Cyan Worlds 30th anniversary giveaway contest

Written by AG Staff
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To share in the festitives relating to the special 30-year anniversary of Cyan Worlds, we've teamed up with them to giveaway 5 copies of Obduction and 5 copies of realMyst to readers of Adventure Gamers.

Obduction was one of the big winners of the 2016 Aggies, winning in the category for "Best Gameplay" and "Readers' Choice – Best Setting". realMyst, the 3D remaster of Myst, was a superb enhancement of the original genre-defining title. Both titles received critical acclaim and are guaranteed to give you breathtakingly beautiful immersive experience. 

Our review for Obduction concluded:

Myst enthusiasts and exotic-world explorers will find a whole new stupendous universe to fall in love with, and fans of mind-bending challenges will find themselves in paradise… most of the time.

realMyst's review:

realMyst’s Masterpiece Edition offers spectacular enhancements to an already iconic adventure game – even the Myst naysayers should be pleasantly surprised by the new visuals and interface revisions.

Enter the giveaway for the chance to win one of ten free copies! 

30 Years of Cyan Worlds celebration!