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Nighthawks - New Wadjet Eye Game - Kickstarter

Total Posts: 1902

Joined 2010-11-16


Oscar - 29 September 2018 08:09 PM
zane - 29 September 2018 07:55 PM
Oscar - 29 September 2018 07:47 PM

Let’s be honest here - this would get zero attention if “Wadjet Eye” was not attached to the name.

Sunless sea has at least about the same audience size.(really larger) Probably a significant amount of the backers are there for the vampire/bloodlines reference and dont know what an adventure game or wadjet eye is.

So what you’re saying is, this kickstarter is just a hype machine based on popular franchises and company names?

Because I can’t imagine it’s the look of the actual game that’s attracted anyone. There are dozens of similar cheap interactive novels released every month.

Describing it as a visual novel is wrong. The idea is to make an rpg, with sprawling places to explore, multi-tasking quests, time sim, npc’s, item collection etc etc.


Total Posts: 555

Joined 2004-02-11


I need the creator of Resonance to make another game.  I would donate to that immediately with no more questions asked.


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


Detective Mosely - 30 September 2018 02:51 AM

I need the creator of Resonance to make another game.  I would donate to that immediately with no more questions asked.

it took six years to come fully with Resonance, and even if he is preparing anything, i think he wouldnt show any of it until he is at least halfway thru. but i am with you anyways, we need that.


Total Posts: 106

Joined 2003-09-13


You’ll notice a pattern with wadjet eye developers, they don’t stick around. It wasn’t long til their most faithful dev (Francisco) went separate ways. Now why is that?

I’m not saying it’s “their fault”. A lot of developers only do this once. They only want to do the game making experience once. That seems to be the case with Vince (Resonance) and possibly Joshua (Gemini Rue). Face it, it’s been years since those were released. And there are others on their roster that appear to have abandoned game development. James Dearden for example (Technobabylon) was another potential but is seemingly stuck in limbo.

From a publisher point of view, really you want to try and work with devs that don’t want to do the “one hit wonder” routine. It’s unavoidable of course, but it’s still something you want to try and minimize if you can. In WEG’s case when they had that, they threw it away. Francisco clearly has no intention of slowing down. They stated that split was for “creative differences” and I think that’s showing itself now, especially with Nighthawks. It’s so far from WEG’s typical offering…

So yes I agree, Nighthawks at this point seems mostly about the names attached. Propped up by the cult of Cobbett. I’d say it’s highly likely 40,000 comes direct from Cobbett’s fans and the other 25,000 from WEG fans. That’s why it’s stalling around the 65 mark, cos there aren’t really any other fans outside of that lol.

Dare I say it.. “Selling out” ?? No, I don’t quite feel that is the case. But it feels like it’s there in the background. But when they say “New Wadjet Eye Game” I have no doubt a LOT of people are looking at Nighthawks and saying, “That’s not a new Wadjet Eye game. That’s clearly someone elses game with Wadjet Eye putting their name on it.” .. as they often do. The funding is also super vague.

But I am seeing people on Twitter involved with it that I do want to support, so this isn’t a smear. It’s just that I agree 95,000 to create that thing, basically pay Dave and Cobbett an annual wage for a game that could probably be made for a quarter of that cost (or you could make 4 other type of games out of that budget) is a little bit… meh? They are checking a lot of boxes certainly but the “gameplay” box? Totally not sold on that front this end, not even remotely.

Am I supposed to believe a game journalist knows how to develop interesting gameplay? Well, they may very well know. But are they SKILLED in that aspect simply cos they’ve written about it? NO. And Cobbett is a known WRITER. That doesn’t count towards understanding or delivering decent gameplay. The concept is intriguing but ultimately, in that format, with that gameplay… no thanks? Why not adapt the idea into something that resembles an actual WEG game? Or marries the two…

Developers in bed with journalists who supply content for sites with questionable agendas is also very, very cringe. But you are welcome to call me bitter on that front, cos developers do need some level of that to find some success. Better probably that it’s a PC Gamer journo you’re in bed with than say, Mr Bill’s Adventureland. Yes I will chip in but it’s mostly out of respect for some of the team-members, the game itself - zero interest sorry.


Total Posts: 5620

Joined 2008-01-09


markymint - 30 September 2018 08:23 PM

Better probably that it’s a PC Gamer journo you’re in bed with than say, Mr Bill’s Adventureland.

Bill’s site just reviews games, Markymint, so I don’t get what your point is with this statement.


I don’t really rise and shine.  I caffeinate and hope for the best.

Total Posts: 106

Joined 2003-09-13


You just made it.

Mr Bill’s is just a small review site, PC Gamer has a massive social network and outreach. Ergo for business sake, it’s better to be in bed with PC Gamer journos than it is one of the others.


Total Posts: 5620

Joined 2008-01-09


Okay, I see what you mean.  I assumed when you said “in bed with” you were referring to some sort of business deal.


I don’t really rise and shine.  I caffeinate and hope for the best.

Total Posts: 106

Joined 2003-09-13


No problem. But even then, isn’t it still one of those? There are gains for both parties that apply to business deal terms. But yes, I was really using the basic and broad definition “in undesirably close association with” rather than in reference to any particular specific element.


Total Posts: 2103

Joined 2013-08-25


Maybe Cobbett just wants to move on from game journalism to independent game development? That’s how many people got into the industry, Agustin Cordes, for example. And I can only imagine how much Cobbett is tired of writing about video games for mainstream magazines by now. Probably explains his harsh attitude towards many classic games during recent years. As an old-time gamer he has to adapt to new trends and new audiences once in awhile, and that could be stressful.


PC means personal computer


Total Posts: 45

Joined 2003-09-09


Just a quick post to say that if you want answers to specific questions you could always, you know, ASK us. We’re always around, and we’ve discussed it plenty of times.


Website: Wadjet Eye Games || Twitter: @wadjeteyegames || Currently working on: Unavowed

Total Posts: 4

Joined 2018-10-01


Hail! Just wanted to thank folks who have supported the project. Regarding the above post -

“Am I supposed to believe a game journalist knows how to develop interesting gameplay? Well, they may very well know. But are they SKILLED in that aspect simply cos they’ve written about it? NO. And Cobbett is a known WRITER.”

Well, that’s up to people to decide for themselves :-) But I’d just point out that in the last few years, I’ve written huge chunks of Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies, done narrative design and a couple of novels worth of script on The Long Journey Home and Not Tonight, written mobile adventure games and done a fair whack of consulting for various people, including Revolution over here in the UK. So, this isn’t exactly my first rodeo here, it’s just my first original project, and love or hate the games I’ve worked on, I can say that at least the bits I’ve been responsible for have gone down well! (I had nothing to do with the physics on the Lander!) I also haven’t really done the games journalism thing for a good couple of years now, with the exception of the occasional article here and there that I’ve been asked to write. Being in bed with me probably won’t you do any good, unless it’s cold. I’m very warm and cuddly.

Regarding the budget - trust me, nobody’s getting rich over this one. It’s designed to pay people so that we can confidently get a big game out in a reasonable amount of time, versus still struggling away in five years time. When you factor in things like an original soundtrack from a professional composer, full voice cast, the graphics and so on, even without the writing and programming side, that money goes *really* fast. If you think it’s excessive, well, your call. But people spend way more than this on mobile match-3 games these days, never mind on an 18 month project with I think some cool ambitions.

Oh, and James has been talking about Technobabylon 2 quite a bit on Twitter. I can’t wait to see more of it!


Total Posts: 72

Joined 2017-03-27


Alright! From the horse’s mouth!  Thumbs Up


Total Posts: 106

Joined 2003-09-13


you know, ASK us. We’re always around, and we’ve discussed it plenty of times.

But I can’t have my own opinions on a public adventure gaming forum?

God forbid there is some discussion & debate within the often “one liner” replies that dominate adventure game communities nowadays.

No, I don’t appreciate you twice in the last 10 days contacting me personally to shut me down for having opinions about your business. I’ve been careful not to criticise you the person. But I am one of your biggest critics, get used to it. I’m afraid you’ve lost my respect now, because you favour censorship over having the freedom to speak your mind.

YOU of all people know I OFTEN talk/moan about WEG. I’ve been doing it on and off for years, and you USED to have some interesting responses. But now your attitude is “shut it down” ??

Imagine if you didn’t like something, and you mentioned it, and then that creator jumped down your throat. Were you NOT allowed to say it? Of course you were. Normally when this happens in the AAA sphere it’s frowned upon. But ofc you’re Dave Gilbert so the rules don’t apply because you’re god (to some) around these parts, yawn.

Cobbett, thank you for the reply, did the right thing here. He addressed my so called “rumors” with a level headed response. He didn’t try and shut my opinions down off site. He didn’t say “come and ask” he literally took the time to actually respond and answer the questions/rumours/dissatisfaction presented.

Dave, you have gone so far up your own ass, you’ve come out the other end. And I’m finding this to be the same with numerous “developers” that have people telling them they’re great all day every day. They seem to lose sight that this sentiment is not shared by everyone. That some people are still aware of not so perfect decisions and traits.

Furthermore, my response may have gotten one or two people to disagree with me and then decide to show their support to your KS in spite of me. So criticism and critique and maybe even someone once in a while to remind you your heads going up your own backside is necessary and beneficial. Did you consider that?

Adventure Gamers is a NEUTRAL site, meaning some people can LIKE Wadjet Eye Games and some people can NOT. And both sides of that are FINE. If you hadn’t noticed, I have abandoned the majority of the “adventure game community” and I have no interest in the “adventure game family”. No, that is not because of some crusade against you or your business, or anyone elses, but it is a realization of this place being one big circle-jerk, where the only “correct” thing to do is to love anyone and everyone that is making an adventure game because “adventure game”.

To give praise and love to someone who tries to sue CBS for using ideas they put online in a public form without copyright 5 years ago, and not doing so is considered by the adventure game mob as dissenting. To get hyped and excited for games by people that have never finished a game and have been working on one we’re all supposed to remain hyped about for years on end, but not liking it is again dissenting. To only say positive things about adventure gamers because discussion and debate (and criticism) is not welcome, unless it’s only about artwork or puzzles, because anything else would be dissent. Despite there being a million other things ripe for criticism…

Meanwhile, the rest of gaming is being infected with social justice issues and some of it seeping into adventure gaming but no-one notices or is willing to confront it because again, we’re only valid members if we’re kissing every butt that has “adventure game” written on it nowadays. The very thing that dicked me out of my hobby and interest and desire to be friends with people in this community. No, I’m not trying to blame that for why I’m moaning in this thread, but the climate has changed and along with that so have some of the people (me). Because the blinding “praise” is blinding good people to other issues that could well catch up with them in the not so distant future.

That’s not to make this political. But right now I am an outside observer, looking in to see where the problems are. And that has undoubtedly come about because of an outside influence/situation that for the most part is beyond your control and my own. It makes me feel more critical and more distant and honestly I’m comfortable with that right now. I’m relieved to have misguided, loud opinion right now. Because all dialogue and discussion (and logic) has seemingly been lost in many circles. Not blaming you, but “shut downs” highlight it.

So right now, to me, you personify this problem when you try and “shut someone down”. That is a KNOWN trait of the far-left. The regressive left, that are causing big problems across the games industry. You also know that generally, I do or would support you, even if I don’t agree with you on, well almost everything. But trying to shut me down for having opinions I’m afraid is a new low that’s too far. Now you’ve effectively shown to others that if they talk about you with disagreement, you’ll be there like a flash to ask them to stop. How great. How totalitarian of you.

But I do appreciate Richard’s response because that’s how you respond to a critic. I learned something from that, and can keep that in mind for the future. No, I’m not going to go asking direct questions in private - I’m not a goddamn journalist Wink Good luck with the KS. I wish you both the best with that and your project.

But do NOT shut people down if they aren’t interested and if they’ve known who you are and what you do for 15+ years AND are autonomous from the “general” adventure game crowd. Just don’t, it’s sad.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t “hate” you or any such thing, I am just highly aggravated by you shutting, well trying to, shut my opinions down twice in the last week or two, on two public platforms where I have every right to have them and share them. Ok? Good. Regards!


Total Posts: 601

Joined 2014-11-29


92k already! It was 80something k this morning if I recall correctly. Let’s keep the momentum going.


Total Posts: 687

Joined 2010-02-05


Not my cup of tea, but best of luck guys.


I Am the Knight of the Order of the Sun!

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