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Joined 2004-01-05


I’ve been clearing some backlog in preparation for GTA V taking most of console gaming time:

Luigi’s Mansion 2

Never played the Gamecube original fun this is a fun game. I think it cound be considered an adventure game, most of the fun comes from exploration of the mansions and it’s secrets with all the environmental puzzles. It’s also one of the best looking games of the 3DS that benefits a lot from the 3D. The catching the ghosts gameplay is ok a little on the easy side. On the negative side the game gets a bit repetitive by the end and the story is typical Nintendo throwaway.

Assassin’s Creed: Liberation

The best portable Assassins Creed (although that is not difficult…), this game starts strong with a big city to explore and some nice variations of the now typical AC formula - A woman mains character, differente persona with different abilities, some new weapons (whip is cool) - but by the middle point the game starts to feel rushed. The last location is really small and the missions lazy in design. It’s also the buggiest AC game.
I think the announced PS3/360 version will probably be better if iron out the bugs and AC fans should check it out.

Killer is Dead

I appreciate Grasshopper and Suda51 games because they are so damn different and not afraid to try everything. They probably don’t have a lot a budget to work with and it shows. This is game is not different and for me it works because the cool aesthetics, weird story and not very deep but fun gameplay. The game is small but has tons of unlockables and side missions. The side missions vary from fun to annoying, being hard to get the top ranking in some. I recommend to fans of the companies other games, I hope they continue to to work on their stuff - They already announced a PS4 game so that’s something.


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Joined 2005-09-29


wilco - 15 September 2013 11:00 AM

Killer is Dead

I appreciate Grasshopper and Suda51 games because they are so damn different and not afraid to try everything. They probably don’t have a lot a budget to work with and it shows. This is game is not different and for me it works because the cool aesthetics, weird story and not very deep but fun gameplay. The game is small but has tons of unlockables and side missions. The side missions vary from fun to annoying, being hard to get the top ranking in some. I recommend to fans of the companies other games, I hope they continue to to work on their stuff - They already announced a PS4 game so that’s something.

Woah you paid 60$ for this or rent, Suda not getting himself much involved in development anymore.
He was known for story writing, but never returned in full form since Killer7, rest of the games that followed are more style than substance. Which aint bad on surface but his games are getting too short and just midtier games that aint worthy of 60$ imo.

Apart from slick presentation , after NMH , the graph is going down the shitter in everyhting, i hope that under Gungho’s new leadership (as parent company promising to give suda full creaative control for PS4 title),suda will come back in full form.


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Joined 2011-11-13


With one sitting. Unique experience for me. Had to check WT once to find one ending. Confused


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Joined 2004-01-05


nomadsoul - 15 September 2013 08:10 PM

Woah you paid 60$ for this or rent, Suda not getting himself much involved in development anymore.
He was known for story writing, but never returned in full form since Killer7, rest of the games that followed are more style than substance. Which aint bad on surface but his games are getting too short and just midtier games that aint worthy of 60$ imo.

Apart from slick presentation , after NMH , the graph is going down the shitter in everyhting, i hope that under Gungho’s new leadership (as parent company promising to give suda full creaative control for PS4 title),suda will come back in full form.

I can’t really rent games around here, so I paid full price Neutral  but I don’t mind supporting their games, I like that their difference and although the main story is short in this one, it has some interesting side missions. But I agree that Killer 7 is still Suda best effort.


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Joined 2011-10-21


F#%@, this turned into a long review… Gasp

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - 4.5 / 5

Adventure storytelling at its best.

It took me a good long while to get to what has long been hailed as one of the absolute best games the adventure genre has to offer. Now that I finally did, I’m left to wonder why I didn’t play this gem any sooner…
This fictional mystery story, which is based on real life legends, tells an absorbing tale that clearly shows the extensive research that has been done into New Orleans voodoo and its origins. Writer Jane Jensen more than did her homework on this, and it gives the game an aura of authenticity that slowly gets under your skin and draws you in. It basically sets the standard of how storystelling should be handled in adventure games.
You play as Gabriel Knight, a wisecracking womanizer who owns a bookstore and moonlights as an (unsuccessful) aspiring novelist. Gabriel is being troubled by a recurring nightmare of a woman burned alive at the stake, and a hanged man that closely resembles Gabriel himself. Knight thinks these nightmares have something to do with the recent spate of voodoo related murders that have happened in New Orleans, so he decides to investigate those with the aid of Grace Nakimura, the feisty intern that works at his bookstore, and by abusing his relationship with his childhood friend Mosely, who works as a detective on the voodoo murders case. Gabriel’s investigation initially serves merely as inspiration for a new novel, but it isn’t long before he stumbles upon a trail that leads back to his own ancestral legacy.
The game starts off at a really crawling pace, with little indication of where things are going, but the blend of fiction and history makes it compelling. You as a player get steadily drawn in, just as Gabriel Knight himself is, and the story becomes more and more engrossing as it goes along. This build-up is unlike any I’ve ever experienced in an adventure game. It creeps up on you, and the story, coupled with the massive amount of research that went into it, truly is the biggest strength of the game. Jane Jensen is a master storyteller, as is evident with the world she created for this game - a world that actually feels lived-in, and with characters that have an actual history between them. The lingering tension between Gabriel and Grace, for instance, is a good driving force between both characters, and despite detective Mosely constantly winding up as the butt of Gabriel’s antics (which provides a few chuckles throughout), he’s a good foil for Gabriel and not the bumbling detective he might seem at first glance.
The narrator in the game serves to add to the atmosphere by speaking in a soothing and moody Cajun dialect, immersing you further in the New Orleans lore. And it’s not just the narrator (voiced by Virginia Capers) that does a good job, practically the entire cast consists of Hollywood voice talent: Tim Curry, Mark Hamill, Leah Remini and Michael Dorn are just a few of the many people you’ll hear in this game. Tim Curry obviously gets the biggest chunk as Gabriel Knight. Unfortunately his natural bravado slips into overacting at times, and while he does a good job overall, his performance sometimes gets a bit uneven. Luckily it doesn’t distract much.
The game sports a traditional point-and-click interface, where right-clicking changes the interface icon, representing a different action to take each time. This is rather cumbersome, however, since there are no less than eight actions in the game. Often it is easier and faster to just select the appropriate action from the menu at the top of the screen instead. Considering how closely related some actions (like ‘push’, ‘use’ and ‘open/close’) are, this could have been streamlined a bit better.
The menu at the top, a feature that most Sierra fans should be familiar with, also holds your classic inventory, as well as a tape recorder that serves as a means to playback any past dialogues - a handy feature indeed in a game that relies heavily on conversations. In fact, the detailed dialogue system enables you to discuss a plethora of topics with everybody, often getting multiple replies. Needless to say that a great deal of time in the game is spent engaging in dialogue. Sierra’s scoring system is also present to show you the progress you’ve made so far. A total of 342 points can be accumulated throughout the game, and a chime plays every time you perform a key action that earns you one or more points.
While the game doesn’t feature many fast-travel options, you do have a handy map of locations (several of which exist in real life!) you can travel to in New Orleans, the bulk of which can be found in the French Quarter.
The story itself is divided into ten chapters, each one depicting a different day. Each day starts with a highly similar cutscene that has mild variations throughout to keep it interesting. Key cutscenes during a chapter are depicted with comic-style artwork, which is a nice touch considering the game comes with a comic book that fleshes out some of the backstory. For the comic’s full effect in the game, it should ideally be read sometime halfway into the game (around day 6). That way you have a much needed frame of reference for it as it ties in with the history of Gabriel’s family - a history that only gets expanded on after a few days in the game world.
Apart from cutscenes, the overall graphics in Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers are consistent, highly detailed, clear and at least on par with its contemporaries. The only bits that seem odd can be found in the very first room (Gabriel’s book shop): some items seem more detailed than the rest. Specific hotspots like the newspaper, magnifying glass and tweezers appear to be in a higher resolution than the rest of the game. Fortunately it isn’t jarring, and I didn’t spot any problems (as far as you can call them ‘problems’) elsewhere.

to be continued…


The truth can’t hurt you, it’s just like the dark: it scares you witless but in time you see things clear and stark. - Elvis Costello
Maybe this time I can be strong, but since I know who I am, I’m probably wrong. Maybe this time I can go far, but thinking about where I’ve been ain’t helping me start. - Michael Kiwanuka


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Joined 2011-10-21



The great music composed by Robert Holmes is adept at setting the right mood in the game, whether that’s safe and secure, foreboding, suspenseful or reflecting a feeling of unease. At times it has too much of a synthetic feel, but that’s mainly due to restraints inherent in games back when this was released. The soundtrack, coupled with the voice acting, can make you genuinely nervous at certain key plot points. When Gabriel explores an ominous cave in Africa, the narrator’s sudden explamation of “a shadow flickers in the corner of Gabriel’s eye” made my skin crawl and my hairs rise up - a perfect reflection of the danger of the situation Gabriel finds himself in.
And there is danger in this game. While death is not as abundant as in most other Sierra games of that era, it is still possible. Yet it always fits with the actual peril that Gabriel finds himself in, and evidently the amount heightens near the end of the game. During the first couple of chapters you have nothing to fear. Once you start getting closer to the truth behind the voodoo murders, and characters you’ve been talking to start dying, it’s time to start using the ‘save’ option more often.
Most puzzles in the game are well-integrated in the story, and are not too far ‘out there’ to solve. Most are inventory based, but there are a few action oriented (and timed) puzzles, especially towards the end. Typically, these are the puzzles where your character can die in the game, but they’re handled exceptionally well: the timing is tight enough to make the situation tense, but loose enough to be doable. And best of all is the fact that there are no dead ends whatsoever in the game (a significant step up considering most of Sierra’s games up to that point in time). Dexterously challenged players will also be pleased to know that you can set your character’s speed in the option menu. Putting it at the fastest pace will have Gabriel rushing through various screens like the Flash. This can help in solving the more difficult timed segments.
Despite making perfect sense within the game world, there are a couple of really hard puzzles that will have your brain cells firing on all cylinders. Unlocking a secret compartment in a clock, writing a coded voodoo message and deciphering some rada drum codes are some of the instances that could prove to be quite the challenge for most players. The rest of the game - and it is a lengthy game: I clocked about 20 hours in total - is more forgiving yet never overly easy.
In summary, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers is an enduring adventure game that has withstood the test of time with honours. The main thing it has going for it is the quality of its script and the writing. They are of the absolute highest level, used to great effect to slowly draw you into the game’s wonderfully detailed mix of fact and fiction. The dedication and research that Jane Jensen has put into this game is apparent at each step, making this a true classic, and perhaps the pinnacle of Sierra’s entire catalogue.


The truth can’t hurt you, it’s just like the dark: it scares you witless but in time you see things clear and stark. - Elvis Costello
Maybe this time I can be strong, but since I know who I am, I’m probably wrong. Maybe this time I can go far, but thinking about where I’ve been ain’t helping me start. - Michael Kiwanuka


Total Posts: 28

Joined 2010-05-14


Beyond: Two Souls

Indigo Prophecy done right. It’s def my Game of the Year, Ellen Page kicks ass. The story isn’t all that special but i love the scenarios she goes through (Homeless chapter really feels like being homeless,probably my favorite one and ooh revenge,navajo too. Only unlocked two endings, the best A ending and i think the average B ending + x person, so i’m gonna have to unlock many more.

I really loved the game, finished it in a day half because it’s so addictive. Everything is a 10 , except maybe the general story and conclusion. Also your choices don’t have an impact like Heavy Rain, it’s only in the last chapter that you make real decisions (it’s good and bad of course, easier to unlock endings).

It’s weird but i don’t like the game for its supernatural content but more of its reality (homeless,death,etc). I hope the next game will be without fantasy.

Edit:* @ Lucien21 : i always get my console games days earlier since the shopkeeper is a close friend of mine:). From the beyond thread i see i’m not alone^^.

*Also unlocked more endings, i’ve seen about 6 , there aren’t really any bad ones, everything turns out fine which is a bummer. I would’ve thought that Nathan gets screwed or tormented after keeping his family spirits trapped between the two worlds but no he instantly gets redemption. It’s obvious there are millions of trapped tormented souls from the “alone” ending footage, so i would’ve loved to see Nathan among them.. The afterlife is…ok, but i would’ve liked to see an explanation for the demonic entities and where they come from. I am NOT interested in heaven or whatever but more in the hellish realms that Jodie claims do not exist (for human souls that is)..

The option to skip cutscenes is not available and can get really annoying after playing a chapter four times.  One thing is clear though the world will turn into crap and its supposedly hints at a sequel but i doubt it. Also the end credits are really great!.

9,8/10 Game of the Year


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Joined 2004-01-18


How did you get the game early? If it was a press copy then the embargo isn’t up until Tuesday.

Officially doesn’t get released until the 8th (11th in Europe).


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


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Joined 2011-11-14


I was reading some reviews for Beyond - Two Souls, so i would like to hear it from you also.I know that it’s mind blowing how realistic it looks, but let’s not count the visuals. Do you think that the game should have more gameplay?


Total Posts: 13

Joined 2013-08-21


I don’t really like using the phrase ‘interactive-movie’ but Quantic Dream put me in a difficult situation. I haven’t played Beyond: Two Souls but Heavy Rain made me feel like a passenger. Critically, I think this made Heavy Rain completely flawed as it negated the impact of a medium which benefits through the heightened emotional response which is gained through activeness. I don’t doubt that Beyond Two Souls has that, only that it may, like Heavy Rain, become a subjective experience about how much activeness it feels like it has. Whether you’re part of the experience itself or beside it watching it play out becomes the question and I suppose it’s one of immersion.


Video-games are fun…I think

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Joined 2003-09-12


Northest - 16 October 2013 11:03 AM

I don’t really like using the phrase ‘interactive-movie’ but Quantic Dream put me in a difficult situation. I haven’t played Beyond: Two Souls but Heavy Rain made me feel like a passenger. Critically, I think this made Heavy Rain completely flawed as it negated the impact of a medium which benefits through the heightened emotional response which is gained through activeness.

I think Heavy Rain (didn’t play Beyond yet) compensated that with decision making. For me that made the game very emotionally exhausting as I was constantly forced to make hard moral decisions. I love it and didn’t miss more advanced gameplay.


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Joined 2005-12-06


I’m sure that people that found the gameplay in Heavy Rain to be insufficient will think so here too. I was not bothered at all but I like games like this and To the Moon etc. I have to admit Dear Esther was a bit too lacking in gameplay even for me, but it wasn’t horrible or anything.

My spouse can’t stand games that have just a story and some roaming around and clicking a couple of things, to me the story has always been much bigger concern and it can seriously fix the weaker parts of the game. Though honestly I think the QTE style has worked rather well in Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. (In Fahrenheit the action scenes were horrible.)


Currently Playing: Dragon Age Origins: Awakening
Recently Played: Red Embrace: Hollywood, Dorfromantik, Heirs & Graces, AI: The Somnium Files, PRICE, Frostpunk, The Shapeshifting Detective (CPT), Disco Elysium, Dream Daddy, Four Last Things, Jenny LeClue - Detectivu, The Signifier


Total Posts: 15

Joined 2013-10-22


I finished Deponia last night. I heard a lot of good things about it, but I have been very sceptical of trying it. It surprised me to be honest. I expected something similar to A New Beginning, a game that I couldn’t get through due to the voice acting, but ended up with something more akin to Monkey Island meets Space Quest, which gave me great joy. The puzzles, although not particularly hard if you compare them to the previously mentioned series were overall of good quality and had me stuck on one or two occasions, mostly due to the fact that I failed at pixel hunting a handful of scenes.

What surprised me the most I think was the logical freedom that was in the game. Too many times German made games have a tendency to be overly structured in my opinion. You can only look at titles such as Runaway. I know that I need to make the coffee, I as the player know why, and I know how to do it, but for some reason my character needs to understand that scenario before he can even consider doing it. I think Deponia had much more freedom in that respect, and I liked that.

Artwork wise it’s a fantastic looking game, a truly wonderful and vibrant world with a lot of interesting details going on in the background and throughout the series. The music really lifts the game throughout and the lightheartedness of the music adds to the feel of the game in a very natural and easygoing nature.


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Joined 2010-05-14


Finished Goodbye Deponia:).

The Bad:
- Some illogical puzzles and far fetched outcomes
- Uninteresting new/and-or recurring characters
- Weak story
- Terrible conclusion to the trilogy
- Too much swearing and the game is much darker or tries to be.

The Good:
- Great voice acting & music
- Rufus does some nasty things and remains a bastard
- Love the freedom to finish puzzles in a non linear way (like chaos)
- Secret Files Tunguska diss (lol!) and more references:)
- General fun

I give the game a 7,5/10, i had some fun with it but towards the ending it becomes more flat and i was starting to lose interest in the story. Sad to see it go, it was a decent game in a great trilogy.


Total Posts: 11

Joined 2013-10-24


I completed Red Dead Redemption a week ago. While it’s hard not to appreciate Rockstar’s high production values and the refreshing approach to storytelling, I was quite mixed over the game. The game really felt like a western thanks to its scenery and soundtrack, but the fun was occasionally killed by Rockstar’s usual problems (or at least what I consider problems): repetitive missions, all characters are just slightly different sort of bastards and the way the main character ends up doing favors for all characters no matter what he actually says in the cutscenes. I also wasn’t that satisfied with the writing of the game although I have to give Rockstar its due for not taking the easiest way possible.


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