KARMA: The Dark World - A Game of Shadows and Deception

Written by AG Staff -

KARMA: The Dark World, a psychological thriller game from Wired Productions and Pollard Studio, has unveiled two intriguing trailers during this year's Summer Games Fest. The trailers, titled "Hope" and "Hope(less)", introduce players to the Leviathan Corporation and their Bureau of Thought, promising a narrative filled with deception, secrets, and twisted creations.


Set in East Germany in 1984, KARMA: The Dark World is a visionary exploration of narrative design and technology. The game offers a cinematic experience, leveraging next-generation visuals, and is meticulously crafted in Unreal Engine 5. Players will be immersed in a dystopian world ruled by the Leviathan Corporation, where every shadow holds a secret.

KARMA: The Dark World will soon be available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox. Players can already add the game to their wishlist on Steam. With its mind-bending concepts, groundbreaking narrative design, and stunning visuals, KARMA: The Dark World is certainly a game to watch out for.

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