Not Another Weekend coming next year

Written by K R Parkinson -

If you’ve ever had the feeling that spending just one more day at your job (or dealing with the people you see there) might drive you batty, point-and-click comedic adventure Not Another Weekend, set for release next year, just might promise to be a cathartic experience.

Co-developed by Animatic Vision and Dead Blue Friends, Not Another Weekend puts you in the shoes of Mike Melkout, a “crazy, peculiar” bellhop with a devious plan: to empty the swanky, high-class hotel where he works of all its fun-loving guests and other employees, by any means necessary. The challenge? He only has a single weekend, two days, to succeed.

While further story details are sparse at the moment, the developers promise a raunchy romp through a pop culture-inspired adventure, filled with “adult humor, challenging puzzles, lots of twists, strange characters depicting some famous ’80s icons, and funny dialogues.” The retro inspiration extends to the third-person pixel art style, reminiscent of such classics as the early Leisure Suit Larry games, accompanied by an original synth soundtrack.

Not Another Weekend is presently booked for arrival on Steam in the first quarter of 2021 for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. To keep up with the latest information in the next few months, head over to the game’s official website.