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Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Bioshock Infinite DLC (Burial at Sea Part One)

Tries the Detective Noir trope but doesn’t quite pull it off.

This version of Booker is a PI in Rapture just before the original game when in walks a Elizabeth with a job. Elizabeth wants you to find this kid called Sally and you team up with her on the case.

It’s a strange mixture of worlds with the combat of Infinite and the enemies of Bioshock. As this is set in rapture so you also come across familiar characters from the original game, but at about 90 mins it doens’t really have long enough to get going.

It was fun but not long enough and the story is disappointing.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Bioshock Infinite DLC (Burial at Sea Part Two)

Well that was much better than part one. It was longer, the story tied the two games together and wrapped it up in a nice little bow.

This time you control Elizabeth, without her powers as she is still trying to get Sally. Armed with a crossbow with tranquilisers, knock out gas or noise makers it seems they have turned Bioshock into a stealth game. With the new Peeking Tom plasmid which allows you to see through walls and rooms full of grappling hooks I thought I was in Arkham Asylam for a time.

There was also some tweeks to the interface that was welcome. The chance to carry more than guns was great after having to play through the whole main game with just two at any time. Also multiple first aid packs was also helpful.

Not that you really needed it as large portions of the DLC are not combat heavy. Which made combat sequences harder as you are not spec’d that way.

It certainly is the better of the two parts and a decent slice of Bioshock history that ties the games together (ignoring Bioshock 2 of course).



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Persona 5

P5 proves that when JRPG works it can do wonders and destroy the best of genres
Covering vast variety of genre elements from conversations to puzzles to strategy to management etc
P5 makes a very strong case of Turnbased fighting can be total Fun in 2017
It also proves how aesthetics can give long legs to experience and leave ever lasting impression
P5 charm and allure is something else, somehow they managed to get rid of P3/4 generic art and chibi in game designs into something most original in any anime based work out there

Sheer volume of content is staggering even in last sections, game was throwing out new stuff and chances are you might miss some stuff in your first playthrough even after 80+ hrs of content with not a single dull moment

Gone are samey procedural dungeons and each Dungeon is stylish and just keeps on delivering in concept, creativity and old school puzzles…

The whole basic concept is genius and the gameplot and mechanics play on that, how they integrated all of that into game design and mechanics deserve a medal of originality

Shading and animations on all NPCs and Enemies is top quality

Music keeps on delivering till the credits roll, however i could have used some other main battle track, as much as some tracks were super good to keep listening to , main battle track with vocals got overused…some DevilSummoner and DigitalDevil saga variety would have been appreciated

Social activities reminded me of best of Shenmue/Yakuza plus old Personas
Now they are more integrated in actual gameplay of dungeons and even in social activities themselves

Twists were really well done and game just keeps the scenario writing intense even after foreshadowing and revelations..

Characters are great, story covers all themes of corruption in all major sectors of society from Police,intelligence,Corporate to school etc
Sexual harassment/favors,  labor abuse,general fraud, preying on weak, ruthless disregard for human life etc it covers all

Japanese contemporary setting works great and they did great work on writing dialogues exchange esp on cellphones, even though dumb straight characters made great chemistry as a group…their design , costume/colors is perfect

Waifus….Japanese age of consent gives you lots of mileage…Great selection
Confidants are deep, with their share of demands and output in story or gameplay
You get to choose, who to choose over others when time runs short and need of bond is high…

Great conversation trees add to personal flavor and sometimes bad and wrong choices , resulting in end of relationships to even straight up bad ending on your face, in an instant

Only Con is respawning enemies in rooms you just clear esp when you have to back track to same room for solving puzzles , it adds to fatigue
Glad the fast loading and progression from scene to scene is super fast whether its fast
travel or fight to exploring in dungeons


My Best JRPG since FFX
Game of the year, it was hard but quality content in P5 trumps Horizon weak apsects

Hashino and his gang nailed it, now Project Refantasy is my most wanted title
Considering his effort here, i have high hopes he will deliver great fantasy JRPG that world wants from FF7-X or PS2/PSX era

Now the pain of withdrawal symptoms after playing a great great title starts now



Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Nier Automata:Final Arc and true secret ending

Some solid padding in the end , would have preferred more A2 over 9S
9S himself is such a drag in fights
Reusing same environment for 30+Hrs game is not a good idea but again , AA budget forced Yoko to manage it in creative ways
Not to mention Platinum has worst artists in business, MGR to Transformers , they fail at Environmental artdesign

Final fights were cool, so were creative endings
Yoko delivers sequel to Psychomantis MGS1 scene



Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29



Demo is NOT a good representative of Final game
Bethesda dropped the ball on marketing
Not everyone’s cup of tea
Slow burn ,take your time, invades your mind gradually, lots of stuff that i wont discuss and cover
20 hours

Level and Environment Design

When i started playing i had very high expectations from the Station itself, having finished DeadSpace and Alien Isolation amazing space stations , Arkane had a tough act to follow, but they far surpassed in design complexity…and its not just on ground complexity , its the traversal gameplay like Dishonored or Thief, to reach to places where you would think, Nah that wont be possible, but it is, its then when you will realize how painstakingly detailed design is

It doesnt end there, Level design is main draw here, its the most complex design ever since MetoridPrime and like MP, it has places where you would be coming back , again and again unlocking stuff and still missing alot

Talos 1 is a huge puzzle box, its interconnected like Darksouls and MPrime and new powers or weapons or just climbing like good old Halflife days can do the trick
You overcome obstacles in creatives ways just makes you say WOW

Outer space sections are just goosebumps thanks to Mickgordon’s music and amazing atmosphere and art, you can access all main areas from outside space overworld too, and scavenge resources in space,solve puzzles and fight enemies with great controls, that adds another level of complexity

So level design has best of Halflife1 BlackMesa, Metroid Prime,DeadSpace,systemshock2 and Deusex1 etc

Powers/skill trees

You can be agile like Doom, fix aiming with upgrades, possess objects, use all alien powers from projectiles to mind hack to phase across every where and that element makes it more overpowered version of systemshock making it ore Bioshock

Still great great skills that just keep on bringing new stuff and style to gameplay
Like Metroid or Symphony of the night
In last hours i was blazing areas with high speed, huge jumps and hacking level 4 chests
to scrounge all the stuff


Starts with cliched something went wrong in the lab in space station and with groundhog day twist,
But its Chris Avellone so things are not as simple,nothing has easy answer, infact its one of the motivators to keep on pushing to see the end until WTF end scenario and even more WTF endings
Presented in audio diaries style like SS2 and still valid

Writing is superb as well as Voice overs, Bethesda never revealed that Walton fukin Goggins is one of the VA, great job Beth

Scientific detail, existential crisis and questions of sanity versus simulation living day to day? Who to trust and what to do?

Gradually huge cast is revealed with great build up
Inter personal frictions,agendas, romance, corruption , politics etc
NPCs plots are great like good old 90s immersive sims who dont treat their audience as fuckheads

Non linear

You can experiment with NPCs to have different story outcomes
Had 2 endings already, clever and emergent
End scenario plays out different, final 2 endings are same but before that its very emergent, reminds me of DeusEx 1

Get some powers early, go off-beaten paths…

Hey you cannot access this area it has level 3 Leverage skill object
Hmmm how to access
Explore go to other rooms , look up , pipes ...hmm Arkane cannot got that far , lets see if area above is even designed…oh well i climbed only to find yes there is a huge playground above pipes , follow them to end in rooms blocked by object

In another instance, i noticed 2 neuromods behind the door and it was hard to make out whats happening, so i zoomed in to notice far door with name

Way later in game i was in outerspace doing some missions, entered some offbeaten doors
and found in similar area and noticed same name, wait i remember this name, there must be 2 neuromods here…lets search , after 5 mins got both, so thats what makes this incredible


Item management is like SS2, and it makes it valid in todays gaming
Moreover it finds a solution for getting rid of junk or making it very crucial part of RPG gameplay, something that also plays a part in quests
Wont spoil this..


-Loading times for levels are irritating , kills the flow
And loading after death can be 1min too
(not an issue in PC version

-Battle music can be grating…too bad they used the first battle music as default

-Some enemies are rough and bad until later when you beef up


Better than Bioshock in gameplay and remember how it was bashed for this??

Prey is complex and more

Exactly the type of environmental puzzles and exploration i wanted since decades

MPrime and Halflife like game made after years thats as legit as it can be
So much that this Arkane team can easily make Halflife3, no exaggeration

Arkane made this game in 2 fucking years is mind blowing

Top 5 games of this gen in order of release


This year is INSANE but back to oldschool too


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2017-05-07


Played black mirror 2. Cannot say that it was the best game ever but still like it!


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Dishonored 2

So Prey demo was meh but game was super solid(review above)
I had finished Dis2 on xb1, had issues
Now with full patched PS4 version i thought i would love it so gave it another

But i struggled through it , just forced myself to like it but no
Nothing redeemable in this game except some creative levels but lame enemies ,writing,VAs, story,NPCs and drop in quality from Dis1DLCs is hard to ignore

Plus latency issues and frame drops sustained

I hope new Evilwithin and Wolfenstein avoid Idtech5 modded or not
Its damaging Beth games

Prey was lucky to have Crysis engine

Might as well drop Dishonored and move to other ventures
Revive cyberpunk Prey2 with other name



Total Posts: 1689

Joined 2015-07-01


just finished sherlock holmes crime and punishment. Overall loved the game, also loved the fact that the game was 6 individual cases with no real through line. Most of the puzzles were challenging without being over obtuse or difficult. loved the fact that you could lock up the wrong bad guy, but I got all six right, all though some of the evidence is pure speculation. The only puzzles that got tiresome by the end was picking locks, there was at least 8 to 10 of those exact same puzzles. the animations were top notch but the game did have lightning glitches and bugs when it came to going into or out of shadows. Voice acting was avg to very good, (I do wish watson had more to do in the game). Overall a very solid adventure, I give it an 8.5 outta 10. the last guardian is up next for me, although Im obsessed with rocket league if im being completely honest.


Total Posts: 131

Joined 2006-10-02



Thanks for the Prey review.

And if -So much that this Arkane team can easily make Halflife3, no exaggeration- is correct, well, could not be better could it…


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


smulan - 15 May 2017 12:32 PM


Thanks for the Prey review.

And if -So much that this Arkane team can easily make Halflife3, no exaggeration- is correct, well, could not be better could it…

Well Valve will have its own quality assurance and vision to meet
So considering that i said Arkane Austin is up for it, considering their oldschool + new execution in Prey…talent is all here…infact Halflife is linear and Prey has way many places to miss and find resources so its even 1ups that


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29



Built upon NetherRealm’s MKX/Injustice1 experience and setup but upgraded to something special

Story campaign

- Forget about Uncharted or DavidCage games, amount of quality in choreography, camera angles, facial expressions , Voice work and texture work is the best imo
Some face choices ar wierd like Catwoman’s face looks old old Winona ryder and BlueBeetle face is just off, otherwise in campaign some nobody NPCs have more better looks and animations than most games

- Its better than any Comic Hollywood or Animated movie, period, in terms of overall presentation(encounters, setpieces, action scenes and again animations)
Incredible work…my Bro , cousins are all gut punched and agreed Smile
Donot spoil it on youtube, it doesnt do justice to texture quality in game

Outfits Customization

Biggest draw of this game and probably the thing that can keeps fighter game alive for more than 3 days and campaign

Now you unlock outfits randomly as loots
Cannot go in detail, but there are ALOT of outfits, which are basically parts of outfits which you can customize and then change colors , which increases all permutations and combinations
If you had toyfigures,comic, Hero cards collection fetish, then you will be spending hours on grinding and customizing

Thanks to incredible engine rendering quality, armours and models looks super detailed and just orgasmic…just for that this game is worth 60$ and even though i have collected some after 5 days, its just a start…there are plenty of cooool gears not behind paywall or DLC
All gears are exotic and look better than most loot based games like Destiny

Amount of asset work is just staggering tbh


Comic games live on that and some of the new cast like Supergirl,BlackCanary,Captain Cold, Swampthing, Scarecrow,Darkseid, Cheetah are awesome
Oldies like Wonderwoman,Flash and Harleyquinn are equally good

Some of the filler cast like Bluebeetle,GorillaGrodd are meh

And Starfire looks hot as DLC, Mera and Manta are hinted

If in the long run Ed will bring Constantine and Spawn…this is gonna be epic shit
Engine is top stuff for anything Comic


-Lots of daily missions and events, with different variables and helps you keep giving back and unlock shit
Like Destiny , get better loot ,high level and fight high level


-Gameplay is fun but clunky and unbalanced against other gameplay centric kings of past, NetherRealm is just smoothing frames and animations but core is same you can expect
No upgrade there, i dont think there ever will be

- Random loot is not specific to character you play for instance if you are playing with PoisonIvy , you might get loot for DoctorFate…and you will be like i dont care about that character
It gets even worse when it rewards you weapon cosmetic change
Imagine spending minutes with Canary to find out new unlock is Swampthing’s weapon cosmetic….too bad you cannot even buy gears
You can only buy colors and Premium skins

Reverseflash, Powergirl,Doc Freeze etc are premium skins for Flash,Sgirl and CCold respectively for instance


It feels like WatnerBros gave Edboon Blank Check and he delivered a best comic Entertainment in any medium, with effort on everything cosmetics and great justice to all heroes in campaign with stellar VA cast and action scenes, all canon to comics with great creative control on story writing and events

Its best comic game along with ArkhamCity and Darkness
Content is king…it justifies the price of admission and can please people of all ages and all type of comic fans

If you have remotest interest in DCComics , play it

PS = Give Marvel fighter to NetherRealm


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29



Total Posts: 1689

Joined 2015-07-01


I know this might rub some the wrong way but one game I gave up on was the last guardian. I think this game while didnt get universally rave reviews on release, that it would be even lower if it werent for the legacy it came from. The controls are borderline unplayable and the AI is spotty at best. Trico never does what he is suppose to do and I know some gamers will say its bc he is like a dog and animals dont always do what they told but I think that is bs and is covering up for the fact that even after the game has been in development for yrs it still needed about another yr to cook. Also between several scene transitions the game has literally glitched me into a mountain or part of the tower 3 times in 5 hrs of gameplay. To not be totally negative, I love the soundtrack and the graphics are gorgeous and I love the concept but it just doesnt work in game format to me; rather watch an anime of it. To me a better game in this vein is, brothers: A tale of two sons. I might go back to it eventually but so far the last guardian gets a 5.5 to 6/10 for me


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Jdawg445 - 30 May 2017 05:31 PM

I think this game while didnt get universally rave reviews on release


118 critics , double than usual..still rekt

that it would be even lower if it werent for the legacy it came from

Plenty said same for Sotc after ICO

The controls are borderline unplayable

Plenty said same about Sotc slowdown and clunky climbing…controls are same in his game

Trico never does what he is suppose to do

Only had one problem in area where you are in water down below and have to adjust Torikos tail, thats it…there is one automated way to direct Toriko, wish i had my playthrough recorded…one of those games where your playstyle and understanding affects the overall experience

Also between several scene transitions the game has literally glitched me into a mountain or part of the tower 3 times in 5 hrs of gameplay

Like all 10/10 Toddhoward/GTA games

but it just doesnt work in game format to me; rather watch an anime of it

Yeah all puzzles are there for watching , also the platforming parts
Besides Movie animal CGs dont have proper physics

the graphics are gorgeous and I love the concept

Glad you didnt say it was last gen PS3HD atleast Smile

and the AI is spotty at best

Trico is not AI—he/she is just a living creature. It’s really nonsense if you call Trico an AI - Swery 65


Total Posts: 1689

Joined 2015-07-01


nomadsoul - 30 May 2017 05:58 PM
Jdawg445 - 30 May 2017 05:31 PM

I think this game while didnt get universally rave reviews on release


118 critics , double than usual..still rekt

that it would be even lower if it werent for the legacy it came from

Plenty said same for Sotc after ICO

The controls are borderline unplayable

Plenty said same about Sotc slowdown and clunky climbing…controls are same in his game

Trico never does what he is suppose to do

Only had one problem in area where you are in water down below and have to adjust Torikos tail, thats it…there is one automated way to direct Toriko, wish i had my playthrough recorded…one of those games where your playstyle and understanding affects the overall experience

Also between several scene transitions the game has literally glitched me into a mountain or part of the tower 3 times in 5 hrs of gameplay

Like all 10/10 Toddhoward/GTA games

but it just doesnt work in game format to me; rather watch an anime of it

Yeah all puzzles are there for watching , also the platforming parts
Besides Movie animal CGs dont have proper physics

the graphics are gorgeous and I love the concept

Glad you didnt say it was last gen PS3HD atleast Smile

and the AI is spotty at best

Trico is not AI—he/she is just a living creature. It’s really nonsense if you call Trico an AI - Swery 65

you are so transparent is not even funny. there is a lot of mixed reviews for it, and like I said brothers a tale of two sons has basically the same score as TLG on multiple platforms, between an 81 percent to a 90 percent.


Im sure it had a lot smaller budget to bc for the ps4 alone it cost 50 million which doesnt include its cost for what was done for the development on ps3.

You also proved my pt on legacy, you openly admit that the game has horrible controls like SOTC, so you are giving a pass to a developer who couldnt improve the controls from the ps2 era to the ps4, that is the definition of living off legacy lol ha ha ha ha.

your next pt yes a lot of games have bugs especially open world games, for instance in the witcher 3 there were countless times where I was not able to talk to merchants but I could still play the game. On three different occasions trico “the living AI” glitched me into the mountain where I could not get out and had to restart the game from the check pt not just by quitting to the menu but actually closing out the application and restarting it. some examples




Last Pt on the AI yes trico has horrible AI just like the soldiers that wake up to chase you, At one pt I walked not ran but walked in a huge circle while 4 or 5 of them tried to catch me but just kept running into each other bc their programming is terrible like ps2 era AI.

The puzzles are fine the music and graphics are good but gameplay is horrible and I find it funny mr gameplay here is giving it a pass bc of name legacy, but then again you think quicktime was invented with shenmue when it has been around since the mid to late 80s. Cool  Nerd get your game knowledge up younging


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