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Warp frontier


Total Posts: 1698

Joined 2015-07-01


I haven’t had the chance to play in a couple of days but what is everybody else’s thoughts


Total Posts: 2130

Joined 2013-08-25


Decided to try WP after my fiasco with Saint Kotar and I’m enjoying it so far. Now this is a good example of a game that can be both story-, puzzle- and choice-driven whenever it wants to. Puzzles are fun and inventive so far. Ok, that rat puzzles wasn’t all that fun, but the droid mission and everything that involves the spaceship is right up my alley. I like the mix of sci-fi and comedy, with Beneath a Steel Sky and Space Quest vibes. Not sure if it was the original intention, but the game also looks and feels very retrofuturistic, like it was conceived during the 1950s which I also like quite a lot. Not so much the interface - not a fan of automatic descriptions since Stasis, and there’s a bit too much of running back and forth, but I think I can manage it as long as the game is fun to play.


PC means personal computer


Total Posts: 1698

Joined 2015-07-01


Doom - 04 November 2021 06:19 PM

Decided to try WP after my fiasco with Saint Kotar and I’m enjoying it so far. Now this is a good example of a game that can be both story-, puzzle- and choice-driven whenever it wants to. Puzzles are fun and inventive so far. Ok, that rat puzzles wasn’t all that fun, but the droid mission and everything that involves the spaceship is right up my alley. I like the mix of sci-fi and comedy, with Beneath a Steel Sky and Space Quest vibes. Not sure if it was the original intention, but the game also looks and feels very retrofuturistic, like it was conceived during the 1950s which I also like quite a lot. Not so much the interface - not a fan of automatic descriptions since Stasis, and there’s a bit too much of running back and forth, but I think I can manage it as long as the game is fun to play.

Agree on all accounts. That damn rat puzzle was finicky. The aesthetics remind me a bit of the show the expanse as far as looks. I do feel like the story is rushed in spots, but im having fun with it.


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


finished it.

this game is really fun, but has a quite strange approach towards its puzzle; it is trying to always avoid significant info to help solve its puzzles, the way a 1st person riven-style would, i would have given it 4/5 if some sound design/effects were made better or differently, but four is too high.
I’ve had only given Five to three games in my life, so 3.5/5 would be perfect for it.


Total Posts: 1698

Joined 2015-07-01


I would probably give the game a 2.5 to 3 out of 5, I enjoyed playing it but I found the story to have issues, and the ending came out of nowhere. Plus I didn’t quite enjoy the interface and way too many door puzzles. I did like most of the characters and the design of the game, i really like the Aesthetics. As I said it reminded me of the expanse


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


well, rating is way overrated, it’s only perspective and doesn’t rely on any kinda basic or standard; i loved a 2-star game so much that i felt humiliated, but i learned to let go of such unhealthy attachments.

i prefer the old days of PC gamers rating when there were five criteria added together to make a full score, but then again, could we have the story and puzzles on par with graphics and sound; what if the game had a very strong OST and its puzzles sucked or vice versa.

so it is always gonna be a perspective and we need to respect that.

cheers, Jdawg


Total Posts: 2130

Joined 2013-08-25


Finished Warp, and I have to agree with some of the criticism. The game ended so abruptly that I was like “Huh? What are those? Credits? What about our unfinished business? Scroll back!”. Really weird, they started building tension - and then just gave up on the game.

Then again, it made me feel like I missed/screwed up a number of things that could’ve been done differently. Like, the hero’s family life which I left in complete ruins, making one bad decision after another Smile And I don’t feel bad about it - that hysterical wife of his was such a disaster, screaming at him on every occasion. Because saving a missing guy or thousands of pods with bodies from blowing up instead of spending some working hours with the family is such an evil thing to do.

I’m also pretty sure that some of the seemingly unfinished quests could’ve been finished - like saving the daughter of that secretary. I found her body in the pod and informed the woman, but wasn’t able to detect the actual personality which was probably hidden in one of the droids - tried to check every robot I encountered, but ended up with nothing. Saved the mother though.

Now the puzzle design was really good, even if it does get a bit repetetive by the end, you always felt satisfied after figuring the solution. There was a lot of tinkering with the spaceship, discovering new things/features which I really like in adventures.  Loved that device for storing the personalities and MAC, of course - just thought they didn’t give it enough screen time.

And the game does have that distinctive space opera feel despite obvious technical/budget limitations. In fact I can easily imagine new chapters added to it, extending the universe and enriching it with new quests/storylines. It’s not a masterpiece by any means, but one of the very few games I’ve played recently with a natural old school feel.


PC means personal computer


Total Posts: 1698

Joined 2015-07-01


Doom - 05 December 2021 07:11 AM

Finished Warp, and I have to agree with some of the criticism. The game ended so abruptly that I was like “Huh? What are those? Credits? What about our unfinished business? Scroll back!”. Really weird, they started building tension - and then just gave up on the game.

Then again, it made me feel like I missed/screwed up a number of things that could’ve been done differently. Like, the hero’s family life which I left in complete ruins, making one bad decision after another Smile And I don’t feel bad about it - that hysterical wife of his was such a disaster, screaming at him on every occasion. Because saving a missing guy or thousands of pods with bodies from blowing up instead of spending some working hours with the family is such an evil thing to do.

I’m also pretty sure that some of the seemingly unfinished quests could’ve been finished - like saving the daughter of that secretary. I found her body in the pod and informed the woman, but wasn’t able to detect the actual personality which was probably hidden in one of the droids - tried to check every robot I encountered, but ended up with nothing. Saved the mother though.

Now the puzzle design was really good, even if it does get a bit repetetive by the end, you always felt satisfied after figuring the solution. There was a lot of tinkering with the spaceship, discovering new things/features which I really like in adventures.  Loved that device for storing the personalities and MAC, of course - just thought they didn’t give it enough screen time.

And the game does have that distinctive space opera feel despite obvious technical/budget limitations. In fact I can easily imagine new chapters added to it, extending the universe and enriching it with new quests/storylines. It’s not a masterpiece by any means, but one of the very few games I’ve played recently with a natural old school feel.

Great review I agree with a lot of what you said, there was a lot of great pieces but they didn’t add up to make a great game. I really did not enjoy the interface and how you interacted with Mac from a technical standpoint. I also agree with you on the story points, when it comes to the family. it was obvious the way the game wanted you to lean to when it comes to the family, but they did nothing to make you want to lean that way.


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