Surviving Deponia Ditches Early Access for Full Release

Written by AG Staff -

In an exciting development for fans of the Deponia series, the much-anticipated Surviving Deponia has announced a shift in its release strategy. The developers, Daedalic Entertainment and AtomicTorch Studio, have decided to forego an Early Access period in favor of a full 1.0 release. The decision was made after careful consideration of player feedback and the unique challenges of the game's development.

One of the primary reasons for this change is the community's preference for a complete game rather than an Early Access version. Additionally, the developers realized that the narrative depth and intricate storytelling of Surviving Deponia wouldn't lend itself well to periodic updates. Instead, they believe that delivering the game in its entirety will provide a more immersive and satisfying experience for players.

The development team has been hard at work creating a rich and compelling world for players to explore. The first city, revealed last summer, is more or less finalized. The team now focuses on the second major biome, a scary mushroom jungle, and its various critters. They're also working on the second city, and the boss fights that players will encounter. And yes, players will have the opportunity to have platypuses (and other cute beasts) as their pets!

For more updates on the game, you can check it out on Steam.  

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