Demo offers temporary window to Stargaze

Written by Jack Allin -

Most of us will never come close to outer space, but what if we could travel to and even impact extraordinary new worlds just through a telescope? Sound far-fetched? Perhaps physically, yes, but not virtually, as we can see for ourselves in the limited-time Steam demo for Played With Fire's upcoming VR exclusive, Stargaze.

As the game's first-person protagonist, you are invited to "discover a wholly explorable magical galaxy," all without ever leaving the comfort of your "very own observatory-planet with complete scientific equipment, research journal, photographic set and...The Telescope." Through these instruments you will be able to "immerse yourself in a fable of cosmic proportions where you're both the well as the [one] behind the scenes." 

Described as a "melancholic mix of fairytale and interstellar research inspired by the magical realism of The Little Prince," Stargaze attempts to present a world in which "the line between science and fantasy is blurred and waiting to be questioned." The game allows players to leisurely sit back and "see light years ahead into space and bend the rays of light to study planets from all the different angles." Doing so will "reveal hidden items, new species and secret planets" that you can photograph and record in your journal for posterity. As you "decide where to focus your telescope and see things flourish," you will "awaken and inspire life," and by connecting elements that are currently separated, you will even trigger unexpected events. 

Stargaze isn't due to be complete until the final quarter of 2020 for SteamVR devices and PlayStation VR, but a playable demo is available for download now until June 22nd at the end of the Steam Summer Game Festival.