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AG Community Playthrough 77 - Black Mirror 1


Total Posts: 5848

Joined 2012-03-24


I’ve now finished chapter 3 which I didn’t like as much as chapter 2 & have a vague recollection of feeling the same the first time I played the game. 
Otherwise I did enjoy the puzzles although I was on the verge of using a game save for one of them. The puzzle was one which I’m sure is a nightmare for anyone who doesn’t like sliders which I normally do but after taking a while to complete, so I thought, I realised that the symbols needed to be in order. I did it eventually but this was as the planets puzzle earlier where a player may need to research externally.

TimovieMan - 03 April 2023 04:47 AM

NOOOOOoooo, not the “slide paper under the door and push the key out on the other side” puzzle!!! And played completely straight, too. At least mock this, damnit!!! Crazy

Laughing I completely get your frustration but I didn’t mind it as sometimes for me a very familiar puzzle is a nice relief.
It was preferable to going back & forth between Eleonor & Louis to repeat instructions but it did become apparent as to why Louis was so unamenable ….fix the doorbell…..leave that & mow the lawn…..etc  Laughing

I’m not sure that this chapter overly advanced the story? except for acquiring the key but I found the approach to the abandoned house picturesque & a nice surprise as I had no memory of it. Also, I found the night time scenes impressive. 


Total Posts: 96

Joined 2017-12-26


Yes, I finally finished chapter 2 (thank Chrissie for your advice!)

I hate that everything is so slow: people take a long time before they are ready when you want to talk to them, and sometimes the only thing you have to say is that you have nothing to say :-)

On the other hand, I love the development of the story. It is really nicely done, with the books you find and other discoveries. It makes you really curious to the rest of the story.

I will play on at a slower pace than most of you, so please go on with the next chapter even if I have not finished this one!.


Total Posts: 1304

Joined 2016-04-08


At last! Holidays and free!

I will be able to play every night this week so I hope to catch up soon.


Currently translating Strangeland into Spanish. Wish me luck, or send me money to my Paypal haha


Total Posts: 96

Joined 2017-12-26


I just finished chapter 3. Having to wait until the uncle decided he remembered the meaning of the three words was a bit cumbersome.
I loved the puzzles.

The most beautiful image was that of the shadow of the bats against the door of the abandoned house.


Total Posts: 8472

Joined 2011-10-21


Finished Chapter III.

Love the new location, especially the nighttime scenes. The entire location looks better with the moody lighting.

Quite surprised at Samuel’s actions, though. When Richard asks us to get him a new flask of oxidant, instead of doing the sensible thing and going to town to acquire some, we do a Guybrush and just fake the thing. I didn’t expect that - I kept trying to leave the estate at first.

It did lead to an (expected) but rather slapstick moment later on.

I had to look up the order of the Zodiac signs for the slider puzzle. Just like with the planets in Chapter I, there should really have been an in-game clue for this.

Also took me a couple of moves before I figured out why the knights moved to some spots and not others. I didn’t make the link with chess, despite being a chess player myself. Once I did, the puzzle was easy-ier.

I quite liked the chapter. It’s refreshing to have some different locations to go to, so I’m hoping that Chapter IV will mostly take place in the woods and the sanatorium.

Does anyone know what the actual trigger was for Richard to research the Celtic gods and goddesses?
I kept aimlessly running around, and occasionally going back to him, and suddenly he had the answers, but I have no idea what made the difference…


The truth can’t hurt you, it’s just like the dark: it scares you witless but in time you see things clear and stark. - Elvis Costello
Maybe this time I can be strong, but since I know who I am, I’m probably wrong. Maybe this time I can go far, but thinking about where I’ve been ain’t helping me start. - Michael Kiwanuka


Total Posts: 645

Joined 2017-08-27


Just finished Ch.3

Although, it was less intense and dark, I think it was the right move - to get the player away from the Black Mirror mansion and from increasing grimness of the situation.

I still very much enjoy the overall type of puzzles in this game. Despite the fact that I absolutely ABHOR sliders, and this one was especially tricky. It took me several tries, but I managed with no help, I was really tempted, though.

TimovieMan - 04 April 2023 05:09 PM

Also took me a couple of moves before I figured out why the knights moved to some spots and not others. I didn’t make the link with chess, despite being a chess player myself. Once I did, the puzzle was easy-ier.

Was completely stuck on this. I forgot that he referred to it as something something chess, since that observation is only available once, and I think the knights look like dragons there, so I was moving them trying to figure out a pattern without much luck for awhile, gave up and already went to look for some help, when (thankfully!) - just in the search results I read the description for moving like an actual knight, and everything immediately clicked so I ended up solving this myself after all.


I don’t mind puzzles that need me to look stuff up, by the way, like horoscope or planets. I wouldn’t even noticed I was doing it if it wouldn’t be mentioned here. It’s kind of an automatic move at this point.

I do appreciate a nice combination of inventory/environment and these kind of numerical/logical puzzles. I can see more and more why I liked Black Mirror when it came out.

TimovieMan - 04 April 2023 05:09 PM

Does anyone know what the actual trigger was for Richard to research the Celtic gods and goddesses?

I kept aimlessly running around, and occasionally going back to him, and suddenly he had the answers, but I have no idea what made the difference…

I’m gonna say three times a charm, maybe? I asked trice (while leaving location after each), and he always had slightly different responses, and third was it, I believe.
I felt genuinely bad for how Samuel went about Richard’s business..It did lead to a sort of comedic moment later, yeah, but looking at how much stuff needed to be rebuilt, repurchased and recalculated (although he potentially got every ratio correct - we’ll never know) I couldn’t help but feel sorry.


Also, I feel like it was a bit ham-fisted the way writers connected strife with blood. I thought Samuel asked about blood absolutely out of nowhere, and I wish I’d been given some verbal/dialogue cues or backstory/item descriptions to come up with this myself.


I did find “rich people and their servants” thing that keeps going full steam here part hilarious part annoying. It makes both sides of these interactions quite unpleasant, although one side has a reason for it, and the other - only entitlement, but still. Samuel is just not very pleasant, period. I’m ALMOST used to his snooty way of talking. I do want to help him though, so I suppose his redeeming qualities (whatever they are) so far outweighing all the haughtiness. 

I felt like this chapter ended at the very intriguing point, and I really hope we get to visit Ashburry in the next one. Want to keep going but will manage to wait 2 days Grin


Total Posts: 96

Joined 2017-12-26


DCast - 05 April 2023 05:49 PM

Samuel is just not very pleasant, period.

Yes, it is really strange to play like a character you don’t like at all!

Even stranger that I had completely forgotten this aspect of the game. I remembered that I liked the story and the puzzles, I vaguely remembered the settings, but I somehow completely forgot about his character.


Total Posts: 536

Joined 2005-07-07


I just finished chapter three. I echo most of what’s already been said about it. The chapter doesn’t bring the story much forward and is mainly about obtaining the key. I did enjoy puzzling my way to that goal though.

Again, I don’t think it’s fair puzzle design to rely on knowledge that is not obtainable in-game. This time I did have to alt-tab and google my way to the info I needed. I did enjoy solving the puzzle after that though. Like others I was stuck on the jewelry box puzzle for a while, but once I figured out the connection to chess it wasn’t that hard to solve it.

I got Samuel’s head chopped off in the crypt. Maybe I would have been more careful if I had read the inscription on that pillar first but I’m not sure. A bit unfair I think.

Some things in the chapter is downright silly. The whole fooling Richard with the ink/oxidant puzzle has already been mentioned. Another silly moment is when Richard refuses to give the key to the crypt to Samuel because of how angry Eleanor would be but think it’s a good idea to give Samuel acid to melt the lock. C’mon…

A general thing that bothers me a tiny bit with this game is that Samuel talks too much, both to others and to himself. There are unnecessary phrases at the beginning and end of most dialogs, such as “can I talk to you for a moment” and “I will go now”. they get a bit tiresome and slow the game down. Also, Samuel has a tendency to overexplain what he’s doing and why.

Enjoying the game very much though. Hope we can continue on with chapter four pretty soon.


Total Posts: 1304

Joined 2016-04-08


I finally finished Chapter I, which is quite long. I’ll keep playing…


Currently translating Strangeland into Spanish. Wish me luck, or send me money to my Paypal haha

Total Posts: 184

Joined 2021-03-21


I finished chapter 3 also. Cant say i enjoyed this one as much as the previous. Story wise not many things are happening and is heavy on puzzles.

I spent way too much time on slider puzzle. While i had guessed right the pattern and the order of the signs i thought the top right and bottom left tiles of the middle cube were reversed. That leaded to try to solve an unsolvable puzzle. I had to check internet how to solve the slider puzzles and actually learned generally how to solve those and that some of those are unsolvable from the start. Anyway, after i saw a screenshot of the solved puzzle i realized my mistake and it was a matter of minutes afterward to progress.

Also i had problem with the knights puzzle. I couldnt understand why the knights were moving to only specific spaces. It didnt help that some of the spaces were black and some white, which is irrelevant. I had to check a guide again and when i found the movement to be chesslike then it was easy.

Other than that i was stuck finding hotspots for long time. First it was the logs for the stove and then the steam. Spent too much time walking around pixel hunting. I really dont like how hotspots disappear and reappear in this game relative to which part of the puzzle you are. A way to highligt hot spots would make this game so much better.

Also Samuel show a diferrent character this part. He destroys property, deceives, steals and all of that just to get to a key and learn the truth. I guess is because of the gameplay but still the change of character is kinda sudden.

This chapter exhausted me with the puzzles, i hope rest of the game is easier.


Total Posts: 1352

Joined 2009-04-28


OK, great to see many of us seem to have got to the end of Chapter 3. That must mean we’re due a quick…

Chapter 3 Roundup

If the mine sequence in chapter 2 felt a little like a different game, then a complete move to Wales for a chapter provides a definite change. It would be going far too far to call chapter 3 ‘a bit of light relief’ but there are some sort of humourous parts and it is certainly something of a break in play.

Now I was really in two minds about whether to post this next observation or not as no-one else has said anything and it probably says a lot more about me than it does the game, however, my mischievous side has won out against my better judgment…


Now, obviously everyone loves boobs - who wouldn’t, but the opening scene of Chapter 3 poses the age old existential question which has had philosophers in knots since the beginning of time. Can you have too many boobs at one time?

It would appear that the architect of this particular gate doesn’t think so. I wonder what he was trying to communicate to visitors to the mansion? What message he sought to convey? I mean, I guess it’s an impressive front to present to the world at large but is there a danger that you might attract the wrong sort of visitor?

Was Dergham Gordon a serious PLAYA back in the day, or is there in fact something sinister about four ladies with boobs out but no arms? Best not to think about that anymore I suspect!

In other boobs NEWS, I MEAN NEWS (I swear I am not obsessed!  Foot in mouth )

We met 2 more members of this ‘interesting’ family, spent a fair bit of time in the rather picturesque grounds of this Welsh mansion and, pausing only to order around and deceive some servants, heartlessly impeded the work of a scientist. Now I get that the Gordons aren’t all wonderful people, but I do wonder how bad your marriage has to be to hide your evil science lab to quite the extent that Richard has here. I can’t deny that I did enjoy the puzzles to get in though.

Then a nighttime visit to a tomb, again by devious means, a puzzle or two, a near death experience (maybe) and we have another key.

As there is obviously no reason for Samuel to hang around with these losers anymore, it’s straight back home to end the chapter.


3.5 time winner of the “Really Annoying Caption Contest Saboteur” Award!


Total Posts: 1352

Joined 2009-04-28


Onwards then with…

Chapter 4 - forgotten bound…

After our trip to Wales, we’re back in business at home, and it appears that Robert did not return from his work at the sanitarium a couple of nights ago.

Not only that but a boy was recently found in the woods apparently killed by wolves.

OK, we’re back in the story with some serious stuff to investigate, let’s get to it!

Let’s try and finish this chapter by Monday 17 April (Also Happy Easter all!)


3.5 time winner of the “Really Annoying Caption Contest Saboteur” Award!


Total Posts: 645

Joined 2017-08-27


sylv - 06 April 2023 01:55 AM
DCast - 05 April 2023 05:49 PM

Samuel is just not very pleasant, period.

Yes, it is really strange to play like a character you don’t like at all!

Even stranger that I had completely forgotten this aspect of the game. I remembered that I liked the story and the puzzles, I vaguely remembered the settings, but I somehow completely forgot about his character.

I also completely forgot about his personality, and I think I mentioned it in the very first post - that’s how peculiar this fact was to me. But I realized something after reading your post - I played Black Mirror back when it first came out in a different language. Now I’m wondering if the written dialogues (with Samuel’s snobbishness) or voice-over (he has this robotic arrogance going - I’m not a fan, although the others are very decent) ever carried over into localizations? I’m playing English version for the first time, and it sticks out like a sore thumb, so I think that either localization did smooth the overall character over (maybe even without realizing it), or maybe, as a teen, I just didn’t care all that much about this aspect then.


Total Posts: 1304

Joined 2016-04-08


Chapter 2 finished. I will keep catching up…

P.S I don’t like Samuel either. And mainly his voice.


Currently translating Strangeland into Spanish. Wish me luck, or send me money to my Paypal haha


Total Posts: 31

Joined 2022-05-10


I finally got a chance to catch up yesterday.

I’m still making my way through Chapter 2, although since I’m stuck in the underground elevator shaft I hope that means I’m close to finishing this one.

I’ll echo many things that others have said, and it also bugs me when I accidentally double click on a hotspot and lose the ability to read the description (save for reloading a previous save).


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