I Saw Black Clouds forecast for release later this quarter

Written by Jack Allin -

They say you can never go home again, but that's not really true. You CAN go home again ... just beware what you might find when you do. This will certainly be true in I Saw Black Clouds, a new interactive FMV mystery coming soon from Ghost Dog Films. 

Players assume the role of a young woman named Kristina (Nicole O'Neill of Red Sparrow, Penny Dreadful and Beauty and the Beast), whose close friend has just died. Upon hearing the news, Kristina returns to her hometown "looking for answers, only to unearth a string of dark secrets." The truth, as she soon learns, "turns out to be far more harrowing than she could have imagined." How you, as the player, react to these shocking revelations will dictate how the story plays out, as "how you connect with the characters and the moral choices you make along the way will affect what you discover, the journey you take, and the resolution you find at the end."

Described as a dark "cinematic interactive psychological thriller," I Saw Black Clouds is an entirely live-action FMV adventure filmed in the UK. Where it departs from a typical movie, of course, is that "your decisions will not only change individual scenes, but could present you with an entirely different storyline that can be discovered on multiple playthroughs." Everything you do and say is being monitored in real time, along with the ever-evolving status of your relationships. The results of this tracking will reveal whether you've chosen to approach your challenges with "denial, acceptance, or guilt," and how your personality is shaping up in five key areas: "honesty, strength, morality, tact and introspection," allowing you to roleplay the protagonist as you see fit. 

We don't have long to wait for I Saw Black Clouds, either, as the game is currently scheduled to release on Steam for Windows and Mac sometime within the first quarter of this year, along with console versions for PS4, Xbox One and Switch, with PS5 and Xbox Series X|S to follow later on.