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Lucien21 Gaming Journal 2012


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Transferred from the old Forum


Year to date so far….

1.  Jurassic Park 2/5
2.  Need for Speed: The Run 3/5
3.  Grim Fandango 5/5
4.  The Longest Journey 5/5
5.  Gabriel Knight 2: Beast Within 5/5
6.  Shadow of the Damned 4/5
7.  Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Director’s Cut) 4/5
8.  Resistance 3 4/5
9.  Riven 3.5/5
10.  Portal 2 5/5
11.  Day of the Tentacle 5/5
12.  The Last Express 4.5/5
13.  Stacking 4/5
14.  Syndicate 4/5
15.  Secret of Monkey Island SE 5/5
16.  Mass Effect 3 5/5
17.  Dreamfall: The Longest Journey 4/5
18.  Uncharted: Golden Abyss 4/5
19.  Wing Commander Saga 3.5/5
20.  Still Life 4/5
21.  Still Life 2 2.5/5
22.  Syberia 4/5
23.  Walking Dead Ep 1 3.5/5
24.  Syberia II 4/5


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 97

Joined 2011-03-06


It seems we may have similar tastes, I will have to use your scores as a gauge for what other games I should play next!


Currently Playing: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes;
Currently Re-Playing: Culpa Innata

Recently Finished: Secret Files: Puritas Cordis, Art of Murder: Hunt for the Puppeteer, Dear Esther


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Max Payne 3 (single player)

It’s been Eight years and one dreadful movie since the last Max Payne game. This time the development duties have switched to Rockstar.

Max Payne 3 is a third person shooter set in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Max has left his native New York to take up a job as a bodyguard to the Branco Family. Pretty soon things go to hell as the trophy wife is kidnapped and this set off a chain of events that sees you travel from hedonistic nightclubs, a football stadium, the local favela slums and a luxury yacht on the Panama Canal. You set out to get her back and find out the truth behind the growing conspiracy.


Max has put on the beef since we last saw him. He now looks like a character from Grand Theft Auto 4. The locals are georgously rendered with glorious sunshine filtering through the buildings and trees.

The plentiful cut scenes are highlighted with scan lines and other cinematic effects like colour shifts and placing of words randomly on screen. It’s off putting at first, but you soon get used to it.

The interactive backgrounds look great and firefights in the office sends paper and chunks of office equiptment flying.

The destructable environments are great and don’t just apply to the backgrounds. Shooting the enemies are vicious at times, especially the last kill of any interaction. It slows down the last kill with a bullet cam shot of the bullet ripping through the bad guy. Keep depressing the right trigger and you can pump multiple bullets into the head or torso in slow motion close up. It’s graphic and brutal.


The main game twist of the game is the bullet-time mechanic. This is a stand out feature from the previous two games and it’s just as fun here. Jumping in a direction and slowing down time is still a lot of fun. Everything slows down excepet for your bullets which allows you to pump the enemies with lots of rounds before you hit the ground.

Health is controlled by the use of pain killers that are collected in the environment. You can use them when you need them, but in the middle of a gun fight if you run out of health it will auto use the painkillers, but only if you kill the guy that last shot you. Time slows down and you have a small amount of time to target and shoot him.

There are a few set pieces in the game that sees you zip lining across a canal, or falling off a crumbling roof in slow mo taking out the bad guys on the way down. In a strange twist, after every cut scene it reverts you back to the basic pistol rather than the last weapon you were using. (annoying)

The rest of the mechanics are pretty standard. The inclusion of cover in the game makes it on par with modern games, but I think it takes away from the bullet time. As you progress in the game the number of enemies and the amount of bullets you need to kill them increses to such a degree that cover is essential and bullet dodging will get you killed.

The action is frenzied and exciting at all times. However the checkpointing system is dreadful at times. There was a couple of times I had to redo ten minutes of fighting again and again because it checkpointed too far back.


The story is probably the weakest link in the game. The plot is all over the place and unless you find all the hidden clues on the levels you may be confused about the overall plot. What starts off as a simple protection and rescue story spirals into private military squads, corrupt officials and street gangs. I can’t image that the Brazilian government are going to use this as a tourist advert.

Max is at his lowest in this, which is amazing after the last two games. He’s an alcoholic, painkiller addicted mess that is on a suicide spiral. The voice over is fantastic as Max monologues through the entire game, but it’s depressing as hell.


I enjoyed the game. The action is occasionally frustrating as hell due to the checkpointing, but it is always exciting. It looks fantastic and has all the polish expected of a Rockstar game.


Gameplay time: 10hr 30mins


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 236

Joined 2006-10-06


Agreed. I also miss the graphic novel cutscenes of the originals. I’m not really all that impressed with Rockstar’s take on it - freezing scenes/shots - and displaying certain words characters say, but it’s not a huge issue. Checkpoints have been a problem for me whilst playing on Hard, but I bet they’re fine on the easier settings.

Also, even though I’ve only played a bit of multiplayer, I wasn’t all that impressed. It’ll get old fast. It’s also not as interesting as Red Dead Redemption’s. The single player is the strongest aspect of this game for sure.

I’m liking the story. It’s not the best story in a Rockstar game (or in a Max Payne game), but I’m finding it interesting to follow. It’s also helped along by the cinematics, jumping back-and-forth in time, the twists, the solid voice acting, and Max’s monologues and troubles. I also like his cynicism and outlook on things. But that’s just me… Tongue

Not Rockstar’s best game to date - that goes to Red Dead Redemption - but it’s still a worthy and solid action game!


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Runaway - A Road Adventure

A Spanish adventure game that once and for all proves when it comes to pretty ladies with short skirts and large *Cough* Assets *Cough* all men are idiots.

After running down Gina with his car on a New York street, your character Brian finds himself on the run from the Mafia. With his life in danger at every turn Brian goes from New York to Chicago and a couple of desert locations in the hope of solving the riddle of the indian crucifix and get the mafia off Gina’s back once and for all.

It’s just as well she is pretty as Gina spends most of the game missing in action for one reason or another (Coma, Captured, Dead, and injured) as the lust struck Brian invokes the help of a variety of quirky character from a trio of transvestites, to a rastafarian and a cute computer hacker.

What some people will do for a bit of slap and tickle is hilarious.

Graphically the game still looks great with all the various locations and characters looking fantastic for most of the game. The cut scenes are starting to look dated but don’t detract from the fun. It’s a colourful and exciting world.

The audio work is varied with some of the character voices being a bit bland and the musical score can be at odds with the tone of the game at times. However the main characters are distinct and add a certain flavour to the game.

The most frustrating thing about this game though is the puzzles and the item mechanics. While most of the puzzles are logical and a lot of fun there are some of them that are just plain bonkers. The peanut butter puzzle for example is a Confused Confused

This isn’t helped by the occassional item being too small and hard to locate making you treat most locations as a pixel hunt to ensure you didn’t miss that small nail or hand vacumn cleaner. It also doesn’t help that some items are only available after you trigger their need or by searching locations more than once. There was a couple of times I was stuck because I never thought to look somewhere that previous told me was useless junk.

Overall the plot is crazy and the characters quirky and I had a lot of fun with it. The occasional niggles with the puzzles were annoying and dragged the game down a bit in my opinion. However the worst part for me was that I didn’t get any chemistry at all between the main characters. Gina is hardly in the game and I felt Brian had more attraction with the Sushi character towards the end that I think he chose wrong in the end.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Under a Killing Moon

The great Tex Murphy’s third adventure. After Mean Streets and Martian Memorandum, Tex jumped into the CD age with his first FMV adventure.

Tex is a down on his luck PI in the Raymond Chandler mold, dressed in an overcoat and fedora clad, his love of the ladies and drinking is only matched by his goofiness and ineptitude.

Somehow he always solves the case though.

In a post nuclear war San Francisco, Tex can be found in Chandler street. A mutant friendly neighbourhood filled with interesting characters, from the beautiful Chelsea to the old grumpy Pawnshop owner Rook.

You start the game broke and looking for work, an old friend pops by for a friendly warning and soon the local pawnshop is robbed. Tex finally has a job. However what starts as a simple break in spirals out into multiple locations and a world threatening plot.

The game is presented in two main style with all the conversation and cut scenes etc filmed in Full motion video while all of the movement and locations are in 3D. This allows you to move the mouse around in movement mode and search the 3D locations for clues and interact with object. Once you hit the space bar to enter interaction mode you can look, pick up or generally fiddle with the environment. (I think at one point I may have been labled as a freak who likes to take down pictures from all the walls). In this mode you can also examine and combine inventory items to solve the various devious puzzles that are thrown your way.

Clues etc can be found by interrogating the characters who inhabit the world so each new clue means going around them and watching the cut scenes as you ask them the new tidbit of information to gleam more clues to get you to new locations with more puzzles etc etc. All this until you finally reach the endgame and save the world.

The acting for the most part is hammy and overblown, but Chris Jones breaths so much wit and charm in the main character that the acting and humour all make perfect sense while you are playing it. Watch as Murphy stumbles into situations, prat falls and walks into pillars. It’s hilarious stuff.

Although the game is pretty straightforward there are a couple of issues with the puzzles. There are a couple of times where walking through the wrong door is instant death so save the game often. The movement can be a bit floaty and difficult to manouver in a hurry so avoiding the droid guard in GRS is annoying as hell and finally it is perfectly possible to make it to the end of the game and miss one or more vital inventory item which makes it impossible to finish the game without reloading an earlier save and then sitting through the whole shell game sequence again Pan

Tex Murphy is a delight to watch and a lot of fun to play.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


The Roswell UFO crash. A package. A serial killer. A government cover-up. A mysterious woman. A missing man. A terrible secret. And you need a shave. It can’t get any worse.

Tex Murphy’s 4th outing is more of the same and that ain’t a bad thing. Using the same interface and FMV that adorned the last game it is instantly recognisable to fans of the series.

This time they have ramped up the puzzles by offering two difficulty levels. The normal playthrough is called Entertainment level, but for a harder more rewarding time try out the Gamer mode. It gives you extra puzzles and locations within the game as well as putting time limits on the major puzzles to earn bonus points.

It also introduced branching storylines. Will you be good or evil tex (or a mixture of both). A variety of moral decisions are made during playthrough and what you do and how you speak to the residents of the street dictactes which of the 8 endings you receive. Will you save the planet and get the girl?

Personally I got the Lombard street ending, saved the world was generally nice to everyone, but still ended up holodating at the end. Sealed Lips

There are a few new characters to meet in the game as well as all the old favourites. The acting and FMV are generally decent and cheesy enough to fit in with the asthetic.

The story is gripping and outlandish. It was fun from beginning to end.

Puzzles can be a hit or a miss with some outstnding ones and some that are a pain in the rear. The peg box one was particularly annoying and the fequency of death sequences at a couple of points (NSA and Roswell) was frustrating.

However Tex Murphy may be a bumbling idiot at times, but it’s a pleasure watching mim work.




An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Walking Dead - Episode 2

As an interactive experience set in this world, it hits all the right notes. The world feels authentic, the characters interesting, the art stlye adds to the comic feel and you spend most of the time talking to other characters.

As an actual game…it’s too short and waaaaaay too easy.

That was my opinion on Episode 1 and not a it’s pretty similar to how I feel about episode 2.

It’s still way too easy to complete the game and way too short.

However It is turning out to be one of the best things Telltale has ever done (if not the best thing). The atmosphere is superb and it tackles real adult issues in a pretty decent way.

There are 5 main moral decisions in each episode that have lasting implications on the game and there are a number of actions that are noted by the characters. Some of these decisions are life and death, make the wrong one and a character may die or at least the balance of power will be altered. Some of the decisions are seriously twisted and I applaud them for not shying away from it.

This time you are holed up in the motel, running out of food. You run across another group of people while out hunting and it leads to your first big decision. Soon you are visiting a new location and touching on a subject matter that was handled in the comics, but I think it is done better here.

If the world came to an end how far would you push it.

I think this is an innovative adventure game that is pushing the boundaries in it’s story and execution. I just wish that it was more substantial and it didn’t take me all of 2 hours to play through. Sure once all 5 episodes are out it should tote up to a 11-12 hour game, but seeing as it was 2 months since the last one and it was over in a flash it is frustrating.




An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Spec Ops: The Line

You are part of a 3 man Delta force team sent into Dubai to find any survivors of a massive sand storm that has destroyed the city. Along the way you hunt for the 33rd regiment that was previously sent in to evacuate the city and disappeared or did their comanding officer rebel and go rouge. It’s up to you to find out.

What follows in the 7 hours it took me to complete the game was a standard cover based shooter with an interesting take on the horrors of war.

The story in this game wears it’s influence on it’s sleeves. From the 33rd commanders name (Konrad) to the 60’s music that is contantly blaring out to the decent into the heart of darkness that you main character goes through. This is unabashedly Apocalypse Now.

The setting may have moved from the Jungle to the Desert, but it is most certainly an influence.

Dubai makes for a fairly unique setting for this type of game, with it’s oppulant hotels looking stunning buried in the sand and the constant sand storms aiding and hindering your progress. The game looks great.

The actual gameplay is the weakpoint in this game. The mechanics are functional, but standard for this type of game. You can only carry two guns, you press A to hide behind stuff and pop out to shoot guys or blind fire round the corner. Occassionally there will be turrent to control and grenades to be tossed. You have a limited control over the other two members of your team. You can highlight enemies and ask them to attack, but that’s about it.

All fairly standard.

The main redeaming factor in this game is it’s storyline. It has a few twists and turns and it puts you into some harsh situations and makes you question the shoot everything mentality of video games. Most of the morality based issues and the more intersting parts are towards the end of the game so you have to trudge through a bit of sand before it pans out, but I would say it was worth it to see someone try something different and not just pump out a generic shooter story.

In the end the storyline makes it a more interesting experience, it’s just too bad the underlying game wasn’t mroe fun.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Killzone 3

Picks up seconds after the ending of the last game. Your idiot squad mate Rico had assasinated the leader of the Helhgast. This slightly annoys their army and now they are out for your blood.

Time to get off this planet.

The Helghast counter attack overwhealms your forces and leaves you fighting across a variety of terrains (Arctic landscapes, a lethal alien jungle, nuclear wastelands as well as space battles) trying to find a way home.

The shooting is a straight lift from the previous game, but this time you can carry three weapons. A pistol, machine gun and a heavy weapon. The latter group provided the most fun in the game from your standard rocket launcher and sniper rifles to explosive bolt guns and a green gun that vapourises the enemy. A decent line up of weapons.

The game is graphically georgous with big enemies, colourful jungles and desolate ice.

The story is fairly flimsy, but servicable. The action sequences come thick and fast and the game throws you into one vehicle section after another. You will control mobile mechs, ice runners, Jet packs and space fighter. (I say control but most of them are on rails and you are only controlling the guns)

The pace never lets up and the explosions get bigger and bigger as you escape the planet and stop the new chairman of the Helghast’s evil plan to destroy the Earth.

Overall it’s not groundbreaking, but it was a hell of a lot of fun for the 7hours it took me to complete.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands

Not sure why I wanted to play this. I borrowed it from my Dad the other week afte rhaving a strange craving for PoP nostalgia and I had never finished this one.

Released in 2010 this co-incided with the movie release, but it follows the early Sands of Trilogy storyline. The main character now looks all Jake Gyllanhall by amazing coincidence.

It is usual PoP fare. Lots of platforming and sword fighting with the ability to rewind time when you cock it up. This time around you gain a bunch of new powers including the ability to freeze water to use as platforms and to restore broken parts of the levels etc.

Fighting is pretty straight forward even with the increased enemy sizes. Hit button to swing sword, jump of dodge, combine to make combos and use one of the 4 powers you collect along the way (2 of which seemed pointless - fire and ice trails). I used the whirlwind to tackle surrounding enemies and the stone armour when needed otherwise the game enemies were piss easy anyway that the sword was enough.

The game is painfully linear, insultingly so at times, the camera actually swings aroung to point in the right direction and refuses to budge if you try to go some other way. Enemies even line up for you in later levels to allow you to jump from them one by one to get across levels. The platforming was more or less impossible to fail at until pretty late in the game and then became punishly hard in the last level where you had to pass through multiple waterfalls of water alternativly freezing and unfreezing to get across.

Overall there was little challenge and a wafer thin story making this instantly forgettable.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Lost Pig

Interactive comedy fiction about an halfwit orc hunting down a lost pig.

It’s very short with only about 9 locations, but it manages to fit in a semi impressive range of actions that you can type in without the dreaded I don’t know responses.

Not to say I still didn’t get those and the usual Drop Brick…Which Brick annoyance, but it’s still shows that the developer tried to think outside the box of possible stupid things people will type in.

Try taking off your pants and eating them or set fire to the forest. (Just don’t type in “Set fire to forest” as the parser doesn’t recognise it)

Overall thought the story wasn’t that interesting and although the puzzles were interesting it wasn’t enough to recommend the game that highly.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Monkey Island 2 - Special Edition

Guybrush. Mighty Pirate is back. Bragging about his conquest of LeChuck to everyone who can stand to hear it. Unforunatly he’s stuck on Scabb Island due to the Largo Embargo. His trouble is soon to worsen as LeChuck is back and looking for revenge.

The starting island is a great way to get back into the swing of adventuring. Once you get off Scabb the area opens up to two other items and a quest for four map pieces that will help you find the treasure of Big Whoop. These puzzles can be tackled in any order making for a fairly open world missle section of the game.

There are some classic multi layered puzzles in here (Spitting contest) and one infamous one (Monkey Wrench) that mount up to a superb and hilarious challenge all the way though.

Most of the characters from the first game make a welcome return making for a familiar and varied cast of pirates.

Played it on my iPad. The updated graphics are great, the audio commentary is hilarious and the option to instantly switch from the new to old game is fantastic.


P.S This means I have now played all 10 of the Top 10 adventure games this year.


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18



I’ve had this game on my Pile of Shame for a while now. Renewed interest due to the sequel coming out this week, meant this went back into the Xbox.

You play as War one of the Four Horsemen who is caught in the war between Heaven and Hell. Hunted by both sides because he is blamed for the destruction of mankind. He is out to prove his innocence.

You start the game stripped of most of your powers so have to do favours for Samael to regain you powers. It usually involved going into a dungeon and ripping the heart out of the final boss and returning it to him.

A fairly enjoyable 3rd person action game with combos, health drops etc. Early on it is fairly obvious that this game is patterned after the Zelda games. It was widely described as “Dark Zelda” on release.

Each of the areas are patterned around dungeons where you solve puzzles kills demons and angels and get one new weapon or tool in each dungeon that turns out to be essential for completing that area and kill the final dungeon boss.

Considering how much I like the Zelda game it was great to see a more adult version of the game on a non-Nintendo product. So even though it had some frustrating as hell late boss battles it was 20 hours of fun.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Tex Murphy - Overseer

The Fifth and up until recently the final Tex Murphy game.

Following up Pandora Directive was going to be a next to impossible job and predictably this game just falls short. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game just not as polished.

Technically it is a remake/retelling of Mean Streets adapted for the 3D/FMV interface. Told in a flashback format of a night out with Chelsea, Tex is recounting his first PI Adventure.

It was interesting getting a prequel, finding out how he became the Tex we know and love.

However the story didn’t really grab me as much as the last two games. That’s not to say it is bad, it is full of decent actors like Michael York who give decent performances, but the chess based storyline got a bit stretched out at times. Also don’t get me started on the cliffhanger ending…..

The interface was updated to be a full screen game with the menus etc hidden around the edges of the screen. It did mean however I occassionally opened the inventory when panning around. I liked the previous interface and it took a little while to get used to the new one. It did mean I was more immersed in the world, but the design looked clunky, the dialogue choices stood out too much and the sliding panels got in the way occasionaly.

What I missed the most was the walking about outside your office. You seemed to teleport between scenes (I hated that the map was gone in favour of a list of locations). Most scenes were nothing more than a FMV point for dialogue. My favourite parts were the 3D scenes where you got to look around and there seemed to be less of them.

The puzzles were challenging and a hell of a lot of fun. Most of them were logical and hard but not impossible to figure out. The one that really pissed me off though was the Gallery security pattern puzzle. I could never get it right and must have “died” about 20 times before I stumbled upon the solution to stand outside the gallery and sprint for it at the right moment.

Overall it is a great game, not Pandora Directive, but still fantastic.
Final Score was3268/4000 points

So I’ll give it 4/5

P.S I wish more adventure games ahd the 3D exploration model that these games had. Not bothered if it paired with the FMV, but the total exploration of a scene is great for me.


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Dead Island

At E3 2006 a small Polish developer announced an open world Zombie RPG and everyone shrugged and promptly forgot all about it. Five years later and completely out of nowhere they released this…

  and history was made.

In probably the most successful advertising campaign of this generation. Dead Island went from a nobody to the most talked about game on the internet.

Of course a fantastic trailer aside could it ever live up to that promise and actually be a good game. Well no and yet yes.

There was no way it would live up to the hype however beneath it’s slightly janky exterior lies a very good game that is a hoot to play.

I started this ages ago and put it aside for various reasons. This week I finally decided to finish it off.

You play as one of 4 survivors of the virus that turned everyone into undead zombies. You start on a tropical resort in the island of Banoi. Each has their own skills so it depends if you want to specialise in sharp weapons, guns, hand to hand or blunt weapons. I picked the sharp weapon specialist mainly because this is a melee focused game and there is very little ammo for guns and slicing zombies into little chunks seemed like the way to go.

It is a fairly open world RPG so the tropes of the genre stand out. You collect items as you go around, upgrade them at workbenches, gain XP to upgrade you character by defeating zombies or doing the myrid of quests that other survivors give to you. There are the main quest that further the story and a hat load of side quests.

Typical RPG.

Enemies range from the slow moving walkers to the hard thugs, explosive suidide zombies and a range of others. They are all modelled fairly realisticaly and suffer damage depending on where you hit them. Breaking bones or Slicing off limbs and heads are effective ways of killing them, but you can also modify your weapons to do electicity, poison or flame damage.

The story is a bit pants and is barely servicable in getting you from A-B, but the real draw of this game is the georgous surroundings that the first part of the game provides. The Resort you start in is beautiful and from the main hotel to the surrounding beach huts and villas it is a shame you are covering it all in red. They completely get the setting right.

Unfortunatly when you leave the first area it is a bit of a let down, the city is drab and dull and you spend a lot of time in the sewers annoyingly. The Jungle area is fine with lush plants and dirt track roads etc before you finally end up in a drab prison.

The combat does start to get repetitive, but never boring. I managed to push through towards the end by stopping doing the side quests and focusing on the main storyline.

I’m glad I played it, but maybe it was a bit too ambitious for it’s own good.


http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-dead-island/17-4837/  <—- Gameplay


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams

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