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World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Cinematic Trailer


Total Posts: 27

Joined 2012-08-11


Q1 If you have a problem with this then you should also have a problem with the vykrul seeing as how they were viking Giants from the north (Hardly original) simpley created as fan service for their northern european market. The Tauren = minotaurs hardly original. Demon’s coming from the void hardly original, Old gods who want to enslave the mortal races hardly original. The lich king = Sauron, I could go on if you want. Warcraft has never really been that original to begin with, its world has always been a copy of ideas from dnd and other table top games, so much so that they actually stole the look of the orcs from warhammer. The one bit of originality they had was their storylines. Which from reviews both fan and profressional is looking to be very good in mop.

Q2 What so now having a release date in a competitive slot is a lazy move and wrong? Does that then mean that only 1 game of every genre should be released at christmas or the summer because we can’t have any actual competition when it comes to capitalism now can we.

q3 No I understand it for example metroid other m, critical praise but genuine poo. But heres the difference other m is seen as bad because the fan base dislikes it and has made many indepth reviews on why it is bad. Since the release of the beta the vast majority of fans who were cynics and skeptics have came out and said it is good.

But here’s the thing you haven’t answered any of my questions and simpley entered the conversation started dismissing and deflecting all rebuttals. Then argued not in a friendly, haha, difference of opinion way but in a very aggressive, obnoxious way. So sorry no apologies from me.

Ps: If you knew it was a waste of time why did you reply? seems kinda redundant to complain about making someone waste your time whenever you then put in the effort to reply which effectively made you waste your time. So in effect you are complaining about me making you making yourself waste your time.


Total Posts: 29

Joined 2007-06-22


Justifying unoriginality with previous unoriginal ideas? That’s a pretty damn smart thing to do.\\ No, fuck you’re slow! Laziness = 1 race for both factions; and it being just a way to counter GW2 menace = a business decision and not an artistic one = something someone with at least half a brain shouldn’t be lauding for.\\ Q3 was related to the rachitic P2P model.\\ Making me waste my time = you’re purposely missing my point (I hope so… if not then may God have mercy on you)\\ I’m no teacher so patience isn’t my thing hence me being harsh before such numbifying ignorance.


“This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but, if sweetness can win, and it can, then I’ll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday my friend. Peace.” -Old Tart Toter


Total Posts: 27

Joined 2012-08-11


I am not justifying unoriginality through previous unoriginal ideas, I simply made the claim that for you to be consistent with your argument you would have to have equal criticisms of the entire warcraft world.

I never said it was an artistic decision, I believe seeing as how the basis of the question was set around capitalism capitalism and artistic wasn’t mentioned at all. My entire justification was that releasing a product quite soon before or after a competitor releases a similar one is normal process within capitalism and used in every form of market.

rachitic = the latin word for rickets? Their p2p model may be old but the vast amount of mmo players do not want f2p because the company then has to make money usually by selling items and making the entire game based around dlc which people loath the concept of. My proof of this is the amount of backlash caused when swtor said it was going f2p.

I’m not going to reply anymore because once again you are becoming very aggressive, insulting and offensive for no reason except a difference of opinion.


Total Posts: 29

Joined 2007-06-22


1st paragraph: What can I say? You clearly don’t know the difference between pastiche and lame

2nd p.: You asked if “having a release date in a competitive slot is (...) wrong”, and I explained how, in this case, it is—it being a typical marketing ploy and all.

3rd one: Bad example; P2P folks will always ignorantly bash F2P. Here’s a good example: games that ALREADY implemented the model, and thrived, e.g., DCU. Good F2P models give free expansions and only sell cosmetic stuff or EXP boosts—Allods (in many ways better than the game it initially plagiarised: WOW). GW2 model is also a viable one, albeit not the best one (maybe, dunno, I’ll have to think about it).

4th: Put yourself in my shoes now. How would you act if you had to explain the point ad nauseam when just a small amount of time spent researching all this would’ve done the job wonderfully? Screw Sage with his fully-formed thoughts and whatever; if obvious stuff like this doesn’t get thru your thick head with a simple “you’re wrong” then, like Dawkins said, “debating with you will only look good in your CV, not so good in mine”.

And finally, stop being such a pussy. Ad hominem attacks within a faceless/anonymious community it’s just a way of expressing frustration. Is this better:  Angry  Confused Angry  Confused Angry  Confused?


“This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but, if sweetness can win, and it can, then I’ll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday my friend. Peace.” -Old Tart Toter


Total Posts: 27

Joined 2012-08-11


TiAgUh - 19 August 2012 11:00 AM

1st paragraph: What can I say? You clearly don’t know the difference between pastiche and lame

2nd p.: You asked if “having a release date in a competitive slot is (...) wrong”, and I explained how, in this case, it is—it being a typical marketing ploy and all.

3rd one: Bad example; P2P folks will always ignorantly bash F2P. Here’s a good example: games that ALREADY implemented the model, and thrived, e.g., DCU. Good F2P models give free expansions and only sell cosmetic stuff or EXP boosts—Allods (in many ways better than the game it initially plagiarised: WOW). GW2 model is also a viable one, albeit not the best one (maybe, dunno, I’ll have to think about it).

4th: Put yourself in my shoes now. How would you act if you had to explain the point ad nauseam when just a small amount of time spent researching all this would’ve done the job wonderfully? Screw Sage with his fully-formed thoughts and whatever; if obvious stuff like this doesn’t get thru your thick head with a simple “you’re wrong” then, like Dawkins said, “debating with you will only look good in your CV, not so good in mine”.

And finally, stop being such a pussy. Ad hominem attacks within a faceless/anonymious community it’s just a way of expressing frustration. Is this better:  Angry  Confused Angry  Confused Angry  Confused?

1st: The difference between pastiche and lame is subjective as is this entire point. Some would say that the film brick’s noir style and direction which strongly imitates that of Cowboy Bebop as pastiche some would say it’s lame. It’s all a matter of subjective viewpoint as are all artistic opinions.

2nd p.: So are you suggesting that we should get to pick and choose which marketing ploys are viable? Or we should pick and choose when companies are allowed to use certain marketing ploys. I never said that the marketing ploy wasn’t shameless, it is incredibly so but that does not make it any less legitimate, especially since it is a marketing ploy used by every company there is whenever their competitors introduce something which could put a dent in their profits. As a few examples You see it with food, Movies, Games and Clothes.

3rd p.: So you when p2p folks bash f2p it’s ignorant but if it’s the other way around it’s fully informed and genuine. There are genuine pros and cons to both p2p and f2p, two cons being that with f2p that gameplay can become incredibly unbalanced due to players who can splash out money on the top gear being able to do so and others not. Or the fact that many f2p mmorpgs significantly ramp up the grinding so that people will be prone to pay extra for an exp boost. On the other hand yes p2p does have it’s flaws such as well costing money each month, were as it also has its pros such as giving the developers a steady incoming allowing them to safely invest in improving the game, allowing them to invest more money into customer service, sorting out bugs/glitches and essentially perfect the game.

4th: I find it funny that you quote dawkins because your tactics throughout this entire debate has been that of a religious fanatic. State your point, insult anyone as being stupid if they question your point, deflect/dismiss any genuine criticisms of your viewpoint and then restate your point in an aggressive tone. The fact is that the thing about great debaters such as dawkins, hitchens, degrasse, harris, is that they do explain the point ad nauseum even though they know the research is easy to do. Why do they explain it? Because they are genuinely wanting people to understand what they are saying, want to improve themselves through combating criticisms, they dont just want people to believe what they say with out criticizing or questioning it because not only is it against the fundamentals of any form of science or democracy, it is more the strategy of religion and totalitarianism.

There is actually a brilliant 2 hour round table with dawkins, hitchens, harris and one other guy I can’t remember his name and within this they actually talk about having the utmost respect for those who criticize them because it allows them to grow in knowledge and as people. They even talk about such things as when a religious debater has made them step back and genuinely question their views and how they loved every second of it.

Why did you take a pop shot at sage in a completely different topic? Do you have some sort of vendetta against me that you are now skowering other threads just to see what I and others are talking about? This also backs up my opinion that you genuinely believe that a simple “your wrong” without any sort of logical argument backing it up should allow you to win an argument.

PS: the reason I was surprised, was the fact that it says in the rules of the forum to be nice and polite. And within a heated debate to retain your composure so to not reduce yourself to personal attacks. Which I have and you haven’t.

- People of widely varying nationalities, ages and backgrounds visit this forum. Participants are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect. Passionate, even heated debate is welcome but messages which descend to personal insults, name-calling or other abuse will be deleted.
- While we don’t actively censor swearing, we do ask that you show self-control in your use of language.

ps ps: I apologise to any religious people who have felt this post to be an attack on them, this was not my intention, my intention was simpley to make a follow up comparison to one of his comments rather than to attack religion as I know that religion in many places has evolved past this archaic process of do not question anything.


Total Posts: 29

Joined 2007-06-22


Don’t quote my posts, it just makes your wall of text seem even more urm… “uninviting”.

1-Oh ok, weird statement coming from someone who gave Nth reasons for how disliking MoP is only understandable if one has only played “wrath (and) onwards”. In any case, the subjective\everyone-has-different-opinions argument is just the perfect misguided excuse for people to plug their ears and go la-la-la-la—which Blizzard thoroughly enjoys. 

2- When it’s solely for profiting reasons then, yeah, we shouldn’t be happy about it and complain. What’s not to understand?

3-You just gave me examples of badly implemented f2p models… we all know how f2p can be atrociously done, but we also have great examples of games with a great f2p models. They’re ignorantly bashing the model cause they’re afraid that the company will screw them even more; instead of just leaving the damn thing if it’s done in a greedy sort of way.

4-Dawkins already gave up trying to debate with thick headed folks cause he would just be repeating info already available anywhere. Everything I’ve said is available anywhere for anyone to see and internalize. Anyway, that’s all truly poetic and all but doesn’t really apply to Hitchens since he’ll just dismiss and\or insult any kind of ignorant statement since debunked the 1st time. Harris, on the other hand, really has the patience of a saint (Harris vs Chopra, anyone?). Call me Hitchenian, then.

The Sage part: Oops, you’ve got me there! Heaven forbids if I enter other threads you’ve posted in *wheres the rolling eyes smilie?*. Instead of posting in different threads, I economized. Quite simple, really.

The ps.: Every forum policy says that. It always hurts in the beginning, dear.
The ridiculous double ps: Ridiculous political correctness is ridiculous.

I see this is getting us nowhere so please let’s wrap this with your next post. I promise I won’t bite that sensitive skin of yours again.


“This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but, if sweetness can win, and it can, then I’ll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday my friend. Peace.” -Old Tart Toter


Total Posts: 27

Joined 2012-08-11


1: You completely missed the point of the term subjective.

2: So capitalism is bad when it is solely for profit? Makes perfect sense.

3: Yes hitchens would dismiss but he would give a reasoned argument of why he would dismiss/insult something.

4: Sage part, a thread I created about whether I am able to articulate myself and asking for advice.

5: I hope to never see or read another one of your arrogant, insulting and condescending posts here again.

TA TA Tia.


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


TiAgUh - 19 August 2012 02:14 PM

Don’t quote my posts

Woow that really need to be Quoted

TiAgUh - 19 August 2012 02:14 PM

Don’t quote my posts

I couldnt Resist .

TiAgUh - 19 August 2012 02:14 PM

Don’t quote my posts

Ooh someone stop me ! .


Total Posts: 29

Joined 2007-06-22


^ Playing with fire, huh? That’s it then: you’re officially out of my terrifically expensive birthday party at the playboy mansion!


“This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but, if sweetness can win, and it can, then I’ll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday my friend. Peace.” -Old Tart Toter


Total Posts: 21

Joined 2011-10-09


let’s just say the cinematic is great and game expansion may be interesting, considering to reactions and emotions in this thread Tongue


Total Posts: 27

Joined 2012-08-11


JanaBanana - 22 August 2012 10:09 AM

let’s just say the cinematic is great and game expansion may be interesting, considering to reactions and emotions in this thread Tongue

I second this post haha.


Total Posts: 15

Joined 2012-08-05


Really like the Cinematic, but I’ll wait for my friends reaction before I buy the expansion and sub again.


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Total Posts: 120

Joined 2006-06-23


I played through TBC and most of TLK before deciding to go on extended hiatus. My wife and I were raiding a little too often and just got tired of what was being done to hybrid gameplay styles. I recently took a ten day free pass back to Azeroth to play a Worgen and a Goblin for a bit, and it was nice revisiting some old places that had been changed pretty radically, but still, I can’t justify re-subbing, particularly since my wife is dead set against it.

The cinematic WAS pretty sweet, though. I’d play a Pandaren, given a chance.


Lee Edward McIlmoyle,
Probably NOT the kind of guy you think he is.

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