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Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Fatal Frame 5 WiiU

FF3 was my fav and FF4 even though it was Suda and gang didnt do much for me
FF5 is back to Tecmo gang and it retrieves same essence of PS2 classics


-Original setup of suicide forest
-Controls work really well with Wiiupad
-Graphics, atmosphere are as good
-Enemy designs are as disturbing
-Characters are good to look at , Teamninja models look great
-Ayane fan service scenario is nice with new nuance on mechanic , i hope this mechanic returns in future


-Story is just ok
-Recycled environments , lack of new areas
-Amano theme song is getting weaker
-Too much filler of old character in new plot arcs

Could use Switch port for extra sales and audience which missed the late no marketing release


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29



Replayed it before replaying Maxpayne3
Story still holds up , great Noir action , missing old Samlake writing and comic art panels were great
Amazing VAs and Mona sax is best Femme Fatale presented in games ever
Could use a remake with all intact but MP3 gameplay and IQ

Maxpayne 3

Initially i really enjoyed Brazilian backdrop ,favelas and game version of EliteSquad
But yes Max character felt off, it lacks old charm and playing it immediately after MP2 make the writing feel less classy
Realtime cutscenes were also irritating with thateffect going on , overdone

Titanfall 2

Got it cheap for 20$ on sale going on currently
PS4 joypad makes huge difference
Later missions with many new weapons are indeed creative
Titan fights are bloody awesome, Ronin being best
Neat single player mechanical designs and constantly try to throw new stuff at you
BT is adorable
Mercs titan enemies are great
Pacing is solid
Platforming is fun


Cheap Source engine textures hurt presentation, but it gives you lots of onscreen action with 8 titans fighting on stable framerate so cut some slack

One of the most creative FPS games out there mechanically along with Destiny series


Total Posts: 2704

Joined 2004-08-02


Wolfenstein:The New Order

In preparation for Wolfenstein 2, I replayed the original and it is still as fun as it was when I first played it. The story and characters are fun and interesting, and the weapons feel great. I especially love the stealth/“all out guns blazing” choices you can make in some sections in the game. My only complaint is that stealth can be frustrating because you can’t see where the enemies are. Many games have circumvented this problem with Xray Vision(Batman), Dark Vision(Dishonored), and Camera Tag(Far Cry series), so I wish there was a similar option here.

Overall, one of the best single player FPS’es probably since Modern Warfare.


Wolfenstein:The Old Blood

More of the same, except the difficulty level seems to have been spiked here. You have access to new weapons (like the explosive pistol and the pipe), but for the most part, the game sticks too close to the old formula. A solid stand-alone expansion to get your Wolfenstein fix while waiting for the sequel.



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Joined 2005-09-29


Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Never go for reviews lesson learned, i mostly ignore them anyway but amount of hate and even some close friends comment made me reluctant
So i got it for 10$ and found it much much better than original
Mechanically very precise and strong , realistic and not sticky as hell platforming like UC,TR,AC etc

Each campaign mission is artistic marvel, amazing beautiful architectures supported by kickass soundtrack
Many traversal and platforming elements reminded me of Sands of time but it does that mechanic better and more punishing,rewarding, deep and satisfying

Lengthy campaign with challenging time trials and side missions for hardcore players to compete against others

Great attention to detail

Combat is weakest link and one part was very annoying, putting in Horde mode in this type of game isn’t a good decision

Final level was jawdropping

Story was like some TV show with similar delivery of characters so yeah good production

Unique af game

Too bad it came to 10$ to 20$ in a year, but i will now put EA over other publishers of same vein,commercial disaster which is total fan service and free from focus group

Thank you Dice and EA

Verdict = Better than all recent TR and UC




Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


The Evil Within - Xbone

16:50:10 with 92 deaths on Casual.

Picked up this for £6 in a trade in shop due to the upcoming sequel.

Started off hating the game, the camera and controls are hideous even by Tank Control standards and although you get used to the kinks in the controls it still makes for frustrating gameplay especially in tight quarters. (Level 10 Boss - I hate you Spider Laura it was the only boss that gave me major problems until I decided to run away from her instead of trying to kill her.)

Overall the game itself was a decent amount of fun with a mix match of Resident Evil/Silent Hill and other tropes from the genre.


* The levels are pretty cool with Hospitals, Asylums and post apocalypse cities all looking good (for the most part).

* The upgrade system allows for a variety of gamestyles depending on what you choose with limited resources.

* The difficulty is pretty steep giving a decent challenge. Old School survival.

* The plot may be batshit crazy towards the end, but it is in line with most of these games and I like a bit of crazy in my Horror plots.

* The weapons are pretty standard but the crossbow is fun with it’s various types of arrow and crafting mechanics.

* Story and the enemies can be scary at times even the ones that are ripped off like chainsaw guy and Boxhead for instance.


* Main Character is a snore fest. All the crazy shit going down and he emotes about as much as a wet tissue.

* The controls and camera angles are annoying as hell.

* While it is fun playing spot the homage or rip off, it does tend to be a bit blatent in it’s influences.

* The melee was next to pointless and running for more that a second causes him of huff and puff like a obese man usually leading to your death (of course I could have upgraded some of that but shotgun power was more attractive)

Evil Within is a game that mirrors the twin realities in the game, at times you hate it because you are low on ammo, stuck in a small room with a spider lady boss for the 15th time. At times you love it when you are sneaking around scrounging for loot avoiding those guys from Resident Evil 4.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Hellblade - PC 4k Ultra

All settings at very high


- Insane graphics detail made me to play this on PC, the way its meant to be played
Facial animations are off the carts,colors,textures and everything are sometimes insane high levels, its no 30$ indie shit its their with The Order for me
(My friends were watching Guardianofgalaxy while i was playing and in comparison that look like muted CG cartoon stuff)

- Headphones for the first time maybe after Lastofus, not fond of them but binaural audio here makes the experience makes it better 10 times, new experience and damn killer stuff
I was being tricked to hear something outside the room and house and i went outside to check Smile

- Combat gets super fun if you deliberately change style(counter vs block vs evade) , no HUD and menus in game, no button prompts no QTE, plain audio/visual clues
They took inspiration from Mikami classic godhand and i was worried how they will nail the enemies offscreen resulting in clunky mess of a game, but they some how used that Mikami camera and put nuance to it but adding aural clues as to where the direction of attack is coming from, also some visual clues wont say its something you should explore yourself

Its also better effort than DmC or Enslaved, maybe better than most western Melee games
You can feel impact and feedback and yes combat is better looking and sounding on PC than consoles, another huge factor why its a must play on PC at 4k

- Story is unique and tackles mental illness issue in its own way that most of the games wont dare, hats off to Devs for using and delivering some great psychological game with class presentation and better than what most walking sims try to evoke
Ofcourse the projection of insanity is dependent upon again on PC rig vs consoles

- Senua, was following her and Devs development diaries so was already anticipating and she delivered hard, good facial expressions and tech gave her to display more range in performance, but her illness is a key factor here, so overall as a CG character better than Aloy or Nathan drake

- Bosses are cool to fight and intense , thanks to different camera setup , unique feeling


- No weapons variety
- Could have used more combo sets and enemy types, just more skins
- Sigil based puzzles overused, if there is so much exploration on just patterns , they could have used more other puzzles
- Gameplay flow can get in a way if you are not into it, combat, puzzle , combat etc
And same for the most part


Must play on high end PC, its a steal at 30$, its not great but top tier production
Its not a indie in quality of everything comparing to other western games
Solid 7/10 but add 1 for audio and another for combat makes it 9
But on pc its solid 10/10 Smile

If you take some time on puzzles its min 7, rushing with expertise is around 6
Another Goty contender in the house


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Replays and clearing backlogs

Onechanbara Z2 Chaos PS4

Solid fanserice with lots of nudity,blood and gore
4 characters, lots of combo mixing and more gameplay fun than Musou games
Swap characters, tagteam them or turn into Berserk fiend, buy new weapons and unlock new combos


ResidentEvil 0

Item managment is off since Storagebox system is gone, makes it frustrating
Still zapping system, new creatures, puzzles and story makes it one of the memorable REs
Upgraded graphics are 10/10
Weskermode and new costumes are great addition and adds alot


Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Great remaster, can use same on PS4 with 60fps
Amazing variety of bosses,levels and enemies
And better OST than NG2 makes it my fav in series
Still a Masterpiece


Ninja Gaiden 2

Can use remaster with 60fps, its not as good as NG1Sigma but some elements like responsive controls new weapons and legendary staircase scene followed b 2 bosses, on hell of an experience
And ofcourse dismemberment made it more kickass
Story, levels around the world and music were not at NG1 level



Finally finished it , should have been last Kiryu game
Sidemissions were decent fun, story was among the best(Yak2>4>5)



Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Hellblade - Senua’s Sacrifice

Played it on the PC with Very High graphics settings. Took about 7-8 hours.


* Story - A lot has been made about this being a story being a decent in madness, a girl having a psychotic break. It is fantastic and the standout part of the game. The mix of Celtic and Norse mythology is excellently told through lodestones in the environment and Seuna’s internal monologe. The depiction of her mental state is very well done with internal voices helping you or berating you with insults and doubts, her delusions getting worse as you get further into the game.

* Sound - The Binaural soundtrack is best played with headphones (noise cancelling if possible) and provides a creepy as f**k experiences as the sounds and voices rotate around you and come from all around taunting you and placing doubts in your mind. You will swear they are in the room with you. Sound depicts the pychotic delusions, but also provides clues in combat that you have to dodge or that a boss is about to jump you from a certain direction in the dark.

* Graphics - For a small team they have done a remarkable job with motion capture and the environment. It is freaking gorgeous and seemlessly merges FMV with the generated stuff.  From a flowery beautiful meadow to a river of corpses this game is a treat for the eyes. A testement to PC gaming.

* Combat - Only happens at specific points and has a decepticly easy system of light and hard attacks, block, evade and kick buttons. However mixing it up and combining buttons gives different attack options. Run then attack does a thrust, Press block at the right time and it opens up parry options. Battles are weighty and tactical especially with multiple enemies on the screen. Boss Battles are fun and can be tricky.


* Puzzles - These are both a Pro and con. To get through doors you have to find runes in the environment. Basically those riddler puzzles from Batman where you have to be in a certain spot to make the trees or shadows make the rune shape. It starts off being fun, but by the end you will be a bit fed up of them. They try to mix it up by adding portals which change the world when you through in certain order, but it still ends up more of a chore.

* Fire maze - There are a few times where the world goes on fire and you have to run through a maze with instant death if you make the wrong choice. It was annoying and lead to most of my deaths in one near the end where you were being chased by a fire demon?? through the maze as you tried to find runes for the door. I died a bunch there as I got trapped in a corner.

Overall this game is a visual and audio feast that will linger in the mind for a while as the voices whisper in your ear that you are stupid and you are going to die.

It’s all an delusion.



An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29



Visual treat, some trippy PS4 tech demo with solid visual artistry at display
In motion its even more jawdropping and transcendent at times
It starts off as beautiful A to B game, but later narrative kicks in and it delivers its themes with a class of its own
Casestudy why games can be better form of an art than any other medium
If you remotely have an artist angle in your soul, own this game to the end



I wanted castlevania fix, though its no Metroidvania but delivers solid oldschool pre Sotn CV experience
Pixel art over all is 10/10
Very difficult game, there are checkpoints to make your journey easy still some areas are brutally hard and some bosses even harder
Luckily the game rewards with Souls like satisfaction and there is always a way out if you can keep playing learning patterns and mastering counter attacks , most crucial element in this game
All the time while playing i was wishing if IGA had these guys
But anyway, its best CV type game out there and in my top 10 indie games


OrcsMustDie Unchained

Mixture of Dungeonkeeper and Horde mode
Set variety of traps and select your class, enemies will rush in and you have to protect your Rift
Sounds simple but its very addictive, deep and tons of fun, gameplay is dope
Classes are gamechangers, and each deliver lots of variety
Art ingame is decent, but 2D menus are disaster and 2D character art is as generic as it comes
Its free2play so you wont lose anything, try it


Total Posts: 2704

Joined 2004-08-02


Hellblade - Senua’s Sacrifice

Also played it on the PC and I completely loved it. Mental illness is a very tough subject to tackle, and Ninja Theory created a wonderful experience that is very respectful to the subject matter. They did a lot of research, and talked to lots of experts on the subject, whether it be professors or patients.

I loved how Senua is actually the video editor in Ninja Theory, and she was supposed to be a fill-in until they found a voice actor, but then she did such a good job that she got the role.Speaking of Senua, the graphics and motion capture in this game are breathtaking, especially for an indie game. Also voice plays a huge part, since typically some people with psychosis tend to hear voices, and this is very well represented here.

As far as gameplay, it is an exploration/puzzle/action adventure game, though it leans more heavily on puzzle and story telling than combat. The combat is like a hack and slash with the ability to evade and block. You have to learn and anticipate your opponents’ attacks to evade them. One cool aspect is that there is no HUD in the game what so ever, and the way they deal with offscreen characters attacking you, is by the voices that are constantly in your head telling you to be careful.

The puzzles are fun, and they typically involve finding a pattern in the world, though there are some variations. One thing that was frustrating though was that I found myself stuck on some of these puzzles for a long while, and it felt like it broke the pacing of the game.

Still, I completely loved this game. Like nomad and Lucien said, if you want to play
it, use very high settings on a PC. It is the way it is meant to be played.



Total Posts: 990

Joined 2009-05-08


Just want to stop by here to sing my praises for Sonic Mania.


This entire decade of gaming has been a pretty big shock for me because it’s pushed back against this idea of gaming as a straight line of technological progress that relegates anything that seems old fashioned into the dump heap of history. Out of nowhere, you have a classic Sonic the Hedgehog experience that’s so much more than just a rom hack - it’s a love letter in the form of a time capsule.

In a way, the game is cheating by pulling in the best levels from the classic series but these are just a starting point to deliver great visual moments of movement and speed accompanied by an amazing soundtrack and a smooth, fluid frame rate. I’m really so grateful to still be playing games in 2017 and to get this. So good.


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


thejobloshow - 19 August 2017 06:05 AM

This entire decade of gaming has been a pretty big shock for me because it’s pushed back against this idea of gaming as a straight line of technological progress that relegates anything that seems old fashioned into the dump heap of history. Out of nowhere, you have a classic Sonic the Hedgehog experience that’s so much more than just a rom hack - it’s a love letter in the form of a time capsule.

In a way, the game is cheating by pulling in the best levels from the classic series but these are just a starting point to deliver great visual moments of movement and speed accompanied by an amazing soundtrack and a smooth, fluid frame rate. I’m really so grateful to still be playing games in 2017 and to get this. So good.

If shovelknight can cross millions this can too and can be used as a test marketing for future games in same vein



Total Posts: 2

Joined 2017-08-23


Path of Exile: the Fall of Oriath

In the new patch v.3.0 added new 6 acts. Only one act is completely new, the other 5 acts are the old acts. I was very good at playing, I generally recommend PoE.
best mmorpg and this is 9/10
I would give this game a much higher rating, but I do not want to finish the scale yet. As for the path of exile, I also recommend the Odealo.com website - which is a PoE shop (buy poe currency). This platform has been in operation for 6 months and is currently collecting positive reviews. I bought some currency there, 10 exalted orbs and 290 chaos orbs when it comes to the Path of Exile (Odealo) is Odealo is the best

Fallout Ressurection

Currently playing the new Fallout Nevada and although the new Fallout is bigger and more refined, it’s just Fallout Ressurection was created in Fallout 2.
Fallout Ressurection is 9,5/10


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18


Uncharted : The Lost Legacy

Started out as DLC, but was fleshed out into a stand alone at a budget price (£25). However there is little here that can be said to look like a budget game. It looks absolutly fantastic, the Indian setting is stunning to look at.

At just over 10 hours to complete it’s also not a short experience.

Ditching Nathan as the lead character is a great idea, because that is what makes this gamemore enjoyable than it should be. Chloe and Nadines roadtrip through India is a great little story as they bicker, fight and work together to find the Tusk of somthing or other. The maguffin is not that important, this game is all about the story of these two characters.

Standard Uncharted fair for the most part.. Action adventure through georgous locations alternating exploration, combat and puzzling to get to the Maguffin while being chased by mad man with his own private army of redshirts.

It’s all still fun, but I couldn’t help but feel that the reason the game was developed pretty quick and for a budget price is that they reused all the tech from the previous games and just hid them slightly.

A train level..check
Driving a vehicle while being attacked by other vehicles..check
Lots of convienient coloured handheld that stand out..check
Lots of bridges, ledges, floors etc that will collapse unexpectingly…check

It’s Uncharted by numbers with the exception of level 4 which attempts a more open world level. It gives you a large area to drive around and lots of little things to find as well as the bigger forts. It was fun sandwiched between all the other linear levels.

They may be streatching the formula, but its still a rollicking rollercoaster, that looks amazing, has a couple of great characters and a half decent plot. Not bad for half the normal price of a game.


4.5 /5


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2017-08-23


Fallout Nevada - Fan based Fallout 2 game, great, despite the fact that there will be bugs in it. Huge world and lots of new tasks to do.


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