Paranormal Records: Next-Gen Horror Game

Written by AG Staff -

Blackbalance Games has just announced the release of their new game, Paranormal Records. This next-generation horror game is made on Unreal Engine 5, and promises to deliver a unique narrative experience from the perspective of a video camera. The protagonist, the host of a TV show about the paranormal, is filming a report about a missing patient in an abandoned hospital, and the player will be tasked with uncovering the mystery behind the disappearance.

With realistic graphics, Paranormal Records is set to offer an immersive experience for horror game enthusiasts. The game is a single-player adventure that will take the player on a journey through the abandoned hospital. They will encounter various paranormal entities and solve puzzles to progress through the story. The game features elements of simulation, walking simulator, idler, and exploration.

Paranormal Records is coming soon to Steam, and you can add it to your wishlist. The game is developed and published by Blackbalance Games, a single developer who has put their heart and soul into creating this horror masterpiece. So, if you're a fan of horror games, be sure to keep an eye out for Paranormal Records, and get ready to experience the next-generation of horror gaming.

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