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Tex Murphy Overseer

Total Posts: 27

Joined 2007-02-13


I am soooo disapointed.  I was really looking forward to playing Tex Murphy Overseer with my ten year old nephew today.  I bought the game from GOG but it will not install.  I click on the install link and nothing happens.  This is terrible.  The reason I loved GOG was becuase I didnt have to do a lot of tweaking to make games work.  So diaspointed.


Total Posts: 16

Joined 2006-11-04


HMM it worked ok for me. Your download was probably somehow corrupt. Just re download it. The game will still be in your GOG order shelf and you can download it as much as you need to.


Total Posts: 27

Joined 2007-02-13


Over a year latter but I finally was able to install and run Tex on my comp.  I will try and play the game with my nephew the next time I have him over.  Going from disapointed to excited.


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2013-12-23


Just an FYI, GOG updated their Overseer a month or two ago and it’s now the DVD version instead of the CD version (much better quality movies)

So if you still haven’t played it yet, it might be worth downloading again


Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


Dear tech-savvy and/or experienced troubleshooters of the forum,

I’ve been trying to play Tex Murphy: Overseer, the GoG version, with mixed results. It helps if I turn off over half of the stuff my system usually runs in the background, but I wouldn’t exactly call it stable. Here are my specs. I hope. This is pretty much jargon to me.

AMD Ryzen 5 2500U
with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.00 GHz
RAM: 8,00 GB

Maybe there’s a trick or a comparability mode I’ve completely missed. Any tips would be appreciated!


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