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Old 01-16-2008, 03:54 PM   #2001
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1. My laptop.
2. I try not to, but it happens. When I start naming them, then it's time to start getting worried.
3. I try my best to keep using them. Hell, my laptop's almost four years old, and it still works like a charm.

P.S. JKR, you'd like the Arabic alphabet. It has none of that silly silent letter business, and short vowel sounds are even omitted from text, to boot.


1. Question?
2. Answer?
3. Princess?
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Old 01-16-2008, 04:04 PM   #2002
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1. Yes.
2. No. Question.
3. The princess is in another castle, I'm afraid.


1. What's the first word that comes into your head upon reading this question?
2. What's the second word that comes into your head upon reading the preceding question?
3. What do you think of the fact that I'm not asking you to give the third word (though feel free to if you want)?
RLacey | Killer of the Thread™

I do not change to be perfect. Perfect changes to be me.

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Old 01-16-2008, 06:11 PM   #2003
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1. This.
2. That.
3. I'm glad, because there wasn't a third.


1. Does time go by faster as you get older?
2. Are your weekday mornings rushed?
3. Will you dine out by yourself?
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Old 01-16-2008, 07:47 PM   #2004
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1. I'm not sure, but it does surprise me when I think about how long it's been since high school, particularly when I randomly run into people I knew during that time.
2. Only when I sleep in too much, which happens most mornings, because I love sleeping.
3. I do this often, actually. Sometimes I even bring a book to read.


1. Are books inherently more intellectual than films? Why/why not?
2. Are films inherently more intellectual than games? Why/why not?
3. Are non-violent games inherently more intellectual than games with violence? Why/why not?
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Old 01-17-2008, 07:38 AM   #2005
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. Are books inherently more intellectual than films? Why/why not?
2. Are films inherently more intellectual than games? Why/why not?
3. Are non-violent games inherently more intellectual than games with violence? Why/why not?
1. Yes, because you have to use your brain and imagination so much more. With films it's always static, but books can change every single time you read them.
2. I wouldn't say so. Games also change every time. Perhaps not much, but you can alter your path through games, and it requires input so you use your brain again. Films, nah. And TV is worst of all.
3. Not inherently, however often times it just happens to be that way. Many violent games are based around the violence, where non-violent ones require much more thinking. There are exceptions, obviously, but this seems to me to be the basic principal.


1. Do you prefer thinking or letting your brain go on cruise control?
2. If you lose data while working on a project and the entire project is lost, do you try to recreate it the same way the second time around or take a whole new approach?
3. Shouldn't I be working instead of on the message boards right now?
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Old 01-17-2008, 09:51 AM   #2006
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1. Who says my brain doesn't think when it's on cruise control?
2. The latter, so long as the new approach is better.
3. I'm in no position to tell you what you should or shouldn't do.


1. When you're thinking about something, do you need to put your entire brain to the task?
2. Do you ever think about thinking?
3. What's more important to you: intellectual depth or emotional depth?
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Old 01-17-2008, 11:38 AM   #2007
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. When you're thinking about something, do you need to put your entire brain to the task?
2. Do you ever think about thinking?
3. What's more important to you: intellectual depth or emotional depth?
1. No, I often have a couple of parallell lines of thoughs (expr?).
2. Oh yes!
3. Too much of both can be quite annoying for the one who has to listen to it. A little bit of both sounds like a good mix to make an interesting person.


1. Do you ever find yourself thinking in a way that you know will be bad for your wellbeing?
2. What's your number one priority right now?
3. Do you ever set goals in your professional life/studies to strive for? If so, what's your current goal?
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Old 01-17-2008, 01:34 PM   #2008
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1. I've never found any form of thinking to be harmful to my wellbeing, unless it was some strange thought such as "I should try to cross the Sahara on foot with naught but a canteen of water" and actually acting on such an impuse. So no.
2. Getting into college.
3. Cram as much homeschooling as is possible into the time left before I take the GED test.


1. Do you enjoy simply leaning back, letting your eyes unfocus, and allowing your mind to wander on various subjects?
2. Why are gamers who are used to non-violent games unwilling to play a violent game, thus not allowing themselves potentially enjoyable experiences in "interactive storytelling"?
3. Do you find people who like to talk loudly and smile annoying in a conversation?
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Old 01-17-2008, 05:13 PM   #2009
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1. Sure.
2. Because they lack the hand-eye coordination required to not keep dying on Level 1. And they're hardcore pacifists.
3. If they're obviously being fake, then yes, it really pisses me off.


1. Grim Fandango: overrated or underrated?
2. Do you eat breakfast regularly? If so, what do you have? If not, why not?
3. Are you good at FPS games?
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Old 01-17-2008, 07:19 PM   #2010
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1. Not really either, but I'd go with underrated because it's not widely known.
2. I need breakfast. I like to have bread and orange juice.
3. I think so, but I haven't played modern FPS games.


1. Have you ever been electrocuted?
2. Do you say "thank you" a lot?
3. Do you doodle?
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Old 01-17-2008, 09:57 PM   #2011
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Originally Posted by lumi View Post
1. Have you ever been electrocuted?
2. Do you say "thank you" a lot?
3. Do you doodle?
  1. Yes. It was quite a jolting experience. I still smell it to this day.
  2. Yes, but I try to spice it up. "Hey, thanks". "Thanks bunches". "Cool, thanks". It's all in the execution, don'cha know.
  3. Yes.
  1. Have you ever feigned laughter at an unfunny antidote for the teller's comfort?
  2. Do you quote Monty Python?
  3. Are you uncomfortable with people invading your private space?
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Old 01-17-2008, 10:16 PM   #2012
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Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
  1. Have you ever feigned laughter at an unfunny antidote for the teller's comfort?
  2. Do you quote Monty Python?
  3. Are you uncomfortable with people invading your private space?
1. Yes. It's often better to fake laughter than create an awkward situation.

2. No.

3. Yes, I don't like that much.


1. What do you expect from the new persident of the US?

2. What is the biggest problem the world faces today?

3. Should/can we do anything about it?
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Old 01-17-2008, 10:20 PM   #2013
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Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
  1. Have you ever feigned laughter at an unfunny antidote for the teller's comfort?
  2. Do you quote Monty Python?
  3. Are you uncomfortable with people invading your private space?
1. You mean, like a bank teller? No, I can't say I have...
2. I fart in your general direction.
3. Yes, so please stop standing so close to me, Speck. You're practically molesting my leg.

EDIT: Fixing continuity errors...

Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. What do you expect from the new persident of the US?
2. What is the biggest problem the world faces today?
3. Should/can we do anything about it?
1. Uh... better?
2. A lack of deep, meaningful video games.
3. If you're interested, let me know and I'll call you in a few years once I start up my own studio.


1. What's your favourite game that comes bundled with Windows? (If you have the good sense not to use Windows, replace with the OS/distro of your choice.)
2. Now that Ron Gilbert's in Vancouver, should I stay here, or should I move back to the Bay Area to be close to my other old school Lucas idols?
3. Did video kill the radio star?
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Old 01-17-2008, 11:25 PM   #2014
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
3. If you're interested, let me know and I'll call you in a few years once I start up my own studio.
OK, I'm interested. I like your games and I hope you can make an impact in the AG market.

Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. What's your favourite game that comes bundled with Windows? (If you have the good sense not to use Windows, replace with the OS/distro of your choice.)
2. Now that Ron Gilbert's in Vancouver, should I stay here, or should I move back to the Bay Area to be close to my other old school Lucas idols?
3. Did video kill the radio star?
1. I use OS X primarily and none of the games that come with it interest me in the least. That is mainly because it only comes with a chess game, AFAIK.

2. I can't help you there Squinky, that's entirely your decision.

3. I don't think so. Many people listen to the radio at work and are not interested in MTV et al. I guess video created a whole new type of star, somewhat to the expense of radio stars, but there still are, and always will be, radio stars.


1. Are you satisfied with the way your body functions?

2. Wouldn't it be nice to not have to drag your body with you wherever you go?

3. Is the mind really separable from the body?
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Old 01-18-2008, 07:09 AM   #2015
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Originally Posted by tsa View Post

1. Are you satisfied with the way your body functions?

2. Wouldn't it be nice to not have to drag your body with you wherever you go?

3. Is the mind really separable from the body?
1. Most of the time. Sometimes it tries crap I don't like, such as collapsing a lung or becoming horribly ill. Then we have words.

2. Without my body, I couldn't play tennis whenever I felt like it. So... I guess I'd rather drag it around.

3. I believe so, yes. Though I'd classify it as the "soul" rather than the mind. I think the soul lives in the mind while we're alive.


1. Would you sell your soul for a fair price?

2. Do you cherish you memory daily?

3. Why do people keep responding with "It's really up to you" instead of giving an opinion on the person's decision being questioned? (Example: I think you should move next door to your favorite Lucas dev, Squinky, and sit at the closest window with a telescope and bag of chips, staring at them daily, until they either call the cops or make another Monkey Island game. PS: Push for the MI game over cops.)
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Old 01-18-2008, 09:14 AM   #2016
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1. What? I don't have any fish! Why? Who have you been talking to?
2. I only cherish it biweekly.
3. Because said opinion might not be very useful, particularly when the person answering doesn't know the person asking well enough to make an informed decision as to what might be best for them. (Case in point, JKR: I don't want Ron or Dave or Tim to make another MI game. I want them to mentor me so that I can finally create the next cult classic of gaming. Preferably something that's well-lauded by critics but completely fails to sell well.)


1. When someone asks you for an opinion, do you think of it in terms of what you yourself would do, or do you try and apply it to what you think will make them happier?
2. Are emoticons better at the beginning of a sentence or at the end?
3. Why do geek girls in movies always have to get makeovers in order to become socially desirable?
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:24 AM   #2017
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. When someone asks you for an opinion, do you think of it in terms of what you yourself would do, or do you try and apply it to what you think will make them happier?
2. Are emoticons better at the beginning of a sentence or at the end?
3. Why do geek girls in movies always have to get makeovers in order to become socially desirable?
1. I usually try to view myself in their situation, taking in mind not only the situation itself but also their physical and mental capabilities and their personality, and try to come up with some good advice that they should be able to carry out or use.

2. End! Beginning <- QED!

3. I always wondered about that myself. Usually the result of the makeover is a walking, talking barbie doll, devoid of any of the characteristics that make girls attractive (to me, at least), so I don't get the point of the whole makeover business in those movies.


1. What did you play with when you were a kid?

2. Do you often have difficulties seeing other people's point of view?

3. Do you often swithc letters while typign?
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Old 01-18-2008, 02:53 PM   #2018
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
(Case in point, JKR: I don't want Ron or Dave or Tim to make another MI game. I want them to mentor me so that I can finally create the next cult classic of gaming. Preferably something that's well-lauded by critics but completely fails to sell well.)
It's aaaaaaaaaaall about YOU, isn't it Squink?

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Old 01-19-2008, 09:06 AM   #2019
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Originally Posted by JKR View Post
Usles works JUST fine, eh?
What's an usle?
Play my game: Frasse and the Peas of Kejick. The Special Edition is now available! (Mac OS X or Windows.)
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Old 01-20-2008, 08:57 PM   #2020
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Originally Posted by tsa View Post
1. What did you play with when you were a kid?

2. Do you often have difficulties seeing other people's point of view?

3. Do you often swithc letters while typign?
  1. We played with sticks and little bits of twine, and we LIKED it! Dag burn it... then there was the magnifying glass, which was broken, but worked after a fashion.
  2. No, I feel I could be a moderator in another life, but I do on occasion stick to my guns to far. Not much though--these days, I'm all about validation of someone else's point of view before I rip it to shreds.
  3. I haev no ieda what yuo maen.
  1. Do you have any selfish friends?
  2. Have you ever had a fire during a burn ban?
  3. What is your favorite color?
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Last edited by Not A Speck Of Cereal; 01-20-2008 at 08:58 PM. Reason: People don't wear enough hats
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