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Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


Doom - 22 June 2018 03:40 PM

(that making fire puzzle was the worst moment in the whole game)

i thought it is gonna be bad, (really bad) and i was sure of it after failing the first trial failed, but then i just followed the book, literally, and i did it! at the 2nd try. but i am interested to know how exactly did it bother you?


Total Posts: 2111

Joined 2013-08-25


Advie - 23 June 2018 04:29 AM

i thought it is gonna be bad, (really bad) and i was sure of it after failing the first trial failed, but then i just followed the book, literally, and i did it! at the 2nd try. but i am interested to know how exactly did it bother you?

I’m not saying it was hard or illogical, I also solved it myself. It’s just that the puzzle itself was so silly and out-of-place. I mean, running around the whole area gathering different types of branches, stones, etc. (unavailable before!), then following a complex formula step by step just to start a goddamn fire? I don’t know, maybe the devs never made a fire in real life, but even then coming up with this sort of puzzle in the middle of the story was a poor design decision. Another similar occasion comes to mind: when you have to free gears from ice. I got the kettle, I got it that I have to melt the ice… but with a boiling water, not with a kettle itself! So I kept running around searching for some snow or ice to melt. So, after all, maybe the devs don’t know how to use a kettle?  Naughty


PC means personal computer


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


Doom - 23 June 2018 02:18 PM
Advie - 23 June 2018 04:29 AM

i thought it is gonna be bad, (really bad) and i was sure of it after failing the first trial failed, but then i just followed the book, literally, and i did it! at the 2nd try. but i am interested to know how exactly did it bother you?

I’m not saying it was hard or illogical, I also solved it myself. It’s just that the puzzle itself was so silly and out-of-place. I mean, running around the whole area gathering different types of branches, stones, etc. (unavailable before!), then following a complex formula step by step just to start a goddamn fire? I don’t know, maybe the devs never made a fire in real life, but even then coming up with this sort of puzzle in the middle of the story was a poor design decision. Another similar occasion comes to mind: when you have to free gears from ice. I got the kettle, I got it that I have to melt the ice… but with a boiling water, not with a kettle itself! So I kept running around searching for some snow or ice to melt. So, after all, maybe the devs don’t know how to use a kettle?  Naughty

I agree, that the puzzles at it seemed like they were pushed in more than serving the story, like who needs an ID for a bar in town with 700 residents, right?, and even more they are much been borrowed from many classic adventure , like The book with plant descriptions didnt it remind of Syberia, the TV and the receptionist reminds of LSL..

but how yet, i have to feel for those devs today making adventures, as when you look at it, the genre have been there for almost half a decade now, and it seems that puzzles ideas might have been all been introduced some way or the other. but however it is beautiful, not excellent and if it was released 10 years ago it has might have gone unnoticed, but with the more retro outlook independent devs give today i have to appreciate this little extra effort made about it, to give that what i can call the minimum outlook; from artwork & color palette, suitable for today.


Total Posts: 14

Joined 2005-08-06


Just finished Paradigm. HIGHLY recommended, what a fun game. I’ll copy paste the the Steam review I submitted:
FANTASTIC amusing adventure.
I was smiling 90% of the time while playing this game, not exaggerating! This is very special for a game to achieve.
Loved the visuals, the music, but most of all Paradigm, his dialoges and reactions are FUNNY and this makes this game a treat to play. Really up there with the classics in my opinion. Feel like a kid charmed by adventures again.
This might not fit everybody’s humor but if it does… Wow you’re in for a treat.


Total Posts: 263

Joined 2014-12-25


I’ve just finished Detective Gallo. Good game, nice puzzles, but that you could do some things right away while you could do others just after Gallo knew what for was a bit annoying.

I’d still love to play a sequel.


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


The Pillars of the Earth
This is Daedalic’s masterpiece.
-A story of great depth and gravity, full of historical nuance and emotional resonance
-Brilliant voice-acting, finally Daedalic has learnt from their past games and hired professional actors
-The innovations such as the new “look” descriptions enhance the flow of the game and are a vast improvement over listening to a protagonist drone on about objects.
-Puzzles no longer get in the way of enjoying the game (Deponia, Dark Eye series) and let the story flow but still provide player agency
-Choices are completely organically integrated and remarkably allow role-playing to a degree that no adventure game in recent memory provides


Total Posts: 221

Joined 2003-11-10


Four Last Things

It’s incredibly pretty, and a great idea to begin with.
Sadly the game is too short, in my opinion, to really stand out.
Great writing, as in Edith Finch, can compensate for a short length, but in this instance it just felt nice and sometimes funny, but nothing special.
Also the puzzles aren’t great.

So 3,5/5 for me ; but great potential.


Total Posts: 655

Joined 2017-04-14


I finished Contradiction last night; overall a very positive experience. 

I enjoyed the camped-up performances of the actors though I can imagine it’s not to everyone’s taste.  The production values were excellent with both sound quality and video of the highest standard.

The Ayn Rand references were laid on a bit thick and I’m sure there were more than the few I noticed.  The writers were clearly not fans of Objectivism. Grin

The ending was very anti-climactic for a game that had really drawn me in and I would have liked to have been able to cross-reference the other characters’ statements with each other, though I imagine the former was impossible due to budget constraints and the latter impossibly complicated for even a AAA title. 

I would love to see a slightly higher budget sequel where they could give this story the ending it deserves and would eagerly kickstart it if the opportunity arose.


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Broken Sword II - Smoking Mirror

Nowhere near as good as the original. I remember being disappointed with this when it came out. The first game was longer and had a deeper plot that went into the templar history quite well. This one seems thin and lacking on depth.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 28

Joined 2018-06-04


Finished Unforeseen Incidents recently.

It’s a good game and I would definitely recommend it. I loved its visuals and the balance between things (dystopian world + humor, scenery + music, balanced puzzle complexity, etc.). The weakest aspect of the game is surely its animation. Whenever characters start walking (especially secondary ones), it becomes cringeworthy Smile Some puzzles seemed a little frustrating, too. But in general, it’s a well made game – I’m happy that I played it!


Recently released Crowns and Pawns
Very proud of having been part of Broken Sword 2.5


Total Posts: 655

Joined 2017-04-14


I finished Gorogoa last night and do not have the superlatives to describe it.

It was a beautiful, magical, unique experience.  Every part of the game is gorgeous. I have never seen puzzles like it and can’t begin to imagine how one even begins to design a game like this but I suspect some heavy narcotics were involved. Tongue

The storyline is weird but I think maybe he was putting together the pieces of a fragmented life as an old man to become whole and ascend either spiritually or actually to the next plane?

I thank the forum for pointing me in its direction as it’s almost certainly one I would have overlooked being very different from my usual choices.

A work of art; I’m not sure I’ve ever played a 10/10 game before.


Total Posts: 1902

Joined 2010-11-16


Coincidentally i finished gorogoa this morning. It was a very nice brief experience. I found myself feeling like this is the modern myst, a quiet exploration game that brings unexpected wonder through exploring and logic, and weaves a compelling subtle story. And its just very effective with everything it does.


Total Posts: 1689

Joined 2015-07-01


howdy yall long time no post, as I continue my horizon zero dawn playthrough, I have played and finished beyond two souls and currently probably about a quarter of the way through heavy rain, prepping for Detroit become human for when it goes on sell lol. These are my first playthroughs of the games and I never did beat indigo prophecy aka Fahrenheit, I lost interest in that at the halfway mark, which sucks bc I thought it had one of the most interesting openings of any game that I had seen in awhile at that time. But I decided to finally give mr cage another shot first up…..

beyond two souls.

I got this game for free as the ps4 game of the month some time ago and finally played it bc I was getting burned out on horizon (that game is not keeping my attention like persona 5 or the witcher 3 did but thats a story for a different day)


this will be the longest section bc this is basically a narrative driven game. I thought the story for b2s was ok at best, I didnt understand the need to tell it out of order, and I never did care for jodie much and by proxy many of the other characters bc they were all there just to service her story and arc. Everytime I started to care for her aka when she was a child they would then fast forward to an adult jodie and the story would lose all the momentum to me. plus the story had too many B plots, one minute she is a bad ass cia operative which is a cool concept for a game but I think some what out of scope for what cage and quantic dreams does aka gameplay, and at another pt she is solving paranormal situations for a Navajo family more in the vein of a triple A version of the blackwell series, which I think plays more to the studios strengths. I think all the voice acting and actors are good although I never have found ellen page to be that great of an actress. out of the 24 or so chapters there are 3 or 4 I really liked and the rest were avg to ok, but some were so short I was curious why they were even there aka the chapter where the only decision is to strangle or not to strangle step dad, that whole chapter is less than 3 minutes. other times characters flipped so quick it made my head spin like [spoiler]at a birthday party the children go from semi accepting jodie to literally calling her a witch and locking her in the closet in 1 minute or less.spoiler].
To me the most interesting character is Aiden and he doesnt talk which goes to show you how I feel about the dialogue, for the record I dont think its horrible but its def not great either. overall I give the story like 7.


Not much to say here the gameplay pretty much doesnt matter, if you fail qtes, the story does not change much if at all. On top of that I find there to be a serious lag between moving the joystick and the character moving. The combat sections I found to be pretty difficult as well, which I found odd bc I have played many games on the hardest difficulty with no problem. I dont know if it is bc the game slows down and changes colors but half the time I couldnt tell what direction jodie was moving in during combat to press the right qte. You also get to control aiden who is the ghost that is connected to jodie and while that is fun for a bit they dont do much with that game mechanic and it became old, very quickly to me. they could have put in some great puzzles involving aiden the ghost, but sadly they dont. his sections just turned into find the white dot game to move story forward.

overall I give the game like a 6.5/10 not horrible, but pretty forgettable

Heavy Rain

Like I said im only bout a quarter of the way through, but so far I like the story more, this def feels more like a real game with a lot more meaningful game play inputs. Even though you have to hold r2 to walk I find navigating to be more responsive than beyond two souls, I have found the qte combat to also be more responsive and easier to read bc there are prompts on the screen and not just motions, for the record Im playing on normal. Sometimes there are too many prompts for certain task, im looking at you fbi agent who has to climb the hill lol, but im enjoying my time with this game a lot more. the Voice acting is weaker but I dont think terrible at all, and I really am interested in all the characters so far, bc they have their own agendas and are not just there solely to move a character forward like in beyond 2 souls. so far I give heavy rain a solid 8/10

one odd note, I know most directors have their thing for instance quentin tarantino loves shooting feet and has a lot of feet shots in his movies, well david cage must love shower scenes bc so far between all of beyond 2 souls and a quarter of heavy rain, I have counted 4 graphic shower scenes lol.


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Broken Sword III - Sleeping Dragon

I think this game gets a bad rep. Yes there are too many crate puzzles, but I didn’t mind them so much.

The story is a huge step up from the 2nd game. More of a direct sequel to the events of the original. Pared with a great soundtrack and the return of the Nico/George banter make it a joy to play.

I liked the step to 3D. It gave more of an agency of control. It’s not perfect, the controls are a bit stiff and the camera can be annoying, but it was a decent stab at updating the genre.

Loved it.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 1689

Joined 2015-07-01


Lucien21 - 10 July 2018 03:40 PM

Broken Sword III - Sleeping Dragon

I think this game gets a bad rep. Yes there are too many crate puzzles, but I didn’t mind them so much.

The story is a huge step up from the 2nd game. More of a direct sequel to the events of the original. Pared with a great soundtrack and the return of the Nico/George banter make it a joy to play.

I liked the step to 3D. It gave more of an agency of control. It’s not perfect, the controls are a bit stiff and the camera can be annoying, but it was a decent stab at updating the genre.

Loved it.


I liike broken sword 2 but I agree 3 is also great. the opening reminds me of indiana jones or an uncharted game


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