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Which adventure game character’s line is it anyway?


Total Posts: 1373

Joined 2016-04-08


I can’t wait for anyone to guess the game…


Currently translating Strangeland into Spanish. Wish me luck, or send me money to my Paypal haha


Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


“It’s an illustrated book about birds.”

“It’s been left open. Looks like someone was halfway through reading it…”

-it was left open for us to find.”

“Ever so slightly unnerving.”


Total Posts: 2133

Joined 2013-08-25


So much for my beautiful theory… I have another one. Let’s suggest that

Vegetable Party - 01 September 2021 07:04 PM

edit: the detective’s name invokes a sense of magic.

is an attorney’s name, Phoenix Wright. He did all the detective work after all, unlike detective Gumshoe (who is anything but symmetrical). Those dialogues really remind me of exchanges between Phoenix and Maya, only there were SO many of them that I can’t say for certain. There is a phoenix in Terry Pratchett’s novels alright (even in the game I think). As for a descriptive name of a building… It must be some A.C.E. abbreivation, right? “A cooking establishment” maybe?


PC means personal computer


Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


I’m genuinely loving these responses, unfortunately I can’t call them correct.

The series started as a flash game, which is currently pretty hard to find/play online. This installemt shares its name with the main character. The second game is named after the the same character and also the setting of the game. This title refers only to the main location. It features two protagonists. Every interaction I posted is between these characters.

edit, another quote:

“There’s blood on the knife. It’s the murder weapon.”

-but it’s not actually a knife. It can’t.. stab.”

“See any other knives around here?”


“Case closed!”

“The case is not closed! And even if you were right
-where does that leave us? A painting can’t be a murder suspect.”


Total Posts: 1373

Joined 2016-04-08


Ben Jordan Paranormal Investigator?


Currently translating Strangeland into Spanish. Wish me luck, or send me money to my Paypal haha


Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


It’s not any of the Ben Jordan games. But since you brought them up: which one is your favourite?


Total Posts: 1373

Joined 2016-04-08


Vegetable Party - 02 September 2021 03:36 PM

It’s not any of the Ben Jordan games. But since you brought them up: which one is your favourite?

Ah, I haven’t played any of them, just thought of them when you mention several games and a first one in Flash, although now I realize they weren’t made in Flash haha


Currently translating Strangeland into Spanish. Wish me luck, or send me money to my Paypal haha


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


Is it Tangle Tower?


Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


Luhr28 - 02 September 2021 09:02 PM

Is it Tangle Tower?

Luhr, you magnificent piece of work.

You did it.

@walas: Case 1: deluxe: nice. Case 2: deluxe: terrible (original: decent). Case 3, 4 and 6 are more or less the foundation of the series, mixed bag, mostly positive.

Case 5 is crazy. I think it’s not that well regarded. It’s set in Japan, which opens the door to all sorts of problematic weirdness and yeah it goes in pretty hard. Of all the games, it got the most.. amount of reactions out of me. From rolling my eyes and low key disappointment to laughing out loud and really wondering where the story would take me.

Case 7 and 8 are like two episodes of a pretty solid (if a little cliched) 90s adventure game.


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


I don’t know why I didn’t get it earlier. I knew I recognised the quotes and the bird hint rang some bells.

Ah well. Next!

“Hi Guys. Can I interest you in a pamphlet detailing the current plight of the sperm whale?”

“Uh.. Shut up!”

“Yeah, shut your cake hole!”


Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22



Alright just a hunch:

“Beavis and Butthead: Virtual Stupidity”?


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


Heheh. Yep! It’s hard to find an obscure line in a game where every sentence is a dead giveaway. But well done anyway.


Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


Oh for real? Grin

“Hey mister.”


“Got a minute?”

“For a pretty thing like you, I got several.”


“So what brings you here on such a sad night?”

“Just looking for good company.”

“Is that right? Have you found it yet?”

“Not yet. You could say that bad company always follows me around.”

    “Oh, ha ha.”


Total Posts: 2133

Joined 2013-08-25


The quotes seemed so familiar, but this is the first time I’ve ever heard of Tangle Tower or Detective Grimoire. There are too many comedy-mystery adventures these days.


PC means personal computer


Total Posts: 1373

Joined 2016-04-08


Vegetable Party - 03 September 2021 07:40 AM
Luhr28 - 02 September 2021 09:02 PM

Is it Tangle Tower?

Luhr, you magnificent piece of work.

You did it.

@walas: Case 1: deluxe: nice. Case 2: deluxe: terrible (original: decent). Case 3, 4 and 6 are more or less the foundation of the series, mixed bag, mostly positive.

Case 5 is crazy. I think it’s not that well regarded. It’s set in Japan, which opens the door to all sorts of problematic weirdness and yeah it goes in pretty hard. Of all the games, it got the most.. amount of reactions out of me. From rolling my eyes and low key disappointment to laughing out loud and really wondering where the story would take me.

Case 7 and 8 are like two episodes of a pretty solid (if a little cliched) 90s adventure game.


I will definitely play Detective Grimoire and Tangle Tower. In fact, I always wanted to translate Detective Grimoire, but the author told me there was someone already translating it, but I think it was never finished.


Currently translating Strangeland into Spanish. Wish me luck, or send me money to my Paypal haha

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