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Adventure Gamers

View Poll Results: Why do you use AGS?
Because everybody else uses it, it must be good. 1 3.45%
Because it's the engine that suits me best. 15 51.72%
I just picked it up more or less randomly. 4 13.79%
Because it's the best engine there is. 10 34.48%
Because it has the best (and largest) community and the best user support. 12 41.38%
It happened to be the only decent engine when I took up amateur game development. 7 24.14%
I was forced to use AGS by my mother/goons/Yufster/the development team/other party. 2 6.90%
I don't use AGS, thank you very much. 6 20.69%
Awesome obstacle courses. remaxor is the best! 5 17.24%
-Other- 4 13.79%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 29.

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