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Total Posts: 8998

Joined 2004-01-05


High praise. Nice. I enjoyed the liltte I played so far. Are the side missions worth it?


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


wilco - 16 October 2017 04:02 PM

High praise. Nice. I enjoyed the liltte I played so far. Are the side missions worth it?

Yes alot, genius scary shit i mentioned Wink, take your time exploring, i actually missed one NPC and whole side story which also had one projector slide and missed the trophy
Sidemissions are not many but they continue to other chapters, so its like tracking quest that have conclusion in future chapters

Take your time on chap3 and chap7


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Joined 2005-09-29


Evil Within 2 Newgame+

My first playthrough was half stealth, ration was low, ammo even meager
Now in newgame+ you carry over your stuff like Weapons, skills and collectibles and new outfits and weapons

This time i maximized all skills and weapons for full gun blazing playthrough, killing every enemy without stealth and its even more fun

You can unlock Bullettime ability and it becomes Maxpayne
Some new encounters are random , since i was finishing off bosses in cities with sniper+crossbow combo
Also unlocked many new weapons to fight in new ways

Here are 2 of my non spoiler vids to give an idea



Total Posts: 8998

Joined 2004-01-05


Finished Metroid: Samus Returns
Great game, formula is the same but controls are great and new powers keep things moving fast. Map is big and lots of secrets. Some epic boss fights. Only complaint is some repetitive boss fights but it’s related to original plot of Samus having to destroy all the 40 Metroids in the planet.
Think it will probably have a Switch version in the future.


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


South Park: The Fractured But Whole

about 20hrs to complete.

I played the first game back in 2014 and said the following..

This game is not for the easily offended or should I say that this game is specifically made only for fans of the original South Park. For the last 17 years South Park the cartoon has gone out it’s way to offend everything and anything from it’s gross out humour, offensive characters and ridiculous storylines. It pokes fun at everything from race and religion to sexual orientation and stereotypes, but it more often than not crosses over the line that a lot of people see as decent.

Well the same can definitly be said about the sequel. You know what you are getting when you start playing it. More or less straight away in the character creation screen you are asked to choose a difficultly level where the slide controls the colour of your skin with White being easy and the skin tone getting darker as you move it towards difficult. Helpfully the voice over tells you that it has no effect on combat but makes every other part of your life more awkward.

The Combat mechanics are deceptibly simple, but different from the first game. Now instead of the paper mario type combat they have gone for a grid based system (More Fire Emblem). It makes the game more strategic as moves and attacks have damage patterns which you have to align with enemies for the attacks to hit. Knockbacks and positioning of your characters is more important.

There is a good variety of powers and costumes to find and make in the game. You start off with one hero type but can add more as the game goes on. Want to be a brawler, speedster or psychic hero, choose which powers you prefer. The influences to real superheros is obvious, but as the cartoon title screen says that’s just coincidence.

Combat can be very easy, but fun affair.

Typical of RPG’s you are given a bunch of quests, but can pick up side quest etc along the way. There are a ton of collectibles and little puzzles to solve that make hunting the environment worthwhile.

All of this is tracked from a mobile phone interface where you get apps that allow you to get selfies with everyone in town to up your Coonstagram followers, Crafting app that allows you to make consumables and artifacts that increase your power level,and a character sheet that tracks your collectibles and your profile.

Like the original game everything in this game screams South Park from the graphics, to the characters, from the ridiculous over the top plot to the humour that is so close to the knuckle it will have you cringing and laughing at the same time, you would swear that you are watching an episode of the show.

It is a virtually flawless homage to the cartoon that it is impossible to seperate them. This may as well be a season of the cartoon that you just happen to control. There are a multitude of references in the game to past episodes, all the characters are there to be found ,the town is recreated to a T and the animation is spot on.

Not quite as fresh as the first one. Mainly due to it the town being pretty familiar. The tweaks to combat systems is good enough to pull you back in but it can get a bit samey. It’s a funny game that’s not for the easily offended or anyone who is not a fan of the show.




An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29



Was keen on getting it on sale but caved in anyway, i had to choose between this and Battlechasers

ECHO is made by old vets of Hitman series


-Genius and original, it has to be one of the most unique games i have played in recent memory

-Story and narrative is mix of walkin sim parts and environmental , its very story centric despite what trailers tell you, all VAs adds alot of personality

-Game is creative on multiple levels
Every thing is a loop, you encounter enemies that learn from you, the intensity and mindgame depends upon how much you are making them learn, it seems normal on paper but once things will escalate you will realize how cool and fun it can be
Each time your fault materializes as your death, you smile at genius work

-Though game is stealth and all, things get tighter much more thanks to shutdown loop, which looks really cool as huge palaces get energy back on and off complimented by music that adds alot to intensity

- Palaces are royal, magnificent, and its the next big thing after Rapture,Columbia(Bioshock) both in character and design

- Music is great but overused tracks , but it will leave an impression

- Its emergent, enemies and palaces will get tough and enemies number increase to give more randomness to encounters and combinations

- Some areas require light orbs to get through, you can take them in any order plus not all of them are necessary , which adds another option to tackle things in your way

- It took me 7hrs on normal,died alot in last sections thanks to toughness of AI and enemy layout, plus more i cannot spoil…game throws all at you and you get REKT
It also helps when you have to find save point locations, rewarding

- Got 25 voices, there are 100, so yes replay value is high considering plot will be more understandable 2nd time, also more difficulties


On PS4 some major lags, long loadtimes on death, and freeze for 4 to 5 secs, game autosaves though and you can replay levels
It also crashed 3 times
Its understandable game was on tight budget


Not much to say without spoiling, but i normally bash alot of media stuff because it doesnt stimulate me on an intellectual level, considering the generic themes and recycled plots
ECHO is a scifi experience that have outsmarted me both in narrative and in game design
Its relative but for me it was mind expanding on many levels esp as a Scifi
Glad Indie got UE4 and games that can have as much requirements as some AAA game despite some issues , a great example of less is more

For that i have to put it above Hellblade and as my fav Indie of this year up till now


2017 is insane


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus


- Mick Gordon keeps on giving, most of the feel is Doomish but still rock solid performance
- Voiceacting of BJ and is ace as before
- Some great set pieces, so much that you feel Halflife2 is being dethroned
- Beginning hour, levels Monster and New orleans were best
- Some cutscenes shits on Naughtydog, too good, one guy and his cutscene was intense and amazing, cant say who spoilers


- Starts of as good and sure of what it wants, then goes to all over the place in presentation, it gets ridiculous at times, cringey and corny
Themes are too pandering, no subtle touch like Wolf1, and way way edgy which breaks the immersion
So much so that even nudity feels off
You can feel Devs are trying too hard

- Weapons are great and you can upgrade but not enough for longer run in late game to maintain fun , it also doesnt help that after first few levels there are no new enemies Last level bring some new stuff, mostly you are fighting same enemies

- Scavenging health and armour in between fights is archaic design, you should have been able to take them automatically by walking over them but nope, it sucks that armour pieces are so small and you have to find it like dishonored pages hidden on floor and around you

- Length is short and most of the time you are in hub doing filler stuff , it doesnt help when most of the NPC cast is forgettable


8/10 for BJ and Mickgordon which carry the whole the game
other wise 7/10 game, short length (13 hrs on Bring’em On makes it a case for sale , 40 to 30$


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2017-11-02


Teen Patti


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Joined 2005-09-29


DarkSiders 2 Deathinitive edition

Huge fan of Joemad and Darksiders franchise and very glad for sequel announcement
Had to give it a run to prepare and refresh my knowledge of lore and story arcs


Game is a masterpiece, it did so many things and almost all of them are nailed with great care
Prince of persia’s wall running, Portal’s puzzles, Soulreaver’s realm shifting , god of war’s combat, solid platforming, Zelda like exploring and dungeons, horse riding all wrapped up in Joemad’s art and bloody awesome Jesper kyd’s music

Very surprised how this remaster turned out to be
Texture quality got insane uplift, lighting is way improved, going back to original game feels like vaseline version
Textures are almost 3 times more detailed , each armour,model and environment etc
Joemads art shines like never before in some dream come true Joemads game

Improved frame rate makes it far more enjoyable, lots of enemies , 30+ sometimes with no hiccups

Its another one of those games where you just feel sorry for backward direction in games nowadays

Arguably best puzzles in anygame, side dungeons have more interesting puzzles than new Tombraider tombs

Plenty of RNG loot, armour to weapons, skill trees and yes this game had loot boxes too only you dont need to pay for them

Last time i maxed out one skilltree class, now another, felt very different , esp on hard difficulty now, game can be challenging with only 5 health potions restriction but also rewarding

Death is bloody awesome, badassery equaling Raziel

Cliffhanger of DS1 makes this game awesome, hence the followup of all horsemen in future games until they get together again even more interesting

Huge game with lots to explore and plenty of puzzles to solve, dungeons upon dungeons, gradually giving you powers and testing your skills, and some times genius

Huge bestiary and plenty of Bosses, awesome af

30hrs on content , 5 hrs combat


Gamers reporting game breaking glitches
I had crashes and glitches too, some very end game heart attack glitch, which was sorted out by reloading
Autosave and you have only one file , so you are done for if game screws up


There is no other game like DS2, it does alot, and i have to play Okami remaster to rethink my top 10 list and place ds2 in it

It also sets a very difficult bar for DS3
I hope atleast THQ pushes the franchise till we get Strife game, since what happens after is the most difficult task

Some of pics from my playthrough, giving an idea of armours and locations




Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Evil Within 2

Just over 20hours with 53 deaths on the PC (Survival).

Like the first game it was a decent amount of fun with a more rip-offs/homages of Resident Evil/Silent Hill and other tropes from the genre.


* The level design is bonkers with floating parts of Union (The hub world) all around you in the sky Inception-like. Union itself is anywhere USA with theatres, libraries, abandoned train yards etc some of which can be explored. Finding secret areas and looting for resources is fun.

* The upgrade system hasn’t changed much from the original. Crafting ammo and upgrading weapons are done at work benches, but can also be done in the field with a higher resouce cost. The strange chair and nurse are back, along with the green goo that allows for character upgrades.

* The difficulty is pretty steep giving a decent challenge. Old School survival where resources are scarce and sometimes stealth is better.

* The plot is still absurd and as usual in these games gets batshit crazy towards the end, but it is in line with most of these games and I like a bit of crazy in my Horror plots.

* The weapons are pretty standard but the crossbow is still the most fun with it’s various types of arrows.

* The more open world areas and side quests in this game add a new aspect to the game which is welcome. It also helps with the pacing, allowing the player to breath between action sequences.

* Sound and music design is great.


* Main Character is still a clueless snore fest. All the crazy shit going down and he emotes about as much as a wet tissue. Even though he’s done this before he still acts surprised at the stuff going on around him. He constantly falls for the same old tricks.

* The dialogue is cheesy as feck. With the other NPC’s being as dull as the main star and are all disposable.

* The controls and camera angles are still annoying as hell a doge button/mechanic would have been nice.

* The tone of the game is waay off. It starts out hunting a serial killer in the first half and is more open world before ditching most of it as it speeds towards the end.

The open world gives the game more scope for gameplay, the side quests give you some nice stories and the combat tense enough to keep you hooked.

Better than the first game..Just.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 285

Joined 2017-01-12



PiranhaBytes once again proving they are king of RPGs.


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Headycakesofdoom - 13 November 2017 08:55 AM


PiranhaBytes once again proving they are king of RPGs.

Combat is jank as well as game is rife with bugs, most of the reviewers say its like early access games with lot of potential

I will jump in after patches n shit


Total Posts: 285

Joined 2017-01-12


nomadsoul - 13 November 2017 09:10 AM
Headycakesofdoom - 13 November 2017 08:55 AM


PiranhaBytes once again proving they are king of RPGs.

Combat is jank as well as game is rife with bugs, most of the reviewers say its like early access games with lot of potential

I will jump in after patches n shit

Only bugs I have seen are spelling errors. Combat improves once you can parry and improve dex and stamina.


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Headycakesofdoom - 13 November 2017 10:49 AM
nomadsoul - 13 November 2017 09:10 AM
Headycakesofdoom - 13 November 2017 08:55 AM


PiranhaBytes once again proving they are king of RPGs.

Combat is jank as well as game is rife with bugs, most of the reviewers say its like early access games with lot of potential

I will jump in after patches n shit

Only bugs I have seen are spelling errors. Combat improves once you can parry and improve dex and stamina.

Which clan you joined and how drastic the difference is? In story and choices
If you have to put it in order of likeness against Gothic or Risen what will be your choice?


Total Posts: 23

Joined 2007-12-03


Last finished game: Assassin’s Creed Origins - that is to say, I finished the main story but still have lots of questionmarks to uncover and even three or four unexplored regions. So far, I’ve played 61 hours, finished the main story after about 50 hours, did a lot of side quests (some of them were really entertaining, some were annoying), plundered some tombs, hunted a lot of animals for crafting new gear and overall had a great time. The game is huge, though, and sometimes its hugeness is daunting. When I first went to the map of Egypt, I felt a bit intimidated when I saw how many regions there were to discover and how little I had done so far. I think the game could have been a little smaller; some of the fortresses and hideouts could have been cut entirely if not necessary for a quest.

However, it’s beautiful to look at; I play on PS4 (the regular version) and it’s still beautiful. The only thing about the graphics that bugged me: Hair still looks ridiculous, and sometimes a little more facial expression would have been nice. Also, there were some glitches but not too bad ones. Sound is usually very good, the English speakers do a great job (I didn’t bother to download the German language pack and after having listened to some dialogues in German on the web, I’m glad I didn’t - just awful), no matter if they do a main character or an NPC.

The story is not the most original. I cannot help but wonder if every assassin in the AC games has to suffer from some kind of loss in the family so he can go on a revenge spree. Still, it was entertaining enough, and I really liked Bayek, the main character. He’s caring, very humane, full of dry humour and also battling his inner demons. Aya, his wife, is also well-written though I didn’t enjoy playing her as much as I enjoyed playing Evie Frye - simply because Aya’s parts felt very forced. Also, you do those awful naval battles with her. They are a bit easier than in Black Flag but not nearly as much fun simply because arrows are not cannons and it takes way too long to sink an enemy ship. Boss fights in general can be annoying, depending on the level of difficulty you choose. There’s one really long boss fight halfway through the game that took about 20 or 30 minutes to finish - by far the most annoying fight in the entire game. Even the last boss fight is easier than this one.

Overall, I enjoyed this game very much; I’ll try to finish off the rest of the question marks and side quests over the next few days but so far, I’d rate it 8/10.


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