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Old 05-10-2005, 05:41 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by SamandMax
Superman 64. I think the developers realized how shitty it was, and decided to skip any testing on it whatsoever. You fall through so many solid floors in that game, it's not even funny.
I´m not surprised.
Superman 64 was made by Titus Software, a company responsible for making lots and lots of shit.
Who could possible forget they´re horrible Crazy Cars games.
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Old 05-10-2005, 06:44 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Hamham Chan
I´m not surprised.
Superman 64 was made by Titus Software, a company responsible for making lots and lots of shit.
Who could possible forget they´re horrible Crazy Cars games.
But they made good games too, they made Prehistorik if I remember correctly. And Blues Brothers, Robocop...
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Old 05-10-2005, 07:46 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by 100ja a.k.a. mr_mitja
But they made good games too, they made Prehistorik if I remember correctly. And Blues Brothers, Robocop...
And Titus also made..."Titus the Fox"!

That game was fun.

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Old 05-13-2005, 01:33 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jazhara7
And Titus also made..."Titus the Fox"!

That game was fun.

I didn't like it, at least not as much as Prehistorik or Blues Brothers, but as far as platformers go, it's definitely a fun game.
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Old 05-14-2005, 07:18 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Kyrandian
Quest for Glory IV. hands down. I love it though.

So true.
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Old 05-14-2005, 02:05 PM   #46
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Default Ever heard of "Evil Twin"?

Let me cry it out.....EVIL TWIN!!!!!

Man, I want through many painful hours with the game. The most embarrasing about it is that it is so great! I really developed a love-hate relationship with that game. Sometime I let it lie around for over a half year, then I would play it a week non-stop maniacly.
Basically, you have to cheat so the game makes fun. You not only die very frequently but you also have limited lifes. When you fall down 3 times in a row because of the crappy controls you could go in the air!! With cheats you still die, but you can try endlessly again. Of course you can't save all the time.

Oh, by the way, never make the mistake and press the Escape button. When you did it, a menu appears and it won't let you back in the game! You have to use then a continue. But there are only three. In the first days I was playing it I always pushed it unintentionally (a reaction to pause the game, it works in every other game I know, okay except some japanese one where you see then the desktop again). So I soon ran out of continues and I had to reload a saved game (that set me some time back!).
The camera - well, that was often a big problem with Ubi Soft games (to this time you wrote the company name in two seperate words). In Rayman 2 it was already sometimes annoying, but it went even worse with every release, Tonic Trouble and especially Evil Twin. Actually, you often can't see yourself or the ground before you where you should jump to. Sometimes you can move the camera manually but often this feature is blocked (actually I didn't see a pattern when).
Well, some time ago I broke up the relationship with the game completely. We just would have to start it all over again - because I lost the savegames when my hard drive crashed. And honestly, I didn't feel for that.
I downloaded the patch while I wrote this but I saw that it only fixes very minor things. Actually, that you can't stand in the emptiness in one level (but it's not only in that one, it's in so many more!!), also fixed is that you don't get 99 lifes at a certain point anymore and business with the uninstaller. Actually, I feel decieved. Were the people really so blind to oversee all those bugs?

I remember some other again. Sometimes, the game simply freezes. Or it stands still in cutscenes and skips some scenes. One level was a dia show but every other was fluid. I didn't find out why, I had to play with 1-2 fps!!

I forgot many many things I believe. THe most terrible things are the controls and the camera. The game would already be 9999x better if they were acceptable.

For masochists (for me partly I presume), the perfect game.
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Old 05-14-2005, 03:15 PM   #47
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Buggiest Game?

Man, I don't know if this counts as bugs, but it sure is a mark of being thrown together in a hurry. Resident Evil: Dead Aim was the most awful game in the world.

You complete the game and have the option of replaying with the female character. All throughout the game there have been various cutscenes involving the two main characters. When you replay the game with the female character, these cutscenes do not change. This means the story makes absolutely no sense. It was the most pathetically thrown together game in the world.

Cold Fear is probably not that buggy, but it would be nice if it actually started up so that I could find out.
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