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Broken Sword - Parzival’s Stone aka Broken sword 6.


Total Posts: 3200

Joined 2007-01-04


I have watched the utube videos of people playing horror adventure games in vfr with motion controllers and they seam to love it. Have to give it a try.


I enjoy playing adventure games on my Alienware M17 r4 and my Nintendo Switch OLED.

Total Posts: 58

Joined 2009-11-05


Jackal - 28 March 2019 12:02 PM

I’ve been trying to get Revolution to confirm this news, but still radio silence from them. (I suspect that it is true, but they’d much rather the world not have noticed until they were ready to make a splashier reveal.)

VR is definitely here to stay, but whether it becomes mainstream or remains a niche really depends on how it advances technologically in the coming years. Despite the massive leap forward visually, it may yet be ahead of its time for what the market can (or is prepared to) bear.

I think a big mistake of VR is insisting on linking it to motion control. I get the appeal: they want to make you think you’re right there. But motion control was always a sloppily-implemented gimmick that has never come close to being mastered, and USUALLY (not always) it adds nothing of consequence to the experience. In fact, it’s often an impediment.

I’d love to just lounge around on my couch or at my desk—with a much lighter headset than is available now—and play a VR game with a controller in my hand. I’m far less enthused about all the hardware setup and space required so I can stand in the middle of my living room just to wander around a game.

I’m not saying there’s no room for motion-integrated games, but by making the two technologies so intertwined, VR is not just asking people to enjoy a brand new form of immersion, but engage in a whole different kind of gaming entirely. And that’s a much tougher sell, particularly when the motion control is by far the weakest link.

I don’t know, I’ve been playing a lot of VR titles lately since I got my PSVR headset. And I’ve only played sitting down and quite often just with my controller. Most games even let you choose if you want motion controllers or a regular one. Motion controllers do add to the immersion though and track well enough so it feels natural.

But anyway, VR is not going anywhere this time. Sony is pushing it really hard and so is competition. And it does add a lot to games, it’s not just a gimmick. You really do feel like you’re there. It’s as big of a leap as going from 2d to 3d. After we saw 3D games there hasn’t been any major changes to games until now. It’s exciting to see.

Personally I just love playing adventure games in VR. Just existing in these worlds and taking it all in at your own pace which action games don’t really allow is amazing.


Total Posts: 58

Joined 2009-11-05


Mikekelly - 28 March 2019 08:38 PM

I have watched the utube videos of people playing horror adventure games in vfr with motion controllers and they seam to love it. Have to give it a try.

Just got through Dead Secret in VR. And yes, horror works extremely well with VR. This game would’ve been really boring to me playing on flat screen. But in VR I was scared out of my mind in certain sections.


Total Posts: 3200

Joined 2007-01-04


The good news is that you can buy PSVR advnure. games used for cheap and if you don’t like them, return them.

What amazes me is how many of these games are available. Quite the selection. Maybe it’s time for me to get scared to death!



I enjoy playing adventure games on my Alienware M17 r4 and my Nintendo Switch OLED.

Total Posts: 58

Joined 2009-11-05


Horror adventure seems to be one of the more popular genres that’s true. A lot of them don’t have physical releases though. Just put them in your wishlist and wait for a good sale. Wink


Total Posts: 3200

Joined 2007-01-04


PSVR seems to have a fair share of physical releases. Gotta give them a try.


I enjoy playing adventure games on my Alienware M17 r4 and my Nintendo Switch OLED.

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2004-04-06


Adventure games in VR, to me, is a perfect match. Adventure games are mostly slow moving, so motion sickness will be limited to non existent. With 3D directional sound, you can have sound related clues/puzzles, like following the sound of water to find a secret location. You could have an item in each hand and physically combine them, like in the VR Batman game.

But saying the above, both VR and adventures games are niche products, you could easily get a VR player to buy the game, but an adventure gamer will have to spend some money to play. Now if it they had a, FREE, non compulsory VR side mission in a normal Broken Sword game, that could get a few people to buy VR.

Batman VR is a very good example of a VR adventure, if only it was longer.


Total Posts: 5848

Joined 2012-03-24


rowie4life - 03 August 2019 01:08 PM

Adventure games in VR, to me, is a perfect match. Adventure games are mostly slow moving, so motion sickness will be limited to non existent. With 3D directional sound, you can have sound related clues/puzzles, like following the sound of water to find a secret location. You could have an item in each hand and physically combine them, like in the VR Batman game.

Motion sickness non-existent seems wonderful! Sound related clues/puzzles are an interesting idea but players that are hearing impaired/tone deaf as in any regular game may need some on-screen help to compensate. Yes, combining clues ‘physically’ is quite an exciting idea - does that not happen already in a minimal way on DS? ....& the Wi

But saying the above, both VR and adventures games are niche products, you could easily get a VR player to buy the game, but an adventure gamer will have to spend some money to play. Now if it they had a, FREE, non compulsory VR side mission in a normal Broken Sword game, that could get a few people to buy VR.

The idea of playing a game in VR is very intriguing but at the moment all I see are 1st person exploratory games with (correct me if I’m wrong) very little story & puzzles i.e. my personal nightmare so I’m not tempted by VR just yet.

Yes, if games like Broken Sword start using VR technology I might be tempted to buy a VR player but there would need to be at least a few more than just the one game of the same ilk for it to be worthwhile.

It really doesn’t matter about a side mission needing an additional piece of expensive equipment being FREE in a game you’ve already bought - that would infuriate me & even if it was offered as an add-on it would not be enough to tempt me on its own! 


Total Posts: 3200

Joined 2007-01-04


VR gaming is so different, you really need to try it to see if it is your cup of tea.

Plenty of my PS4 games have VR add ons, they generally have something fun to do like explore an old mansion and solves puzzles in it.



I enjoy playing adventure games on my Alienware M17 r4 and my Nintendo Switch OLED.


Total Posts: 61

Joined 2015-07-23


Can you do third-person 2D games in VR? If not, it’s a bit of a one-trick (one-person?) pony.


Total Posts: 2653

Joined 2013-03-14


namehaver - 05 August 2019 02:17 PM

Can you do third-person 2D games in VR? If not, it’s a bit of a one-trick (one-person?) pony.

You can, nothing would stop that, but the bigger question is, why would you? What would be the benefit of having a 2D game in a 3D virtual setting?

A while ago I played through a VR puzzle adventure called Land’s End. While it is a game, that would work without VR as well, there would be little reason to actually play it without it, as the puzzles have been designed to be solved with your head movements. You basically grab, rotate and connect things by moving your head and it works very nicely. But at the same time, the way the game is done, doing so without VR would feel less interesting, as you are at the same time more immersed in the game itself, despite its rather simplistic art style.

Immersion really is the key with this, as, without VR, the game itself would be rather forgettable, short and easy. With the added immersion from VR, it, however, turns into a rather nice audiovisual experience, with relaxed puzzles.

I wrote more length of it in my blog:


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2012-01-06


Broken Sword - Parzival’s Stone

Broken Sword - Parzival’s Stone, the sixth chapter in the Broken Sword series, is currently in development for console, PC, and mobile. This game uses a new “super 2D” approach that applies hand drawn backgrounds to 3D geometry, and reunites series stars George and Nico for a new conspiracy that involves Nazi treasure hunters, medieval histories, and quantum physics.



Total Posts: 1689

Joined 2015-07-01


I’m very excited for broken sword 6 as long as it’s not a VR game, I don’t like VR games. Also graphically I think it looks pretty good, but I don’t like the fact that the writers have to keep reminding us of the clown and broken sword 1. yes we all know bs1 and that’s why we’re fans of the broken sword series, but I don’t need the characters to keep remarking about a clown every third sentence or about a past events involving goats. It got overbearing in Broken sword 5.

As far as the Broken Sword 1 remaster that don’t make a lot of sense to me. We have the directors cut, which was not very good, plus the game in general doesn’t need a whole bunch of alterations. It still looks and plays great today. This kind of reeks of a cash grab to me


After reading some articles on IGN and other websites, and seeing quotes from Charles himself, I no longer see this as a cash grab as far as a remaster goes but more of a delusionial attempt at popularizing Broken sword on a modern mainstream level, which I just do not think is going to happen.  he is hoping by modernizing Broken Sword 1, that it will invigorate a younger audience to play the game and I think that’s a pipe dream. Unless they turn this game into a third person action adventure like Uncharted, that is just not going to happen. There’s nothing wrong with having a niche fan base. Also I’m not sure how I truly feel about using a whole bunch of AI to redo the first broken sword game, which is what they did and he already has plans on doing it to Broken Sword 2 as well. From a business point I do get it because there’s no way they could have hired that many artists to do all that work. but I looked at the screenshots in 4k and I don’t quite like it. The upscales takes some of the charm away from the original game. Same thing happened to the Blade Runner game remaster, because the vox animations made it in a way look like the Blade Runners version of what the future would look like if that makes sense.

For the record I have no problem with this existing, I can always just play the original, but I feel like this is a pie in the sky dream to revolution software who are trying to outkick their lot in life as it comes to game design and development.


Total Posts: 1689

Joined 2015-07-01


also not a fan of this quote by Charles about the remaster…

The game’s audio will also be upscaled, a few minor changes made to story and characterization to fit modern sensibilities, and gameplay improvements brought over from the currently available Director’s Cut version.


Total Posts: 1304

Joined 2016-04-08


“Modern sensibilities…” You don’t rewrite classics for “modern sensibilities”. I am sick of it. That’s one step closer to Fahrenheit 451.


Currently translating Strangeland into Spanish. Wish me luck, or send me money to my Paypal haha

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