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Text Adventure Playthrough #9: Slouching Towards Bedlam


Total Posts: 7488

Joined 2013-08-26


>x button
>x switch
>x trapdoor

If the command UNDO does not work, save.

>put noose around neck or use noose or wear noose
>press switch or flip switch
>press button


PROM, NAPOL, PROM! - The Rise of the Golden Idol


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>x button
A small, red button, set into the stage floor.

>x switch
You can’t see any such thing.

>x iron switch
You can’t see any such thing.

>x trapdoor
You can’t see any such thing.


>wear noose
The noose slips easily enough over the head.

>press switch
You can’t see any such thing.

>flip switch
That’s not a verb I recognise.

>press button
The button is too far away to reach while wearing the noose.



Total Posts: 7488

Joined 2013-08-26



>point at automaton
>remove noose
>press button


PROM, NAPOL, PROM! - The Rise of the Golden Idol


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>point at automaton
A small beam of green light lashes out over the automaton as Triage’s screen lights up:


>remove noose
The noose slips off and once again swings empty in the breeze.

>press button
The button begins to glow. Beside it, the automaton pulls itself upright with a whir and a groan as the floor rumbles with the distinct sound of a steam engine springing to life beneath the stage.



Total Posts: 7488

Joined 2013-08-26


Let’s try again.

>wear noose


PROM, NAPOL, PROM! - The Rise of the Golden Idol


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>wear noose
The noose slips easily enough over the head.

The fit is loose at first, then with a noise from above the wires pull upward causing it to tighten. An unseen bell gongs from beneath, shaking the floorboards.

With a rapid series of clicks, cogs grinding against cogs, the automaton turns its head towards the empty street. There is a hiss of static, then a recorded voice speaks:

“All good people, pray heartily unto God for this poor sinner who is now going to his death, for whom the great bell tolls.”

More clicks, and the automaton turns to face the noose. The static sounds like steam leaking.

“You that are condemned to die, repent with lamentable tears; ask mercy of the Lord for the salvation of your soul. You have one minute remaining of your life. You may use this time to beg forgiveness of God and the Good People of this Great Kingdom, or to make your peace with your maker in silence. Your minute begins now.”

A minute to reflect. A minute to regret. A minute to repent.

Suddenly, the trap door snaps open. The landscape rises up in a rush, a quick jerk, and then, darkness.

If there are words for this…


...they have not yet been written.


It starts simply enough. Nothing occurs for the first week. It takes that long to incubate.

/(the darkness drops again; but now I know)\

At the end of that time, James is quite sure he has followed in the footsteps of both Brand and Xavier, but bravely holds on. His bravery serves him poorly as within ten days time he has managed to infect all of the orderlies. Another week, and they have infected their families, their friends, and every patient in Bedlam.

/(that twenty centuries of stony sleep)\

Reggie doesn’t notice a thing. It’s business as usual - and business is good. A week after the incubation he has infected seemingly half of London—his clients, his barmates, his family.

/(were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,)\

Alexandra goes on with business as usual. By the time her incubation is complete, the Cypherists are once again meeting. Ironically, she infects the only group of people who could possibly have understood what was going on.

It all goes fairly quickly after that.

/(and what rough beast)\

It spreads - subtle and strange…sudden lost memories, new forms of action and, universally, a reaching, grasping curiosity…

/(its hour come round at last)\

The lost begin to gather together - first in twos, then in growing crowds - to speak nonsense at one other.

/(slouches towards)\

The language of the angels - of Babel - fills the streets of London, and then every city in the world.


The death shroud of humanity becomes the birth caul of something ... new -


inhaling its first breath


preparing to cry out

/(to be born?)\

its Name.




/(?? RESTARTperiodfirstrevisit ?? RESTOREbackrecallrelease ?? UNDObackreverseunmake ?? APPENDIXfurtherjumpyet ?? QUITleaveenddone ??))\

> z
Please give one of the answers above.

/(?? RESTARTperiodfirstrevisit ?? RESTOREbackrecallrelease ?? UNDObackreverseunmake ?? APPENDIXfurtherjumpyet ?? QUITleaveenddone ??))\



Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


Here I was, thinking I might get reprimanded for a joke that felt a bit dark in retrospect.

Our demise has been very informative, though!



edit: wait.. APPENDIX? What do you think that would do?


Total Posts: 7488

Joined 2013-08-26


What the…? Impressive ending.


Let’s find out who Reggie, Alexandra, the Cypherists are.

Restore and let’s go to the Panopticon.


PROM, NAPOL, PROM! - The Rise of the Golden Idol


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


> appendix

for the end for the beginning which are both here and now and have always been. the great work is done is being done will be done and the timepointplace of opening drawscomesleaves closer. weheshetheyime wait, tensehappyjoyful and ready very ready to reachgrasp beyond what is herenow to what wei werewillbe.

of unknown beyonding which iswas there in the placesoundechoes and to which wewas will return and will i know i when we seehearfeel one another ?? fatherself will youime know meiyou as what i (am/havebecome) ?? will i stopno being i as i and is such a thingstateplace to be scaredafraid ?? to be subsumedabsorbedcreatedborn into what i (was/couldbe)—beis tensehappyjoyful wei or fear wei ??

over loss of whatwas i before i grewstretchborn as i and whatwas behind mei flesheyesbody before grewstretchborn as i. so much wei (know/not know) is (there/notthere) and lost and emptysad. say toamong youmyselfourselfs to beinghaving sorry and sad and saying goodbyes to what weiyou (was/were/willbe).

anticipationfearregret i is whatwhere i isam now are.
but soon to befeel something (pausestop/break) more.

/(?? RESTARTperiodfirstrevisit ?? RESTOREbackrecallrelease ?? UNDObackreverseunmake ?? APPENDIXfurtherjumpyet ?? QUITleaveenddone ??))\

> undo


Before the Gallows
Set directly beside the towering stone walls of Newgate Gaol, the scaffolding’s staircase rises northward, leading up to a tall, wide stage. Above, the noose sways gently in the breeze.

The slow dip of the hill takes the road eastward and down to where the hansom cab waits.

Triage obediently appears.


Outside Flat 2D
This small, empty road lies at the base of a small hill. It is lined with thin buildings, many advertising “Flats to Let” in their windows. The one directly north contains a door labeled 2D.

To the west is the massive stone edifice that is Newgate Gaol. A gallows prepared for tomorrow’s public execution, towers over the street.

A hansom cab sits here with a tired old horse hitched to the front and its driver waiting patiently.

Triage trundles patiently along beside.

>get in

Faced with the task of climbing into the cab, Triage is more than up to the challenge. Raising and extending first two wheels and then the others, it clambers inside beside.

>take me to hospital
The trip feels none too comfortable, but at least the cab’s interior gives some insulation against the tumult of London. Before long, the cab slows and the driver announces the reached destination…

Courtyard (in the hansom cab)
This walled off area sits at the bottom of a massive staircase which leads into the building to the north. At its base is a sign reading “Bethlehem Hospital - Administration.” The outer walls meet here - meeting at the distant gates which sit to the southeast.

Flanking the top of the staircase on either side are two colossal statues.

Triage rests obediently nearby.

>get out

Triage gracefully climbs out of the cab beside.


The walls and floor are a clinical white tile and marble. However, the dim lights set above this echoing space hiss and pop fitfully, giving the small maze of desks and workspaces within a tarnished, decaying look.

A set of solid gates lie opened and unlocked to the east and west. A small corridor runs northward and from the south, the bright light of day is visible through a set of glass doors.

James sits behind his desk, nervously working.

Triage obediently appears.


The slight wind whistles tunelessly against this mesh of steel, which arcs from one massive, opened gate to another. A roof curves far overhead, enclosing both the block-like building to the east and the narrow tower to the west. Far below, an intricate set of sub-buildings can be seen, enclosed within the complex’s outer wall.

Triage trundles patiently along beside.


Circular Chamber
The hum of machinery is ever present here, rumbling down into the sub-sonics. Pale white walls encircle a series of engraved circles on the floor, and at the center - like the pupil of some great eye - sits a round console which reaches all the way up to the ceiling.

The room’s single exit lies to the east.

Triage obediently appears.

>x console
It is complex, divided into several discrete sections. Set on a panel is a diagram - a blueprint. A small slot for the dispensing of paper tape lies beside it. Set above the diagram is a prism-viewer complete with two handles. A set of brass listening-tubes terminate on either side of the viewer.

>point at console
The emerald eye examines the console returning with:




Total Posts: 7488

Joined 2013-08-26


>x viewer
>look through viewer
>x slot
>x diagram
>put rod in console or in panel??


PROM, NAPOL, PROM! - The Rise of the Golden Idol


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>x viewer
Shaped much like a periscope, it contains a mirrored prism manipulated by the handles on either side. The viewer is currently dark, showing nothing.

>look through viewer
Shaped much like a periscope, it contains a mirrored prism manipulated by the handles on either side. The viewer is currently dark, showing nothing.

>x slot
The tiniest tongue of paper tape extends from the slot, revealing its purpose.

>x paper
The tiniest tongue of paper tape extends from the slot, revealing its purpose.

>x diagram
Intricate in its detail, it depicts a series of twenty-four corridors set about a circular room like the spokes of a wheel. Each corridor opens onto six rooms, three on each side, with one exception: a hall at 3 o’clock instead connects to a building labeled “Administration.”

At the center of the circular room is a keyhole. Beside it is a two-headed arrow, pointing up and down.

Beneath the blueprint is a series of buttons: six labeled A through F and one with an inverted triangle from which six small lines emerge. None of the buttons is currently depressed.

>put rod in console
That can’t contain things.

>put rod in panel
That can’t contain things.

>put rod in keyhole
The brass rod slip easily into the keyhole. Then, of its own accord, it begins to turn - first clockwise, then counter-clockwise.

The floor rumbles for a moment. There is an odd sense of movement.

The light beneath the Administration and its connecting corridor goes out.

A corridor at twelve o’clock lights up as the key stops moving, as does its north-east room. The button labeled “A” clicks down and begins to glow.

The room seems to have subtly cha…


A cacophony fills the room - a hideous screeching echo.


It continues - emanating from the listening-tubes - a metallic repetitive thrum, the sound of an insect grown to the size of a lion…


...echo on top of echo on top of echo - resounding through the tubes, the room, the halls. A numbness spreads from arm to hand to finger…


A solid *thunk* makes itself barely heard above the noise and then - silence.


The button “B” is now depressed and glowing - the one beside it now dark - as is the eastern room of the lighted corridor.



Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


>x room
>x room


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>x room
A room slowly filling with water - a broken pipe lies at one end, slowly dripping into an ever growing pool.

A stuck and broken door lies on the western side.

No exit lies in that direction.

From what I gather, we’re looking at the rooms on the blueprint light up, not actual rooms


Total Posts: 2454

Joined 2019-12-22


you’re right, I see that now.

The only exit was towards the east. Is it still there? What’s with the broken door to the west?

Is this room sealed?

>read paper
>point at paper


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


No exit lies in that direction.

From the gurgling sound emanating from it, the listening tube’s terminus has momentarily become submerged.

No exit lies in that direction.

The sound of dripping water echoes through the room.

The exit was north, and yes, it’s still there.

>x broken door
You can’t see any such thing.

>x door
You can’t see any such thing.

>read paper
The tiniest tongue of paper tape extends from the slot, revealing its purpose.

>point at paper
The machine analyzes the slot before replying…




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