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Playstation 4


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


They pulled a Wii-U on us and announced a new console and only showed off the controller.

I actually thought he conference was very well put together, sure it was a lot of vague promises and glimpses of the hardware (probably because it’s not 100% designed yet) and ideas behind the console, but it showed us a few kick ass games that looked stunning.

Some of the ideas presented seemed really cool. I like the share function, the instant on, the play as it downloads feature, the spectator and control you friends game if he’s stuck features. the PS Vita/ipad remote play… it all has a lot of promise.

However the main thing for me was the games, that’s what I am interested in the rest of the social stuff etc is pure window dressing.

Knack - Nothing spectacular, but it’s a cute little game.


Killzone Shadowfall - Fecking amazing graphics, with partical effects and impressive physics out the wahzoo.


Infamous: Second Son - Loved the first two games and this looks cool.


Drive Club - Not sure about the first person viewpoint, but team racing sounds like a lot of fun. I’m sure I saw a Scotland level in the demo


Witness - Modern day Myst game??


Watchdogs - Drooool…Very excited for this


Deep Down - Supposedly a Dragon’s Dogma game, but it looked georgous if lacking on actual gameplay.


Destiny - Ehhh might be ok


Some of the tech demos were just engine demos which I had seen before, but the Quantic Dream creepy old man head was very impressive.


Overall I was impressed enough to start saving for the probably early 2014 release in the UK (although I hope it would be a Nov release like the USA)

Over to you Microsoft.


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Only games that mattered were Destiny, Watchdogs, Witness and Infamous. What you didn’t see was a new Square Enix game called Murdered: Soul Suspect.

The only racing games i’m going to care about are the ones that support Oculus Rift. Else, they are all the same to me. Woopdeedoo.

Killzone was another insulting FPS romp in vain of BLOPS. Everything about the trailer felt like BLOPS 2. What do I hate the most? I noticed aliasing in the footage. That means, CONSOLES MAY STILL NOT USE ANTIALIASING. That pisses me off because thats the simplest feature that makes something look good without all the fancy shader effects. It was barely noticeable because the resolution the game was running at was actually larger than 1080 which people have been arguing about since. Anyways, looks nothing special. Give me Bioshock Infinite 2 on PS4. What becomes worrisome is the fact that it almost looks like Crysis 3. Meaning, is this enough of a jump to make a new console worth it? The best part though was the cool soft reflections on materials. Really nice. The particle effects for the first explosion was mind blowing too. Still when you see the two people get assassinated, look at the edges of the models. It looks like its just a simple depth of field currently seen in Assassins Creed 3 on current gen consoles. Also aliasing is so obvious here.

Deep Down’s animation looked terrible. Graphically, it looked ok. Just Like the Unreal Engine 4 tech demo, it looks stiff with a bucket load of gorgeous next gen/current pc gen visuals.

The reason why they don’t show the console is to prevent competitors from stealing before release. Its a business tactic where you don’t show all your cards to the competitors almost a year in advanced. They’ll show it at E3 which is much closer to the PS4’s release in november.

I have a feeling the Xbox announcement will be more prevalent with the games we want (besides watch dog and destiny).

My friend who leads the Rise of the Triad remake made a prediction about Xbox’s event.
“Prediction: Xbox Press Conference at E3, will start with Valve and Gaben on stage Revealing Half Life 3, 343 showing the first Halo 5 trailer, ID Software premiering Doom 4, Turn10 showing the most realistic driving game ever, Forza 5, DICE showing Battlefield 4, and Square Enix showing Thi4f, Respawn showing their first game, and Activision showing off the next COD.
If they pull that off, Xbox will be the winner of the first part of the next generation. It’s a challenge, but not impossible in any ways “

One note I thought was funny was the continual attempt to sell the Playstation Move. Microsoft is going to trump PS4 with Kinect 2.


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 214

Joined 2005-10-07


The only games which really interested me were the ones which are going to also be available on the PS3, so I was just left thinking “and I should upgrade why?” I’ll probably do the same thing as last time and wait a couple of years before upgrading, to ensure there’s a game out that I really want the console for, and that the hardware has dropped to a more reasonable price.


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


If this is in game and realtime fidelity or close to it, i will buy it.

Killzone looked as good as recent Judgedredd Movie, Crysis3 looked like last gen
against the scope and detail of the world, heck it never looked good besides
plantation lol


Total Posts: 974

Joined 2007-02-23


I’m sure Sony didn’t blow their entire load on this one conference. They probably have a few more exclusives and some generic third-party showings at E3 so Microsotf and the next Xbox doesn’t completely steal the show.

What I judge a console on is not really all the third-party titles, so no matter how many BLOPS or Battlefields either Sony or Microsoft have on offer I don’t really care - what does each have that the other /doesn’t/ have?

Xbox will surely have another Halo, but I doubt it’ll be at launch - 343 Studios can hardly have Halo 4 done last year and a new one this year/early next year. The development of those games has at least never been as rapid fire as the COD franchise, so I doubt that’ll change out of fear of destroying their big cashcow with a shitty, rushed game. Look how it went EA with Medal of Honor!

Then there’s Gears of War, a new one is releasing on 360 this year, so there’s probably not a new one of those either. What I can imagine is that there will be a new Fable on display and perhaps two or three completely NEW franchises from Microsoft. I’m very excited about that.

If Sony has any sense in them they’ll dazzle us at E3 with a showing of a new Uncharted - a game sure to be a system seller. A new Gran Turismo would also give the console a sure-fire salesboost, but I doubt we’ll see that anytime soon, as they’ll probably want to focus on this Drive Club whatever game. Instead I can imagine they’d be bringing back a classic franchise from the past, just as they’ve been dipping their toes in the water lately with the revival of the Sly Cooper franchise. What might be brought back I don’t know, but a personal favorite would be Crash Bandicoot, though that’s likely off the table.


Total Posts: 8998

Joined 2004-01-05


Such a long show with so little and vague info. I guess it’s a tactic of not showing too much too soon.

They showed that sensor bar with the controller but didn’t talk much about it I think, anyone catch what it is? A kinect look-alike?

I thought Killzone looked very good, very different from the previous games, much more colorful. Infamous was also nice, but Media Molecule showing Move was a waste of talent…
Ubisoft sure work fast on new consoles, Watch Dogs looked amazing. Square on the other was a joke, the same tech demo they showed last year and promise of new final fantasy, a complete waste of the spotlight.
Destiny has the potential to become one of the biggest flops ever… It’s Bungie sure, but it’s not Halo. Blizzard coming to consoles could be cool but I don’t think much people care about playing Diablo on consoles now.

For me, all that Sony has to do is show Last Guardian and will be there Smile


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Monolith - 21 February 2013 05:19 AM

I have a feeling the Xbox announcement will be more prevalent with the games we want (besides watch dog and destiny).

My friend who leads the Rise of the Triad remake made a prediction about Xbox’s event.
“Prediction: Xbox Press Conference at E3, will start with Valve and Gaben on stage Revealing Half Life 3, 343 showing the first Halo 5 trailer, ID Software premiering Doom 4, Turn10 showing the most realistic driving game ever, Forza 5, DICE showing Battlefield 4, and Square Enix showing Thi4f, Respawn showing their first game, and Activision showing off the next COD.
If they pull that off, Xbox will be the winner of the first part of the next generation. It’s a challenge, but not impossible in any ways “

One note I thought was funny was the continual attempt to sell the Playstation Move. Microsoft is going to trump PS4 with Kinect 2.

I don’t see Valve appearing on the Microsoft stage unless they have loosened up their network. The whole reason Portal 2 was a PS3 reveal was the Sony allowed them to imbed Steam in the game where Microsoft wouldn’t. Also Valve make way to much money on steam to be bothered about consoles.

However I do expect Microsoft to hit back big.


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Good point, especially since Steam is making its own PC Console called Steambox, which I’m really looking forward to. Grin


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 974

Joined 2007-02-23


But then again, is the Steambox even still happening? Didn’t Valve just fire most of their hardware department - one of them being the lead tech on the project?


Total Posts: 177

Joined 2006-03-28


Excited about Infamous and Watch Dogs. Everything else is meh to me.

Although Murdered: Soul Suspect sounds intriguing but I don’t know enough yet. Usually I’m intrigued by games labelled as Action/Adventure.


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Kasper F. Nielsen - 21 February 2013 03:05 PM

But then again, is the Steambox even still happening? Didn’t Valve just fire most of their hardware department - one of them being the lead tech on the project?

The folks over at Engadget have received a statement from Valve regarding the layoffs: “No, we aren’t canceling any projects. No, we aren’t changing any priorities or projects we’ve been discussing. No, this isn’t about Steam or Linux or hardware or [insert game name here]. We’re not going to discuss why anyone in particular is or isn’t working here.”

The lead you speak off was Steamworks not Steambox.


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 974

Joined 2007-02-23


I don’t know what Steamworks stuff you are referring to, but I did a little digging and it seems it was just a prominent member of the Steambox team who worked on controller stuff that was fired.



Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


So the new Killzone game demo was real. The game was playable on the Jimmy Fallon show. I’m finally impressed. lol They aren’t pulling our leg this time around.


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Second Son video confirmed to be in real time amazing, looks better than Watchdogs, those textures


Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Thanks for that. That shot looks AMAZING! I guess we can confirm that antialiasing is being used. THANK GOD!


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 1089

Joined 2003-09-30


Get used to it folks they can only look better.


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