Thread: Three Questions
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Old 06-10-2009, 07:11 PM   #2682
Not A Speck Of Cereal
The Major Grubert.
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Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
1. What is your favorite meal?
2. Do you like to cook?
3. No matter how hard you try ….. What can’t you cook?
  1. Oh my, I really can't answer that directly. The older I get, the more culinary experiences I have and therefore place me the farthest from a single favorite meal.
    But I can answer indirectly: any meal in which the chef has poured their best honed craft into and gives me a gastronomical experience that will not be forgotten. This does not happen at home.
  2. Not really. I'm do prepare sustenance for myself, but don't consider myself a good cook. For myself, I cook simply and rely on others to knock my socks off.
  3. Sauces. I still don't understand the science of a good sauce and probably never will. I bow to the great sauciers of our finest restaurants.
  1. What has been your most favorite culninary experience to date?
  2. What is your favorite comfort food (down home cookin' or diner food qualifies, even burgers)?
  3. Have you ever felt guilty for paying for restaraunt meal that you could have prepared at home yourself?
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