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Xbox One


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


The Self-Publish ordeal is fubar. The whole thing is that indies can’t publish to the arcade….that is no different than the way it is now for the 360. Indies can still publish to the Xbox Live Indie Games.

People are misunderstanding the whole concept. Basically nothing changed and somehow its a big deal.

Though don’t lose hope that things won’t improvie.

He did suggest this could change in the future though, adding, “I would also expect that for this new generation, that we’re going to continue to explore new business models and new ways of surfacing content. But Microsoft Studios is a publisher that works with a wide range of partners, as do a lot of other people, to bring digital content to the box.”

Funny thing is, in one year no one would care about the faults of the XB1 and it would of become common place. We don’t even know the restrictions the PS4 will have.


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 93

Joined 2003-09-10


Here’s a great article from James Silva, who did the two Dishwasher games for XBLA and has the upcoming Charlie Murder coming out for it as well later this year, talking about his positive working experience with Microsoft and how Xbox One shouldn’t change that one bit: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JamesSilva/20130523/192832/

I don’t think there’s anything shady or oppressive about Microsoft’s dealings with indie developers, it just sounds like they’re very hands-on with what goes on their marketplace and have strict certification standards which must be met before release. I think some highly creative, my-vision-shall-be-untouched designers (*cough* Phil Fish and Jonathan Blow *cough) simply do not respond well to any sort of interference and would probably view it as Microsoft infringing on their artistic vision. And they could be right, there are many downsides to Microsoft’s strict releasing policy as well, it’s just probably not the demonic indie-hating monster it’s been made out to be.


Total Posts: 164

Joined 2007-11-25


Monolith - 24 May 2013 02:45 AM

The Self-Publish ordeal is fubar. The whole thing is that indies can’t publish to the arcade….that is no different than the way it is now for the 360. Indies can still publish to the Xbox Live Indie Games.

People are misunderstanding the whole concept. Basically nothing changed and somehow its a big deal.

XBLIG is not going to be on XOne. That fact combined with the statement on self-publishing means everything leads to that there’s not going to be any kind of self-publishing on XOne.

As a side-note I was mostly thinking of XBLA, since XBLIG haven’t produced that many great games (partly due to reportedly unfavorable conditions for indies), and because it’s not available in all countries.

Though don’t lose hope that things won’t improvie.

He did suggest this could change in the future though, adding, “I would also expect that for this new generation, that we’re going to continue to explore new business models and new ways of surfacing content. But Microsoft Studios is a publisher that works with a wide range of partners, as do a lot of other people, to bring digital content to the box.”

Things can always improve, and I’ve already said that we should wait and see what happens till launch, but Typical Marketing Speak like in that quote is not very convincing Wink

We don’t even know the restrictions the PS4 will have.

We know in broad terms how they are going to deal with indies - Sony is still going to offer self-publishing, and has been aggressively courting indie developers in the past months:

EDIT: Fixed a mix-up in my second paragraph.


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


“From an indie developer’s point of view, this reveal was a disappointment,” said Ragnar Tørnquist, founder of Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey developer Red Thread Games.

“I had hoped for more from Microsoft, an assurance that they will be more open and inviting to the rising tide of new games and studios, but there was no mention of it or sign that they are changing the way Xbox Live will work for indie developers, which makes it hard for us to get excited about the platform.

“There’s room for things to change or be clarified closer to launch, but for now our development focus will be on PlayStation 4. Sony has explicitly stated their support of indie development, and we are already looking at taking Dreamfall Chapters onto their platform.


Cannot wait to play Dreamfall Chapters and other Adventures , Indies on PS4 then, would cut down my new PC purchase in 2014.


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Can’t to see what games are announced for the PS4 and XB1 this e3. Once again, the games define the victor.

EDIT: So it turns out you don’t pay a fee with used games. Once again, people jumped to conclusions and were proven wrong. Lets see how much of these things change.


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 2704

Joined 2004-08-02


To me, the direction MS is taking with XBOX 1 is a huge disappointment compared to the one they took early on with the 360.

First and foremost, not being able to sell your used games on eBay or Amazon is a huge blow to consumers. If I bought the disk, it should be mine to do anything I want with it. It works like that for movies, why are games any different? If what the rumors I read are true, you can only sell them online through Microsoft, and they will take a cut of the used sale. Say what? They already took a cut when I bought the game new, now they want to take a cut every time someone sells their used game? That’s just plain greedy. What if 10 people sell the games to each other, are they going to take 10 cuts?

The required connected once a day thing is also another blow to consumers. I am mostly a single player gamer, so I can’t play my bought games if for some reason, my internet connection was down for 24 hours?

From what I also read, Microsoft is not treating indies properly although they were the ones who made the old 360 so popular.

Kinect 2 is definitely cool with your TV, but there, they also didn’t go far enough. You need a cable connection AND a DVR cable box with your XBOX. So what does the XBOX one give me in terms of TV? The ability to tell my XBOX to switch channel versus using a remote? Although the geek in me finds it really cool, it probably will be as gimmicky as Siri on the iPhone. How about running a program side by side to watching a TV show? Again sounds cool, but how often are you gonna do that? And a bigger concern: What is the overhead in terms of RAM on developers for such a complicated OS.

Now the last thing is the games. We buy game systems (or at least I do) for the games they can play. I am not going to pass judgement on the lineup so far since they probably have tons of games to be announced at E3. From the games they announced so far, Forza (and racing games in general) have never been my cup of tea. The Remedy game didn’t show much gameplay, so I can pass no judgement there. Call of Duty lost me back in CoD 4: Modern Warfare, so that’s again not for me. We’ll have to wait for E3 to see the rest of the lineup.

I am pretty disappointed with the anti-consumer approach they have been taking with this console so far. I hope that they change their minds about some of these horrible decisions if they get enough backlash from the fans.


Total Posts: 2704

Joined 2004-08-02


Monolith - 24 May 2013 12:50 PM

EDIT: So it turns out you don’t pay a fee with used games. Once again, people jumped to conclusions and were proven wrong. Lets see how much of these things change.

Okay so I just read this, and that’s a huge relief if they do that. Axe one of my biggest complaints, as long as they let me sell the games however and to whoever I want to sell them.


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


SoccerDude28 - 25 May 2013 10:19 PM
Monolith - 24 May 2013 12:50 PM

EDIT: So it turns out you don’t pay a fee with used games. Once again, people jumped to conclusions and were proven wrong. Lets see how much of these things change.

Okay so I just read this, and that’s a huge relief if they do that. Axe one of my biggest complaints, as long as they let me sell the games however and to whoever I want to sell them.

Honestly, there’s nothing more exciting than being able to sell your digital downloads. Something we saw a bit on Steam, but to see it actually make headway….but I just don’t see how it works. The incentive of buying a use physical game is lost in the digital world. Meh It just seems…weird.


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


SoccerDude28 - 25 May 2013 10:10 PM

To me, the direction MS is taking with XBOX 1 is a huge disappointment compared to the one they took early on with the 360.
The required connected once a day thing is also another blow to consumers. I am mostly a single player gamer, so I can’t play my bought games if for some reason, my internet connection was down for 24 hours?

From what I also read, Microsoft is not treating indies properly although they were the ones who made the old 360 so popular.

I am pretty disappointed with the anti-consumer approach they have been taking with this console so far. I hope that they change their minds about some of these horrible decisions if they get enough backlash from the fans.

Yes and M$ is not only backtracking but in full Damage conrol mode, there is hate
everywhere, which is good that consumers are raising voice against restrictions.

All the mixed statements uptill now from executives ones saying its free others saying its with fee etc is a Major PR disaster, they were not prepared for the backlash.

What worse??? They have gone as far as to block user comments on Youtube, thats
what i call Orwellian Smile


German federal commissioner for privacy protection: “Xbone is a surveillance device”.

Berlin - The Federal Data Protection Commissioner Peter Schaar has announced the Microsoft Xbox game console One criticism. “Under the heading, game device ‘Microsoft pushes a monitoring device in the market,” Schaar told SPIEGEL. “The Xbox continuously records all sorts of personal information about me. Reaction rates, my learning or emotional states. The are then processed on an external server, and possibly even passed on to third parties. Whether they will ever deleted, the person can not influence.”


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Nomad, why do you try so hard to troll?


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 473

Joined 2008-01-09


Monolith - 24 May 2013 12:50 PM

Can’t to see what games are announced for the PS4 and XB1 this e3. Once again, the games define the victor.

I agree.  I can’t understand some of the suicidal talk on the web over a freakin’ game “console.”  People need to step outside and get some fresh air.  It’s not the end of the world.


Total Posts: 932

Joined 2004-03-23


So, Microsoft said that you can turn off the Kinect stuff. You can’t remove the camera, but if you don’t want it on, it’s not necessary.


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Once again, premature judgement loses again!

Lets also not talk about the sad folks that are blaming Microsoft for Sony about thinking of using Used Game drm. lol


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 347

Joined 2006-07-30


Monolith - 28 May 2013 01:27 PM

Once again, premature judgement loses again!

Lets also not talk about the sad folks that are blaming Microsoft for Sony about thinking of using Used Game drm. lol

I don’t know, but I don’t think these are cases of premature judgment being incorrect.  There have been too many contradictory statements coming out of Microsoft.  I think these are cases of Microsoft changing course and changing policies in reaction to huge outcries on the internet.  I never bought a 360, and I don’t plan on buying an Xbox One, but I think it’s good that people are rending their garments over this stuff.  Better to flip out now and have Microsoft change things, than just wait and see and get stuck with whatever Microsoft had planned.  Now is the only time to potentially shape the final outcome.  And, also, hopefully, this will act as a huge warning to Sony to not play around with this stuff when they finalize more details on the PS4 (which I might buy).


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Interplay - 28 May 2013 01:53 PM
Monolith - 28 May 2013 01:27 PM

Once again, premature judgement loses again!

Lets also not talk about the sad folks that are blaming Microsoft for Sony about thinking of using Used Game drm. lol

I don’t know, but I don’t think these are cases of premature judgment being incorrect.  There have been too many contradictory statements coming out of Microsoft.  I think these are cases of Microsoft changing course and changing policies in reaction to huge outcries on the internet.  I never bought a 360, and I don’t plan on buying an Xbox One, but I think it’s good that people are rending their garments over this stuff.  Better to flip out now and have Microsoft change things, than just wait and see and get stuck with whatever Microsoft had planned.  Now is the only time to potentially shape the final outcome.  And, also, hopefully, this will act as a huge warning to Sony to not play around with this stuff when they finalize more details on the PS4 (which I might buy).

I know, but still somehow Sony gets a free pass even though they have contradictory statements and rumors? Thats why I say premature judgment because there has been some iffiness behind the PS4 when it was announced, but as time went on they came out with more info gaining people’s trust. Thats how I feel about the Xbox One. Also, I don’t know how anything is but ‘Premature’ as no one has played with the console nor has everything been set in stone. It is plain and simple premature judgement, which isn’t always bad but is exactly the meaning behind whats going on. Both consoles haven’t really shown its real face.


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation

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