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does anyone know whats going on?..


Total Posts: 4011

Joined 2011-04-01


nomadsoul - 01 April 2018 06:42 PM
Oscar - 01 April 2018 06:19 PM

Sorry, but there is nothing even slightly racist about that comment. Maybe you misunderstood.

Do you have anything except denials?
First you denied that you dont want anyone banned where karlok quoted you , you clearly said it
Then you denied you didnt said any comment like that , just took me to type beard,oscar, adventuregamers on google to come up with that topic
Now you are spinning and denying it with its not racist now that i have quoted your complete lie?

What was in your mind to attack me,what was your thought process or intention when to associate beard with religion ? Very pure intention right? On topic right? No cynical ploy? Nothing to rattle cages but to make deep honest religious debate right by mixing stereotyping racial profiling(even though i am not Arab and Islam is not a race but i know where that profiling was coming from) ?

yeah you still have gall to treat me like an idiot

It was just a joke, no evil motivation whatsoever. If you didn’t get it then it’s time to move on.


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Joined 2004-07-12


Regarding all of this…I’ve certainly seen this before. On other venues.

I was an active member on Game Boomers a long time ago. Some comments here talk about the lack of moderator activity. At Game Boomers moderators/owners were everywhere. You could be suspended/banned for minor infractions because this was THEIR domain. We were merely guests. And if we didn’t meet their standards, we became not welcome.

As bad as it is here, it could be worse.

And whomever is making the “list” of forum miscreants, I’m fairly certain I’m on it.


For whom the games toll,
they toll for thee.


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dumbeur - 01 April 2018 06:48 PM

LGBT community, but you were just angry and seemingly agenda-driven and it wasn’t worth getting into

I have been called shallow horny teenager by a mod, so there goes direct attack on gender/sexual orientation , i dont recall i am making anything on that level, nor i called the attacker a beta male in response, nor i called oscar neckbeard redneck when he made so called beard joke on my religion/faith comment
I did not, just played along, but if you will go through such experiences then it will snowball into something somewhere else, esp if insults and pushing against wall keeps on escalating on personal level

And another saint poster quoted horny comment(smartly capitalizing on situation), to shut my voice down because they thought they represent all females in the world,including ones of Victoria secret, Jenifer lopez type singers and GQ sports illustrated girls like Tennis players etc Typical authoritarian censorship which is not remotely connected to them

Chrissie also tried to move Super seducer thread to general , some criticized the maker of game as if they never played an AG before with worst writing and juvenile jokes
No it wasnt an issue if its leisure suit larry, or Roberta Holmes posing naked on a game called soft porn adventure which she had written herself with full misogynistic , male dominant writing on how to hit and get girls, no because she is Holy grail
Its only issue when Nomad or his taste of Ruina(maker of super seducer) game

See the bias? and level of commitment to push someone ?

And if i had agenda, i would not have reviewed 3 lesbian films(one from Iran, very positively), i can review Transgender films too, very positive if you want, never had issue on that front and my stance towards LGBT has changed alot, but i dont buy identity politics happening nowadays to shoehorn any political stuff in games , that was gaming debate happening everywhere across the net, not a direct attack on any member here

Quote me and i will accept and apologize if i had made direct insult,if i havent already
Insult which is first attack(not response)



Total Posts: 655

Joined 2017-04-14


I tried to specifically point out that I don’t think you have anything to apologise for (in my opinion). 

It’s about the general ambience created, but I’ve made my point as best I can so I’ll leave you to it.


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Joined 2013-08-26


Oscar - 01 April 2018 08:52 AM
Karlok - 01 April 2018 06:33 AM
Oscar - 01 April 2018 03:55 AM

That can be dealt with by mods, and not necessarily by banning which is only a last resort action.

Then why did you say there are several members who should have been suspended and/or banned already.

I’m quite sure I’m one of the members you (and nomadsoul too) are talking about. Do you feel it would be better for the forum if I left? I will if people really want me to. Not a real big deal, there isn’t much left to stay for. But I’ve done it before, disappeared for three months and nothing changed in the meantime.

Okay, you want an example? Everyone (including me) agrees that Advie is a generally good guy, but there was a stage several years ago when he was suspended for posting something antagonistic the nature of I can’t remember what. I’m not sure who else noticed but after that he was a lot better and more selective with what he posted. And even though I personally don’t get offended easily by rude and discourteous posts, Jofog has made it clear that others will and they are likely to be new members we want to contribute more.

So you can either rely on members on a forum developing a “sense of respect” for each other (which is a bit like expecting criminals in a town without police to develop respect for their victims and stop committing crimes) or you can get a mod to enforce some bare minimum of standards, like 99% of other forums do. Sometimes all it needs is someone to step in and say “cut it out” when two members are fighting, as commonly happens here.

A carefully worded response. No direct answer to my straightforward question, but I can read between the lines, so yes, I’m one of the posters you feel should have been banned already. Fair enough. It’s not entirely clear to me if you think I’m beyond redemption or not though. 

I don’t want anyone gone or banned.

I don’t know, I find that somewhat hard to believe after what you said. I only know *I* don’t. There’s no love lost between your example of self-improvement and me, but when he was banned here I contacted Advie and urged him to talk to Jackal and try to come back. I am sure Advie won’t deny I did. 

I want this place thriving like it was in the past.

The times they are a changin.

Yes there is, but we’ve just had someone in this thread tell us directly why they don’t post more. I see that as an opportunity to improve things, don’t you?

I hadn’t realized it was that bad and I do feel partly responsible. If I have contributed to the fact that people here are afraid to post I want to apologize to the community. Not to individual posters, because I honestly don’t think I ever said a word to Jofog or even a regular like mbday630.

Kurufinwe - 01 April 2018 12:16 PM

After all, it’s not like things were ever perfect here. I remember the community always being somewhat toxic, even 15 years ago when that little shit Future Award-Winning Game Designer Jake Rodkin and his little posse used to terrorize anyone who’d dare deny the perfect brilliance of LucasArts. And then a few years later there was What’s-his-face-with-his-cutesie-nicknames, who also had a posse of his own. And then Fienepien’s seemingly-endless reign of terror, etc.

Wow. I’d like to think those people, me included, also contributed something positive, but it’s a sad fact of life that everybody has an inflated sense of their own importance.

But I do believe that, as long as the site (as an entity) persists in not having a point of view about anything, it won’t foster interesting conversation in the forums, and it won’t attract new, passionate members, and the community will keep withering—until all that’s left are Karlok and rtrooney bickering until the heat death of the universe.

Don’t worry, I’m following the rats who already left and you can start rearranging the forum deckchairs.


PROM, NAPOL, PROM! - The Rise of the Golden Idol


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Joined 2012-03-24


nomadsoul - 02 April 2018 08:46 AM

Chrissie also tried to move Super seducer thread to general ,.......

I don’t understand why you even mentioned that & the relevance here???
NO! I didn’t try to move that thread – I just queried whether the ‘game’ was being posted in the right part of the forum

chrissie - 07 March 2018 02:50 PM

Does this ‘Sim Game’ belong here in the Adventure Game forums rather than The General Thread?

The sad thing is that I never got back an intelligent reason/argument for the game belonging in one category/place or another i.e. an answer!  -There was actually no response at all except for a very nasty personal attack from someone I’ve never met.

That’s where things have to change here ... just please responding to the question asked rather than getting on your ‘high horse’ & making an assumption (usually wrong) about the motives of the person asking ....e.g. if you think Super Seducer belongs in the Adventure side of the forums then make a good argument for it.     
Laughing  Smile


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


chrissie - 02 April 2018 02:51 PM

That’s where things have to change here ... just please responding to the question asked rather than getting on your ‘high horse’ & making an assumption (usually wrong) about the motives of the person asking ....e.g. if you think Super Seducer belongs in the Adventure side of the forums then make a good argument for it.     
Laughing  Smile

I said Chrissie also tried to move Super seducer thread to general and i got a personal attack in response of being on my high horse and that i dont make intelligent comments, in other words i am not intelligent enough where in reality i already ans the query of Steam description by guy mentioning it as choose your own adventure in that thread

Choose Your Own Adventure - Super Seducer contains eleven hours of live-action footage, 520 choices and multiple endings for players to test out their skills. If you’ve ever had a crazy thought while talking to a woman, there’s a good chance it’s included in this game, and you’ll get to see how it plays out

Dont call names or put labels please, i am not calling you an elitist to move the thread so high horse was uncalled for , nor calling you pretentious to call others less intelligent , those veiled insults have little mileage, that needs to change

Would also clear the so called motivation part, if you arent gonna show up in threads of similar games like Night trap (or others i can name on search if you want) and be specific about game you found misogynistic or thread made by nomad should not supposed to be in AG forum site then yes, i can get some impression of stealth sniping
(usually wrong as you sad that was third condescending remark in one post,
Again i didnt say you made wrong assumption that steam reviewers are fake , which you said you are skeptical of, which i believe was wrong assumption but never said, now in response i am, they have 100 products in their catalog, so nope they are legit, moral of story we all make assumptions , usually wrong)

please clear you inbox, so that i can reply to yours

convenient bro, but faith is not a joke, and some demographics on International sites like this aren’t same as your real world where cheap jokes like that can get a pass as a joke(watever that bubble is , country or continent) , some words have connotations that can offend people , but takeaway for me is that you lied you never made the comment and never said you wanted some peeps to get banned, so you can lie again in future


chrissie - 02 April 2018 02:51 PM

The sad thing is that I never got back an intelligent reason/argument for the game belonging in one category/place or another i.e. an answer!  -There was actually no response at all

There was a response




Total Posts: 5057

Joined 2004-07-12


nomadsoul - 02 April 2018 04:01 PM
chrissie - 02 April 2018 02:51 PM

The sad thing is that I never got back an intelligent reason/argument for the game belonging in one category/place or another i.e. an answer!  -There was actually no response at all

There was a response


I think your response

“Choose Your Own Adventure - Super Seducer contains eleven hours of live-action footage, 520 choices and multiple endings for players to test out their skills.”

proves the point. There is nothing in your quote of someone else’s statement that says this is an adventure game. It says nothing more than a statement that Tetris is an adventure in hand-eye co-ordination. And the lack of “adventure game worthiness” is verified by the comments that immediately follow the above quote.

There is discussion and debate. And then there is pure argumentativeness. You seem to be following the latter with this particular portion of this thread.

I’m certainly not innocent when it comes to argumentativeness. Fortunately, when it has been pointed out that I was not positively contributing to the discussion, I, most of the time, saw the error in my ways. (Thank you mods for your firm, but gentle hand.)

This would be an opportunity for introspection on your part.



For whom the games toll,
they toll for thee.


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


I have been commenting to understand and engage , so as to have no illusion of wat kind of general thinking of community here, this is my last post clearing stuff

Best route from here is to quote every single person who will throw personal jab in future, and i will log all insults to me in this thread, so to leave inspection part on members , mods,new members and posters who are not posting
Anyone can do same to me, so that i correct myself

rtrooney - 02 April 2018 09:14 PM

There is nothing in your quote of someone else’s statement that says this is an adventure game. It says nothing more than a statement that Tetris is an adventure in hand-eye co-ordination. And the lack of “adventure game worthiness” is verified by the comments that immediately follow the above quote

I pointed out other sites too, which labeled same, another i didnt post, from kotaku

Richard LaRuina, a dating coach and author, has released a video game on Steam this week called Super Seducer , a sort of choose-your-own adventure that feels somewhere between Hatoful Boyfriend and the FMV games of the 90s

Its a grey area, and there have been countless debates on what to include and watnot
And each thread i create gets derailed including the one of TTG/TWD which i said was fav recent adventure of jane jensen
Even GoTY awards on this site have same arguments(every year), its part of issue and part of fun
I like how this site includes some games and gets stumped when it doesn’t, but i wont harbor grudges against Jury of this site and will shit on them directly with stupid, less intelligent and other personal diatribe

There is discussion and debate. And then there is pure argumentativeness. You seem to be following the latter with this particular portion of this thread.

I am clearing air, i dont want to have conversations with members who are community only in name in reality hate me to the core or hate each other as two members were already fighting in this thread before i made first post

Agree about debate part, and there is pure personal attacks
I am all for argumentativeness as long as they have slightest connection with game
My arguments in thread are mainly insults made on me, thats my issue
We have to be respectful of each other first before diving deep in commodity fetishism of defending games to the point of personal pot shots
Forums are useless if we are gonna agree to disagree everytime , whats the point of opinion then? no freedom of speech?

If i am saying certain genre/game is crap then i am also saying certain genre/game is awesome, i use one extreme word to define my emotion, which is not always negative
I loved Syberia1&2 i hated 3, I loved Dreamfall1 and Chapters is shit
So if some person gets riled up , its not my issue, i am reviewing product
And its not like i don’t explain or make long comments to explain, they are NOT driveby small one liners always , like this post for e.g

Gaming industry is not about just receiving accolades, its a service/entertainment industry, we are paying our cash and we preview on videos and review after playing games
That was the case since magazine days of 90s

This would be an opportunity for introspection on your part

I have stopped alot of things, and if i wasn’t doing some self correction i would have replied much harsher to personal attacks, i have harsher replies , plenty of them , but as i pointed above, going to personal level is not my style unless provoked constantly
And i now since you have quoted me and we are sorting things out, let me tell you what i feel about you and why i am not eager to much weight to your quoted comment

I was one of the few members who sent wishes when some accident happened to your family member, it wasn’t other posters who didn’t even bother write one line of wishing health.

I was there, i did same for other members, because no one deserve that fate
In return in one thread , weeks later this is the response i got from you, and i didn’t remember any beef with you directly and this was your attack directly which as soccerdude (rightly) said, uncalled for

SoccerDude - 22 June 2017 03:13 AM
rtrooney - 21 June 2017 09:52 PM
nomadsoul - 21 June 2017 06:20 PM

If that doesnt say anything to you, then i should shut up:)

It is hard to disagree with that conclusion.

That’s really uncalled for

So basically shut nomad, because you sound awful or not intelligent
Very deep argument or i might say just authoritative personal censorship?

I don’t forget good wishes, nor bad wishes or berating/insulting tone
If someone is human enough to take time to wish me good health and luck i would always remember it and will nullify with insult not otherwise

And in this case , the topic was not remotely related to you or directed at you unless as i said you are connecting or associating some game/genre with your selfesteem to the point of shutting my voice down




Total Posts: 285

Joined 2017-01-12


rtrooney - 02 April 2018 09:14 PM

This would be an opportunity for introspection on your part.

Could not agree more. nomadsoul, congratulations you have turned a constructive thread about the whole community into a thread about yourself.


Total Posts: 221

Joined 2003-11-10


For what it’s worth, I came back to this forum because it’s the only one I know of where people actually know and care enough about Adventure Games to have entire discussions about particular games of aspects of the genre, while having members opiniated enough that the topics avoid falling into easy concensus.

It may be true that the traffic isn’t what it used to be, but 15 years back when I first joined a bunch of people were already quitting the forum because, well, “it’s not what it used to be”. By which I mean that when you stay at a forum for some length you probably can’t help but resenting old antagonisms or feel that some subjects are being rehashed, or simply being bored.
Having been away for a while I don’t have this feeling of “staleness” at all, and the discussions feel as interesting as they’ve always been.

And I don’t think people are harsher toward each other now that they were 15 years ago. Plenty of antagonisms to be had back then too.


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Joined 2005-09-29


Headycakesofdoom - 03 April 2018 11:52 AM

Could not agree more. nomadsoul, congratulations you have turned a constructive thread about the whole community into a thread about yourself.

First learn to respect about fellow female community members then lecture me about constructive Smile


Total Posts: 8720

Joined 2012-01-02


nomadsoul - 03 April 2018 12:45 PM
Headycakesofdoom - 03 April 2018 11:52 AM

Could not agree more. nomadsoul, congratulations you have turned a constructive thread about the whole community into a thread about yourself.

First learn to respect about fellow female community members then lecture me about constructive Smile

i remember my “i am leaving AG” thread and the several remarks from zobraks that i was still apparent and never left, and we never had anything but some good laughs, that’s the way it used to be…


Total Posts: 1341

Joined 2012-02-17


This thread has become a micocosm of everything wrong (such as it is) with this forum. Even in the midst of what could be a useful discussion about improving things around here, seems many of you are determined to make it petty and spiteful and hostile and unfriendly and [insert any other abrasive, antisocial adjective that applies.]

Why would anyone want to join a group that turns on itself time and time and time again? Especially if when they do try, all too often they’re treated the same way.

I’d rather NOT name names, because I don’t feel the need to embarrass people, but there are VERY few victims here on this thread, including those who think they are and are pointing fingers at everyone else. Most of you have been, and in many cases still are, part of the problem. And you know you are, because you’ve been warned about it one way or another, and you haven’t done anything to correct it.

(To be clear, most of you also make positive contributions to the forum as well, but the good does not justify the bad, nor eliminate its destructiveness.)

As I said before, there are many ways to poison a community besides outright attacks or name-calling or other blatantly obvious offenses. Just because you’re not doing one of those doesn’t mean you’re not doing some or all the others. There’s intentional trolling, there’s interrupting threads to continue personal squabbles, there’s completely unnecessary nitpicking of things that have no bearing on the topic, there’s relentlessly pushing the same agenda over and over, there’s being rude to newcomers, there’s sniping and snide remarks without any constructive contribution, there’s back seat moderating, there’s layering every post with toxic passive-aggressiveness, there’s stating opinions in such a harsh and dismissive manner that it openly discourages healthy debate, there’s domineering conversations, etc., etc. etc.

AG mods don’t over-police, and we don’t even jump in to defuse every little conflict. Why? Because you’re adults and we expect you to act like it. We’ll step in if we have to, but really we should never have to intervene between rational, responsible people.

Not for the first time (but hopefully for the last), I’ll repeat that we basically have just one real rule here: respect one another—or in more layman’s terms: don’t be an ass. But since it appears that might be a little too vague, then let’s expand that guideline a bit. When you post, ask yourself these questions FIRST!

1) Would I say the same thing to the same people in person?
2) Am I contributing to a healthy, active discussion or am I simply amusing myself at other people’s expense?
3) Am I inviting/showing acceptance of other viewpoints for a better exchange of ideas, or simply trying to “win” an argument by overwhelming everyone else?
4) Am I looking to be offended where no offense may exist?
5) Am I making things personal instead of engaging in a group discussion?
6) Am I encouraging or discouraging newcomers or infrequent posters from joining in and feeling welcome for their participation?
7) Am I repeating the same points I’ve made many times before, just louder and more obnoxiously?
8 ) Am I escalating hostility because I feel entitled to do so?
9) Am I respecting others or am I being an ass?
10) Have I contributed yet to AG’s Patreon?

(Okay, #10 isn’t really a rule, but highly advisable! Grin)

If you can honestly answer negatively to any of those questions, then the solution is clear: don’t post. It’s really not that hard.

Again, let me reiterate that I’m not promoting mutual back-patting and campfire rounds singing Kumbaya all the time. That would be boring and unrealistic. But there is ZERO place here for sowing discord or trying to intimidate fellow posters intentionally, and even unintentionally there’s a big difference between disagreeing with someone by sharing a different perspective, and trying to prove why other people’s opinions are worth less than yours. If you can’t tell the difference, then you really need to follow the advice offered earlier in this thread, and begin some serious self-reflection.


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Joined 2005-09-29


I dont know i am on your list of supposed individuals, but i am not going to stand personal attack and not respond(which starts chain reaction) and want quotation of my own misdeeds to correct myself, to know where i am wrong
I am quoting, nobody has quoted my misdeeds and i am willing to say sorry
I am flawless with flawless remarks, no
But there are worse remarks and from people i have no history of quarrel with

Since this will go on and on , and yes i made corrections otherwise would have not made effort to PM you or other mods first, i would not mind if you ban me, not in slightest as i am not going to change my stance on reviewing products or pointing my opinions

I am not making posts here as to justify my case, but to mend my ways, life goes on , i can have your ban too , if you can ban me with cleanest of conscience , if i deserve it, so be it, have it your way, and you have used worst harsh comments on me before, if you will again, it wont change past

I am being very honest, direct, and thats not wat trolls do


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