comes the man. Spend the rest of his life getting back when he can'~ P. Gabriel 'And every single meeting with his supposed superior is a humiliating kick in the crotch'~ Sting
3. Snuggling. Kissing. Warmly hugging. Not specific times. These are a few of my favourite things...

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
Wep) What is the biggest animal you have killed?
Pfu) Tell us about a close encounter you've had with an animal in the wild.
Uks) Have you ever killed an animal and eaten it?
1. ants or worms. I don't kill animals myself.
2. Moose on the road coming back from Bala. Fox running across the road between sections of the Rail Trail here in Hamilton. Then there was that chupacabra...
3. No. I'm a meat eater, but I'm not a hunter. When the zombie apolcalypse comes, I'm done for.

Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
1. What is your favorite meal?
2. Do you like to cook?
3. No matter how hard you try ….. What can’t you cook?
1. Lasagna.
2. I like to cook, but not as much as my wife does.
3. Alfredo sauce.

Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
  1. What has been your most favorite culninary experience to date?
  2. What is your favorite comfort food (down home cookin' or diner food qualifies, even burgers)?
  3. Have you ever felt guilty for paying for restaurant meal that you could have prepared at home yourself?
1. The first time I made chicken cattiatore for Wendy.
2. Potato chips, chicken soup, clam chowder, pizza.
3. Only if the bill is over $30.

Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
1. If you could go back to High School, what would you change? (i.e. make more friends, make amends… so on)
2. Did you play sports in High School?
3. What sports don’t you like and why?
1. I'd encourage myself to struggle through some business courses.
2. Only when forced to. I liked baseball and soccer.
3. Football, hockey, basketball. Three sports that really favour aggression and bigger physiques.

1a. Have you ever written a song?
1b. Do you wish you could write a song? What about?
2a. Did you ever hear the song performed or recorded?
2b. If you ever do write a song, would you like to hear it performed or recorded?
3a. Did it sound anything like you'd hoped?
3b. If you ever do write a song, who would you like it to be performed or recorded by?
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Old 06-12-2009, 09:39 AM   #2686
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1. I have written several short musical pieces, but no actual songs that you can, like, sing and stuff. I haven't really developed any skill at writing lyrics. Perhaps I need a lyricist.
2. Save for that time when Trumgottist played trumpet for me on "I Couldn't Find The Words" (the Pigeons in the Park theme song), I've only recorded MIDI-sequenced music. I have some equipment available to record some of my real instruments, though, and I do intend on recording something for a future game in the coming weeks. Also, I'm planning to compose some music that my band can play.
3. Trum's trumpet sounded absolutely beautiful. I have yet to hear whether my own brass playing sounds any good on a real recording, but I think it'll pretty much automatically be better than MIDI horns. My band's a bit hit-or-miss when it comes to sounding good on recordings; our best performances tend to be live, with an enthusiastic audience. Hopefully, we'll all get better with practice.


1. What kinds of music do you listen to and/or play?
2. How important is the actual music to you, and how important are the lyrics?
3. Generally, for the kind of music you listen to, how many times does it take listening to a song to make out what's being said in the lyrics (if there are any)?
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Old 06-12-2009, 02:33 PM   #2687
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post

1. What kinds of music do you listen to and/or play?
2. How important is the actual music to you, and how important are the lyrics?
3. Generally, for the kind of music you listen to, how many times does it take listening to a song to make out what's being said in the lyrics (if there are any)?
1. Hard to be spesific so I will say Alternative Ambient/Pop/Folk/Rock/Experimental, in terms of playing if I go by what I make myself it usually sounds very "melancholy" folk.
2. The melody is to me the most important aspect, lyrics don't really matter to me. I have it hard to pay attention to lyrics unless they say something new.
3. I think I would say when I have reached the 30th repetition. Because the more I listen to a song the more I hear each of the individual layers. By the end I end up noticing the lyrics. However it does help if the vocals stand out more in the music than not.


1. What type of instrument would you like to learn how to play, and why?
2. What do you prefer cooking (stir/fry) or baking (kneading)?
3. What are your thoughts towards the future of technology?

Last edited by MikeLXXXVIII; 06-12-2009 at 02:46 PM.
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:07 PM   #2688
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Originally Posted by MikeLXXXVIII View Post
1. What type of instrument would you like to learn how to play, and why?
2. What do you prefer cooking (stir/fry) or baking (kneading)?
3. What are your thoughts towards the future of technology?
1. I'd like to learn to play the theremin, because it sounds nice.
2. Kneading gets me tired quite quickly so I prefer stirring and frying.
3. You can't predict the future of technology.


1. Tell us about your brother(s) and/or sister(s).

2. What is your favorite type of art?

3. What would you like to see the EU develop into?
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:50 PM   #2689
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1. My sister is older and mostly annoying, and we don't agree on anything, but we get along most of the time.
2. Video game art.
3. The 51st American state.


1. Why do restaraunt staff smoke?
2. What would the world be like if religion didn't exist?
3. Were Iran's elections rigged?
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Old 06-16-2009, 02:48 PM   #2690
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1. Because they're being cooked, silly!
2. That's a hard question. If it were a matter of religion never having existed at all, then I think it's impossible to tell, given how big a part religion has historically played in building civilisation. Even Islam, which is the epitome of corruption today, brought about many scientific and technological advances in the middle ages. If it's a matter of religion ceasing to exist now (i.e. in an "it was useful in the past but humanity has outgrown it" sort of way) then I think that the power-hungry bigots who are hurting people in the name of religion are just going to find some other excuse to hurt people.
3. The evidence seems to suggest so. Personally, I'm not surprised.


1. Name one thing that offends you.
2. Name one thing that doesn't offend you but offends a lot of other people.
3. Name one thing that once used to not offend you but now does.
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Old 06-16-2009, 08:26 PM   #2691
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Originally Posted by Lee in Limbo View Post
1a. Have you ever written a song?
1b. Do you wish you could write a song? What about?
2a. Did you ever hear the song performed or recorded?
2b. If you ever do write a song, would you like to hear it performed or recorded?
3a. Did it sound anything like you'd hoped?
3b. If you ever do write a song, who would you like it to be performed or recorded by?
1a. Yes
1b. Most of my songs are instrumental, so they are about fanciful things.
2a. I have recorded several of my songs in my own studio, but they've not been distributed (and I'm not sure I can even lay hands on them anymore, with my studio being in disarray for a decade or more).
2b. Yes
3a. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. (name that obscure reference)
3b. Me
  1. Do you have any commercial credits for music performed or recorded (if so, what are they)?
  2. If not, do you have any musical performances or recordings that you wish were acredited?
  3. Do you play and instrument and know how to play several compositions by others, but have never written any of your own?
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Old 06-16-2009, 08:33 PM   #2692
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Originally Posted by Giligan View Post
1. Why do restaraunt staff smoke?
2. What would the world be like if religion didn't exist?
3. Were Iran's elections rigged?
  1. It's an addiction. Heck, some of our greatest world-class chefs smoke.
  2. Imagine there's no religion, no hell below us, above us only sky. (Really, dieties have been with us for EVAH.)
  3. Probably.
What board-game should we all know how to play?
What board-game have you had your life's-fill of?
Do you have an idea for a new board-game? (If so, tell us about it.)
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Old 06-16-2009, 08:42 PM   #2693
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. Name one thing that offends you.
2. Name one thing that doesn't offend you but offends a lot of other people.
3. Name one thing that once used to not offend you but now does.
Smoking restaurant staff, yuch .

1. Being percieved as dumb because of my heart condition. That happened to me only once, 34 years ago. The fact that I still remember it (I was 6 at the time) says enough I think. Furthermore I hate it when people treat me as if they know me, when in fact we just met less than a minute ago.

2. It takes quite a lot to insult/offend me. I can't come up with an example right now.

3. Not being taken seriously.


Those were nice questions Squinks! I'll post the opposite questions:

1. Name one thing that flatters you.
2. Name one thing that doesn't flatter you but flatters a lot of other people.
3. Name one thing that once used to not flatter you but now does.
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Old 06-16-2009, 09:53 PM   #2694
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Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
  1. Do you have any commercial credits for music performed or recorded (if so, what are they)?
  2. If not, do you have any musical performances or recordings that you wish were acredited?
  3. Do you play and instrument and know how to play several compositions by others, but have never written any of your own?
1. Nope.
2. Not really. I don't intend on pursuing music as anything other than a hobby slash excuse to go outside and meet interesting people.
3. I did from the time I was about four years old up until I discovered MIDI software, which was about ten years later.

Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
What board-game should we all know how to play?
What board-game have you had your life's-fill of?
Do you have an idea for a new board-game? (If so, tell us about it.)
1. Settlers of Catan! Luckily, it's easy to learn.
2. Monopoly.
3. I could think of one if hard-pressed, but these days, my mind's too cluttered with video game ideas.

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. Name one thing that flatters you.
2. Name one thing that doesn't flatter you but flatters a lot of other people.
3. Name one thing that once used to not flatter you but now does.
1. A random stranger on the internet telling me that a game I made resonated with them emotionally.
2. Compliments about my appearance. When they're from strangers, I get creeped out (though I think most women do), but when they're from people I know and like and sometimes love, I still don't always get what the big deal is. It's not like I put that much effort into the way I look, after all.
3. Being told I'm smart and/or mature for my age. My parents used to do it all the time when I was a kid and I hated it, now I secretly enjoy it even though I don't always believe it's true.


1. How is telling women to cover their hair different from telling women to cover their boobs?
2. Have you ever found someone attractive immediately upon looking at them, but hated them immediately upon having a conversation with them?
3. Could you ever see yourself having a real relationship with someone who looked like a supermodel?
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Old 06-16-2009, 10:22 PM   #2695
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. How is telling women to cover their hair different from telling women to cover their boobs?
2. Have you ever found someone attractive immediately upon looking at them, but hated them immediately upon having a conversation with them?
3. Could you ever see yourself having a real relationship with someone who looked like a supermodel?
1. Not. Women should wear what they want. Of course there are cultural rules but everyone should choose to comply to them or ignore them, and take the consequences.
2. Yes, that sometimes happens. Looks aren't everything.
3. Why not? Looks aren't everything.


1. Why is Twitter so popular?
2. Have you ever immersed yourself in a fad?
3. Are you more, or less susceptible to fads than when you were younger?
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Old 06-17-2009, 02:55 PM   #2696
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1. Why, for that matter then, are Facebook, blogging, and the AG Community Blog so popular?

2. Yes, every now and then. It's great fun and simply another way of identification. There's nothing inherently wrong with it if you understand its anthropological significance. The problems arise when you follow a fad for the wrong reasons (i.e. fail to adapt it to your needs and tastes and make it your own, and instead just buy it wholesale).

3. What a silly question. It's almost as if there's the suggestion that fads are stupid and if one follows them one is blind. No, they have a lot to do with societal systems, cultural shifts, even indications of the political direction of a given population segment. It looks superficial but it does have certain implications. But I stated above, why not go with the flow as long you do so intelligently?


1. What was the last thing you did for the betterment of your community?
2. Are you altruistic?
3. Are you more likely to volunteer for a cause if you know it'll improve your dossier or do you do it for other reasons, such as social interaction?
platform: laptop, iPhone 3Gs | gaming: x360, PS3, psp, iPhone, wii | blog: a space alien | book: the moral landscape: how science can determine human values by sam harris | games: l.a.noire, portal 2, brink, dragon age 2, heavy rain | sites: NPR, skeptoid, gaygamer | music: ray lamontagne, adele, washed out, james blake | twitter: a_space_alien
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Old 06-17-2009, 04:02 PM   #2697
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1. I played music at a community street festival last weekend.
2. I may be an asshole, but that doesn't mean I don't care.
3. I'm more likely to volunteer for a cause if I can actually be useful to it, and if I perceive the cause itself to be useful. Sometimes I meet cool people, but that's just a side effect.


1. When was the last time you did something you were uncomfortable with because someone you wanted to impress either directly or indirectly pressured you into it?
2. What's the last thing you did that seemed like a good idea at the time but ultimately wasn't?
3. What do you usually do when you offend someone you weren't meaning to offend?
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Old 06-17-2009, 09:55 PM   #2698
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Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. Why is Twitter so popular?
2. Have you ever immersed yourself in a fad?
3. Are you more, or less susceptible to fads than when you were younger?
Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens View Post
1. Why, for that matter then, are Facebook, blogging, and the AG Community Blog so popular?
I can understand why these are popular, but I have a hard time with Twitter. Because you have such a small amount of characters there is no room to explain your feelings etc. Basically all you can do is tell what's happening or point people to websites or places or things. I hoped to find part of an answer to my question here, but alas.

2. Yes, every now and then. It's great fun and simply another way of identification. There's nothing inherently wrong with it if you understand its anthropological significance. The problems arise when you follow a fad for the wrong reasons (i.e. fail to adapt it to your needs and tastes and make it your own, and instead just buy it wholesale).
People who do that are to be pitied because they try so hard to belong to something.

3. What a silly question. It's almost as if there's the suggestion that fads are stupid and if one follows them one is blind.
Where did you get that idea? That was not at all what I meant. Young people are on average more susceptible to new things in their environment, and because they are still finding their own identity are more prone to trying out things like new fads. But I know quite a few people of my age who still try out wuite a few new fads when they come along. There's nothing wrong with that.
No, they have a lot to do with societal systems, cultural shifts, even indications of the political direction of a given population segment. It looks superficial but it does have certain implications. But I stated above, why not go with the flow as long you do so intelligently?
I agree wholeheartedly with that.
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Old 06-17-2009, 10:23 PM   #2699
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Originally Posted by tsa View Post
I can understand why these are popular, but I have a hard time with Twitter. Because you have such a small amount of characters there is no room to explain your feelings etc. Basically all you can do is tell what's happening or point people to websites or places or things. I hoped to find part of an answer to my question here, but alas.
The 140 character limit is part of its draw, particularly in this 21st century era of sound and site bytes. How, say, can you distill a profound thought, an insight, observation, a mood, into so small a space? Succinctness and brevity are your friends, as is a well rounded vocabulary. Or you can simply be simple. But once you get the hang of it you flow from one tweet to another and you can decipher others' tweets.

Twitter takes time and patience. After a while it reveals to you why it's a huge phenomenon.

People who do that are to be pitied because they try so hard to belong to something.
Maybe some of them are still working on creating their own identity, so they try things here and there.

Where did you get that idea? That was not at all what I meant. Young people are on average more susceptible to new things in their environment, and because they are still finding their own identity are more prone to trying out things like new fads. But I know quite a few people of my age who still try out wuite a few new fads when they come along. There's nothing wrong with that.
Some people are self developed sooner so they have other interests. Some people have such a strong and well grounded sense of self that they can easily transform a trend on themselves and make it look like they are one who started it. Some people may never find their true self.
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Old 06-18-2009, 02:16 PM   #2700
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1. Why is Twitter so popular?
2. Have you ever immersed yourself in a fad?
3. Are you more, or less susceptible to fads than when you were younger?

I thought these questions raised an interesting discussion.

1. The appeal might be because of its simplicity and style but then again it also have to do with that many people and celebrities are using it.

2. Hmm I guess you can unconciously immerse yourself in a fad. As we are product of our societies either we like or not. Nothing is truly independent. But I would like to say I have never been much someone who was into spontanious fashion. When I was younger I knew and suspected everyone would stop liking things when it was not "popular" anymore, or when you are too "grown" up for things. Which is just pathetic in my opinion. So I guess to answer I would have to say no.

3. I am definetly more sceptical but if I was sceptical as a 10 year old to these things I wouldn't say I am much more improved now than back then.

Just to put some extra thoughts on the discussion. If I look at the definition of fad, since it can mean many things. *although a very negative denotation in the word itself*

fad [fad] Show IPA
–noun a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., esp. one followed enthusiastically by a group.

I would say there is nothing positive with it. It's like some social movement without a goal or a cause *its worse than that*. I have a big dislike for those who can't keep their minds at the same place especially if it changes by just a few months. Everyone can change, nothing wrong with that but when its regulated and shifts that quickly its just wasteful. Can you imagine how much bullshit materials get overproduced and others suffering due to the consequence of the production of these "fad" goods, just for a certain period?

Fashion is tasteless, suffering comes with it always. It's of course much better if its more "ethical". But that just proves my point if such a thing is a fad. Where you eventually stop "caring" because of new shifts!. I get so disgusted when I read in magazines things like "its now fashionable to be ethical!". Like its just a temporary thing to do! Awesome...

I agree a lot on Tsas points.

Although it's not a bad idea from Interpid side. Being smart about it is a very good point. However I wouldn't say you are joining a fad if you really look into it because you like what you see, and pick up and develop it further. Fad sounds to me like joining the stream in order to be accepted. It's wrong to generalise people who are looking into something out of interest that happens to be a fad. So of course what becomes of interest doesn't have to be bad, but the fact that it follows a cycle where people lose the interest over it when the trend changes is what makes it bad.

1. What type of thoughts and feelings enter your mind when you're thinking of death?

2. Do you think you could ever feel prepared for death (as in accepting your fate)?

3. What would you like to have experienced before dying or have you already reached that experience?

Last edited by MikeLXXXVIII; 06-18-2009 at 02:31 PM.
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