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Replay Games wants “infringing” Kickstarter campaign taken down (update: Al Lowe’s okay with it)


Total Posts: 334

Joined 2003-10-16


You talk about speculation being logical, but speculation by its very definition, requires a leap beyond the point where there are sufficient facts to support a logical conclusion. I also cannot see how any of the speculation in this thread can be considered anything but derogatory, nor how any future speculation on this subject cannot help being the same.

To take supaplex’s IGN links as an example. Despite the lack of comment, the obvious reason for posting those links in this thread is to suggest gamespygeek is Paul Trowe. This is therefore an accusation of him creating a fake positive review to boost the profile of his own company. There is also a suggestion, from supaplex saying he has saved copies, that he might try to hide that action by taking the pages down. Not exactly positive speculation.

Here’s an alternative interpretation. An ordinary gamer joins IGN, As it comes up to the end of their first month of membership, they begin to feel confident enough to post a review of an obscure game they think deserves more attention. It receives no responses (it has neither positive nor negative trust points) so they give up on IGN as a waste of their time.

Both of these are valid interpretation of the facts available. There would obviously be no point in posting the second speculation in this thread on its own, as it clearly has no relevance. The first speculation would be of interest, but is clearly derogatory.

Facts are good, but any assertions that favour a negative interpretation over an innocent one when the facts do not back up that distinction are not.


No Nonsense Nonsonnets 44

Quest for Knowledge

I’m hoping to find name for game that I played long ago
The people here so well-informed, someone is sure to know
A time machine, grandfather clock, I give it to myself
Oh never mind, the box is sitting there upon my shelf

For real retro gaming nerds, name that game.


Total Posts: 990

Joined 2009-05-08


The only problem with your analysis, stepurhan, is that it completely exists in a bubble and disregards the information we’ve gathered about a user called gamespygeek outside of IGN and the content of his posts.

I know we’d all like to be cool and detached like Miles Edgeworth or Stephen Fry but sometimes an educated guess will do. That’ll do.


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Joined 2003-10-16


thejobloshow - 09 June 2012 04:59 AM

The only problem with your analysis, stepurhan, is that it completely exists in a bubble and disregards the information we’ve gathered about a user called gamespygeek outside of IGN and the content of his posts.

No it doesn’t. The other facts presented can easily be fitted into my theory.

Let us assume for the moment that the gamespygeek on kickstarter and the gamespygeek on IGN are the same person (this is not a proven fact. Gamespy is a popular website. Geek is a popular term related to computers/games. It could just be a coincidence). They have already shown that they have some interest in Replay games, by choosing a relatively obscure title from that studio for their IGN review. It is hardly unprecedented for a keen, but unconnected, fan to go over the top in protecting something they love. (Attacking a game that seems to infringe on the IP of their favourite studio)

The facts as presented don’t distinguish between foul play and a genuine third person (or indeed more than one other person) who just happens to be a fan of Replay. By all means present evidence that Paul Trowe has done these things. Otherwise you are simply bad-mouthing someone from an unsupported interpretation of the facts.


No Nonsense Nonsonnets 44

Quest for Knowledge

I’m hoping to find name for game that I played long ago
The people here so well-informed, someone is sure to know
A time machine, grandfather clock, I give it to myself
Oh never mind, the box is sitting there upon my shelf

For real retro gaming nerds, name that game.


Total Posts: 966

Joined 2005-11-29


There’s a lot of circumstantial evidence. For example, Gamespygeek “changing his mind” about SpaceVenture the same time Paul does a post about it. And similarly dickish posts under Paul’s real name. His silence on the matter speaks volumes too, since he’s not exactly the type to keep his mouth shut.

Spikey - 08 June 2012 09:05 AM

Just quickly, here’s one more nugget. For those saying “well, Paul Trowe supported the Two Guys”, well, not only has he only done that after basically dissing them and being told to support them (by Josho on at least one occasion), he also posted this on Facebook:

For someone supporting the Two Guys, it seems awfully odd to try and take the Space Quest IP.. Especially after publically posting that you were on the same team and not competitors. Anyway.

While I’m tired of the discussion on several forums, I don’t like the moderators/admin’s desire to shut this down.. there could be something big here.

He’s been trying to get the SQ IP for a while. He wants to be the new Ken Williams, but he seems to have no real respect for the creators. He talks about Scott Murphy like he owns him.

filipstamate - 07 June 2012 10:50 AM

- why would Paul Trowe attack the Two Guys and then post an update on Larry’s Kickstarter page encouraging their backers to support SpaceVenture?

Why did Gamespygeek do the same exact thing on the same exact day?


Total Posts: 514

Joined 2010-08-03


stepurhan for starters how can speculation be positive in a topic like this?

secondly,how does the attack on the two guys feature in your theory…they didn’t infringe on anything.and again they did have legal trouble at some point.too many dots…....
and when there are too many coincidences sth is fishy.the problem is that trowe went for the lawsuit without even trying to rectify this in private,see what grounds wisecrack had.if this were to be investigated and showed that he had some connection that would be outright hypocrisy(since he is so high on fairness).

and really who would go hardcore for the games that replay has published.hardcore enough to start trolling on other projects….i mean replay games hasn’t even made an adventure game before and LSL is hardly their IP,they merely purchased the rights and are currently,emphasis on currently, making their first ag which is a remake.hardly a studio you’d go that hardcore for.even for a naive kid there would be plenty other games from far better studios to go hardcore for.it would be more understandable if the fan was one of Al Lowe’s but i’m sure that’s not the case by observing the activity of the account.whoever this fan is,he has a connection with replay games and trowe.maybe small but there is one.

and the changing mind thing…..it’s only one case and after he did a number on that project.and to tell you the truth i think it’s BS

how does one guy go from:

  Wow. You guys are so desperate you’re going to rip off what Al Lowe said? We all know this Kickstarter isn’t going to make it but at least go down with some dignity…...I just lowered my pledge.

posted in May 28


I just upped my pledge to $100 after seeing the latest updates. These guys totally deserve to make this game independent of any publisher. I don’t know who the heck this guy Chris Pope is, but I believe in Scott & Mark and their ability to make a game after all these years. I originally dropped my pledge to $1.00 because of the technical screw ups but I don’t think that’s The Two Guys’s fault…I blame that on the Chris guy…he’s leading this effort. Mark/Scott are the creative guys and as long as they get a good developer to do this they’ll be fine. Let’s all pull together now and give this thing a solid push over the next 11 days. Who’s with me?

posted in June 1.

this is like an 180 degrees turn in a mere 4 days.if this is just a fan then he is the single most undecided fan out there.if he gets to say he supports Mark and Scott so much it means he did before it’s not sth decided overnight.i don’t see that kind of respect and support 4 days before that.


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Joined 2005-11-29


thejobloshow - 07 June 2012 10:43 AM

If ‘Jiminy’s’ comments are plants by Wisecrack, Trowe would have repudiated it instantly. However, that’s not what happened. This story broke and the Jiminy MySpace and Kickstarter account was abruptly taken down.

So Wisecrack started making posts attacking Two Guys from Andrommeda BEFORE launching the whole Sam Suede thing? REALLY? GTFO of here.

jhetfield21 - 09 June 2012 07:17 AM

this is like an 180 degrees turn in a mere 4 days.if this is just a fan then he is the single most undecided fan out there.if he gets to say he supports Mark and Scott so much it means he did before it’s not sth decided overnight.i don’t see that kind of respect and support 4 days before that.

Not only does he go 180 at the same time as Paul, but he attacks Chris Pope while doing it, just like Paul Trowe has done under his real name. It’s very obvious to me that there is a connection here, and if it isn’t Paul, he knows exactly who it is.


Total Posts: 214

Joined 2005-10-07


There’s a difference between completely wild speculation, and looking at the available facts and reaching a conclusion based on the balance of probabilities. The latter does employ a logical progression of thought, and an analysis of the evidence, such as spotting a pattern of behaviour from a series of events which when taken individually could be disregarded as mere coincidence.

Stepurhan’s hypothesis is a plausible interpretation of the facts, but the issue with scenarios where solid proof is lacked, is that it comes down to which story people find more credible. Personally I find the passionate fan defence less believable based on everything I’ve seen thus far, but then I acknowledge my own prejudice in this matter, however objectively I try to see things.

On the subject of what is considered derogatory, I think that point is reached once speculation jumps to accusation. So long as we remain open to the possibility that we are wrong, then I think it’s fine to analyse the information that becomes available and fit it into different theories.


Total Posts: 6

Joined 2012-06-05


Can I throw one more fact out there:

Looking at Google’s cached Myspace profile of Gamespygeek [1] we’ll find that his friendID was 510919891 (you have to “View source” to see it)

Those Myspace friendID’s are sequential, so if you look at public profiles around that number - e.g. myspace.com/510919890 or myspace.com/510919892 - you’ll see that profiles in that range were all created on Nov 30, 2009 - very close to the IGN’s Gamespygeek join date (7 Dec 2009)

[1] http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4iVniKN0YdAJ:www.myspace.com/gamespygeek+&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk


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thejobloshow - 07 June 2012 10:43 AM

Furthermore, lol@ip tracing. Irishsmile is now quoting Paul’s Twitter page. Where’s THAT proof at?

I think they’re talking about IP tracing someone who posted on Replay’s forums. But obviously that’s completely irrelevant nonsense.

There are a lot of things in life you’ll never be able to prove conclusively, but the evidence in this thing transcends mere “speculation.” Even ignoring the Gamespygeek account, the guy is an ass, he tried to get the SQ without the two guys involved, he got mad and said nasty things when they chose to work with someone else, he threatened to sue over something he didn’t have the rights to in the first place, he thinks mentioning a game that someone worked on is illegal, he lied and spoke for Al Lowe, he wanted to buy the rights to Sierra stuff from a mobile subsidiary because he’s clueless…

So given what we CAN convict him of… Isn’t that enough to say we want no part of anything this guy does?


Total Posts: 514

Joined 2010-08-03


unfortunately as far as LSL goes this guy is a necessary evil…i do want the remakes and seeing as he bought the rights for the series if the next games get cancelled no remakes ever.apart from that though,no problem.


Total Posts: 966

Joined 2005-11-29


jhetfield21 - 09 June 2012 09:48 AM

unfortunately as far as LSL goes this guy is a necessary evil…i do want the remakes and seeing as he bought the rights for the series if the next games get cancelled no remakes ever.apart from that though,no problem.

Replay games does not own the rights to LSL. They licensed them—non-exclusively—for a single game. There is no reason Al couldn’t go somewhere else after this if he so desired, as long as that place was willing to pay for the rights.


Total Posts: 514

Joined 2010-08-03


oh…..in that case ok!! Tongue


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Frogacuda - 09 June 2012 10:31 AM

Replay games does not own the rights to LSL. They licensed them—non-exclusively—for a single game. There is no reason Al couldn’t go somewhere else after this if he so desired, as long as that place was willing to pay for the rights.

Just judging from what they posted on their Kickstarter page, I believe they have the licence to remake all six of the original games.


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Joined 2010-10-27


Jatsie - 09 June 2012 10:41 AM

Just judging from what they posted on their Kickstarter page, I believe they have the licence to remake all six of the original games.

I really hope the Trowe guy won’t touch LSL 7. The game is still a beauty.


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