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When do you usually Quit ? 


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


as i write this title i thought of Zobraks and how would he see this as another Silly Topic from Adventurerere Smile , anyhow.

i was wondering how/when Adventure players usually Quit playing an Adventure ,when do we all press that Quit button at main menu , Winners or Loser?, Bored or Satisfied? Fed Up/ Stuck or breaking Through?

i myself hate to Quit when i am Stuck! i love to start the Adventure the next day/time remembering my achievement and head for another.

why so Serious?

there are walkthroughs everywhere,....

ok but i do not feel satisfied using them plus that they could be a reason to skip an Adventure forever; especially if i find out it was something stupid made by the makers that i just missed..
Adventure Games Ends and when finished they eventually kept on some Shelf waiting for some day in years to come to be replayed, i might not be happy to throw 30Bucks for (5-10) Hours when RPGs,Actions,Sports,Sims .....etc can live for weeks and months but it seem we appreciate Adventure Games and we look at them Like some kind of Art as Novels or Movies but not as music CDs.

anyways back to the point this thread might be dejavu for another one at the old AG (DAMN.. i peeked into the walkthrough once again!!!) http://archive.adventuregamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30577&highlight=peeked+walkthrough

but this time i want to discover the nature/reception of Adventurers to the Genre and how close we are; identical, similar or just totally different . 


Total Posts: 198

Joined 2012-08-03


If I understand the question correctly you are asking when/how AGs quiet playing a game when they are stuck. Sorry, I might not have understood the question. Smile

When I’m stuck big time, let’s say for 60 to 90 minutes plus, I will try to walk away and do something else like playing the guitar, go for a surf at the beach, or go to the gym. When I come back, I will try to sit down with the game again, and see the problem through a different angle. If that does not work, I will take a look in a walkthrough, even though I deteste it. I will try not to look in a walkthrough more than once per game, maybe two if it is a really hard game. The only time I’m OK with looking through a walkthrough is when there is some kind of annoying stand alone puzzle with number combinations, sliders, etc. Hate those! Smile


Anticipating:The Devil’s Men

Recently played:GK1 Remake (4), A Golden Wake (3), Child of Light (4) Memento Mori 2 (4) Face Noir (3.5) Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect (4) Blackwell Epiphany (4.5),Broken Sword 5(4.5), The Shivah Remake (4.5), Monkey Island 2 Remake (4.5)

Top 10 Adventure Games:Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive, Gabriel Knight:The Beast Within, Broken Sword:Shadow of the Templars, Gabriel Knight:Sins of the Fathers, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon, Lost Horizon, Grim Fandago, The Longest Journey, Blackwell Epiphany


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


So you give your self a very limited chances to peek into walkthroughs, thats great ,i do the same exactly (or almost) ;3 maximum peeks and then i freeze the game until further notice Content

i remember when i was playing LSL2 i stuck at the last text that finishes the game for 6 months with tries and error from time to time and never succeed, until i met a person at Games (distributer) Shop which told me the exact text needed to be entered PUT BAG INSIDE TONIC BOTTLE,
there were no Net or walkthroughs but expensive Hot-Line and Order hint books that i never tried or used, i guess since then, that didnt change even after the net walkthroughs Burst.

glad that i have got that theory as you Niclas Smile and i am not alone who is taking Adventures Seriously (somehow)


Total Posts: 4011

Joined 2011-04-01


When I’m sick of the talking. I can’t stand listening to people talk for long so too many dialogues make me quit.

I don’t quit over hard puzzles - being stuck just makes me more eager to solve them. But I can only play talky games in small doses. And there’s no such thing as a balanced game any more. It’s either complete silence or a constant barrage of chatter. (Edna & Harvey took me many months to finish, RHEM 3 a week)


Total Posts: 198

Joined 2012-08-03



True that, Advie. Smile I remember the good old days of AG’s in the early 90’s when one did not have access to the internet. I actually never managed to call a hint line, or I actually tried a few times, but I never got through. I lived in Sweden back then, and there was probably some issues getting connected to the US. Smile

By the way, what I remember from Larry 2 is when you are on that life boat and your had forgot to buy that freakin’sun screen!!! Smile I’m glad that AG’s are more forgiving these days, or at last made in a way that you can not progress to the next step until you have done all required things.


Anticipating:The Devil’s Men

Recently played:GK1 Remake (4), A Golden Wake (3), Child of Light (4) Memento Mori 2 (4) Face Noir (3.5) Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect (4) Blackwell Epiphany (4.5),Broken Sword 5(4.5), The Shivah Remake (4.5), Monkey Island 2 Remake (4.5)

Top 10 Adventure Games:Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive, Gabriel Knight:The Beast Within, Broken Sword:Shadow of the Templars, Gabriel Knight:Sins of the Fathers, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon, Lost Horizon, Grim Fandago, The Longest Journey, Blackwell Epiphany


Total Posts: 411

Joined 2006-04-21


If I quit when I am really stuck, I may not pick up the game for a while. I go to load it and go ‘Oh yeah, I’m stuck’. In the case of some games time goes by and I never go back to it because I forgot where I was and what I was doing. But usually those games weren’t holding my interest anyway. I try to avoid walkthroughs because once I start, I use them more and more til I finish the game and then I don’t enjoy it. But I could really use one now…


The real problem with reality is the lack of background music.

Knightette of the Order of the Caption

Music is what feelings sound like…


Total Posts: 5058

Joined 2004-07-12


I quit when the game becomes so boring that I can’t imagine giving any more time to it. Unfortunately, that has become an all-too-frequent occurance.


For whom the games toll,
they toll for thee.

Total Posts: 1902

Joined 2010-11-16


the last adventure game i quit without finishing was “a new beginning.” It was an accumulation of things that lead to it not being fun. The voice acting was lame, the puzzles were mediocre, the animations weren’t good, and for some reason i was having trouble caring about the story. But to answer the question: i quit when its no longer fun.


Total Posts: 198

Joined 2012-08-03


“the last adventure game i quit without finishing was “a new beginning.” It was an accumulation of things that lead to it not being fun. The voice acting was lame, the puzzles were mediocre, the animations weren’t good, and for some reason i was having trouble caring about the story. But to answer the question: i quit when its no longer fun.”

I actually did the same thing with A New Beginning. I got so fed up with the game for the exact same reasons. I usually never leave a game unfinished.


Anticipating:The Devil’s Men

Recently played:GK1 Remake (4), A Golden Wake (3), Child of Light (4) Memento Mori 2 (4) Face Noir (3.5) Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect (4) Blackwell Epiphany (4.5),Broken Sword 5(4.5), The Shivah Remake (4.5), Monkey Island 2 Remake (4.5)

Top 10 Adventure Games:Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive, Gabriel Knight:The Beast Within, Broken Sword:Shadow of the Templars, Gabriel Knight:Sins of the Fathers, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon, Lost Horizon, Grim Fandago, The Longest Journey, Blackwell Epiphany


Total Posts: 120

Joined 2004-01-06


This is one of the reasons why I don’t play too many adventure games any more - this benchmark for quitting a game has changed. When I was younger, I used to wander around in a game when stuck, trying everything with everything, talking to everyone etc, for about 45 minutes to an hour. It was at that point I’d quit, and spend every hour or so just having a think about what needed to be done - I’d come back and solve the problem easy, just by thinking about it outside of the game!

nowadays with the internet and all types of guides that you can find, this doesn’t happen, so I tend to quit if I find a game getting a bit stale - I’m off-put by smaller details now, like bad voice acting, poor animation, drawn out sequences of filler etc. I don’t like that. I wished it were possible to return to the good old days where we could only discuss game problems face to face with our friends Frown


I’m on a whole new adventure.
Growing a mustache?
No. Bigger than that.
A beard?!?


Total Posts: 1089

Joined 2003-09-30


I quit immediately when a story starts padding more than usual.


“Going on means going far - Going far means returning”


Total Posts: 1813

Joined 2005-10-23


I also quit when a story gets too boring and it doesn’t seem to become more interesting later. Unlikable characters also really put me off. Oh how I hated Anne in Paradise. Which brings me to the next thing: if a game has too many glitches and crashes I also quit playing it. Very rarely do I quit a game because of its puzzles, but Echo: Secrets of the Lost Cavern managed to pull that off.


Total Posts: 3933

Joined 2011-03-14


Like so many others have posted: I only quit a game if it becomes boring or i otherwise dont like the game. Never because the puzzles are too hard.

If i get stuck, then i stop for the day, and try to look at it with fresh eyes the next day, and if im still stuck then i search for a walkthrough.

In the old days without internet and easy available walkthroughs, i might have quit a game or two because i got stuck, but even back then i was usually able to find some help.

I generally play a game over a few days, and i never pick up a game i had stopped playing, months or weeks after i initially started it.


You have to play the game, to find out why you are playing the game! - eXistenZ


Total Posts: 8472

Joined 2011-10-21


Most (if not all) of my reasons apply to games of ALL genres, not just adventure games, but they’re fun to sum up:

I press the Quit / Exit button when…

- ideally, when I’ve completely finished the game Thumbs Up

- when I suddenly realise it’s the middle of the night and I have to go to work in the morning

- when I’m starting to get too tired to continue (this mostly happens with DS games, because I tend to play those while lying in bed, just before going to sleep)

- when the missus starts telling me that “they could be here any minute now” or that “I *really* need to get ready or we’re going to be late” (or any variation on this theme) Tongue

- when I’ve just opened an entire new area to explore or when I’ve just started a new chapter in the game (and no longer have oodles of time to continue playing)  (*)

(*) I tend to make a saved game just before I think I’m going to open a new area / start a new chapter. Replaying the last action (and rewatching the cutscene, or whatever ‘reward’ there is) is a good way to put myself right back in the correct mindset when starting again.

- when I’ve invested a few hours in the game and it hasn’t been fun *at all* and the story still hasn’t picked up and I’m simply bored by it. It rarely happens, but it happens (*cough* Paradise *cough*). These are the ones that won’t get restarted again.  (*)

(*) Exceptions to this are: when I feel like I’m close to the point where the game *will* pick up the pace, or when I feel like I’m already close to the end of the game. Then I’ll just walkthrough-bulldoze my way through, just to get to the end.
I’ll do this too when I like the story but hate the puzzles or the gameplay. This mostly happens in other genres, though. Then instead of walkthrough-bulldozing my way through, I’ll most likely God Mode-bulldoze my way through… Grin

I DON’T press the Quit / Exit button when…

- when I’m stuck. I’ll revisit every location, look at everything all over again, talk to everyone about everything again, and try everything on everything again. If I’m still stuck after that, I’ll consult a walkthrough.

- when I keep failing a timed sequence. I’ll persevere when this happens. I’ll probably start to get agitated after failing a dozen times, but I’ll persevere, damnit!

Quite a few of you have mentioned wanting to go back to the pre-internet days. I don’t feel that way at all. I’m actually glad that walkthroughs are readily available these days.
Yes, overusing walkthroughs tends to take all of the enjoyment out of a game, but I really hate having to abandon a game just because I’m stuck in it. If I abandon a game, then I want it to be because the game is bad and I no longer wish to continue playing it, not because I want to continue but don’t know how to do just that.
There’s a LOT of games that I never finished back in the day because I was stuck. I never finished LSL2, LSL3, LSL5, PQ2, KQ7, Zork: Nemesis, etc.
It took me over 6 months to finish The Dig (and that was a game that I really hated putting on hiatus), and there’s a bunch of games that I only finished years later, after I got internet access (like Sam & Max, The 7th Guest, KGB/Conspiracy, etc.).
I’m glad that this no longer happens. Finishing a game by using a walkthrough is still better than not finishing a game at all, imo.

There’s also a few games that I didn’t get to finish because of a game-breaking bug: Phantasmagoria (which I’ve only managed to finish two-three years ago), Lost Eden and Simon 3D, for instance.
Most of the time, the internet can show me how to bypass the bugs (or patch the game to get rid of the bugs altogether).

I wouldn’t want to go back to the pre-internet days. I’m quite content with the way things are now…


The truth can’t hurt you, it’s just like the dark: it scares you witless but in time you see things clear and stark. - Elvis Costello
Maybe this time I can be strong, but since I know who I am, I’m probably wrong. Maybe this time I can go far, but thinking about where I’ve been ain’t helping me start. - Michael Kiwanuka


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


looool, that is an excessive answer
Timo dont you have the same saying that “understanding the question holds half the answer” Tongue


Total Posts: 946

Joined 2005-06-02


TimovieMan - 17 December 2012 12:06 PM

- when I’m starting to get too tired to continue (this mostly happens with DS games, because I tend to play those while lying in bed, just before going to sleep)

And how does the missus feel about that?

As much as I love adventure games, I never play them in bed and I’d hate to share a bed with someone who does.

Quite a few of you have mentioned wanting to go back to the pre-internet days. I don’t feel that way at all. I’m actually glad that walkthroughs are readily available these days.

Me too!

Finishing a game by using a walkthrough is still better than not finishing a game at all, imo.  There’s also a few games that I didn’t get to finish because of a game-breaking bug: Phantasmagoria (which I’ve only managed to finish two-three years ago), Lost Eden and Simon 3D, for instance.
Most of the time, the internet can show me how to bypass the bugs (or patch the game to get rid of the bugs altogether).

I bought GK2: The Beast Within in the nineties, couldn’t finish it thanks to some wonderful bug. Now it’s #11 in my Top Ten. Smile



Now playing: ——-
Recently finished: don’t remember
Up next:  Eh…
Looking forward to:
Ithaka of the Clouds; The Last Crown; all the kickstarter adventure games I supported

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