First details give account of Dragon Audit

Written by Jack Allin -

Tempting as it may be to think of accountants as strait-laced number-crunchers with pocket protectors, and dragons as terrifying fire-breathing monsters, indie developer Archive Entertainment's upcoming Dragon Audit may just shine both in a whole different light.

In a world "teeming with magic and danger, a city of accountants exists which has sequestered itself behind high walls and generally unacceptable accounting principles." Here a "battle accountant" named George is "assigned the unenviable task of leaving the safety of the city in order to storm a nearby castle, slay the dragon, rescue the princess, and (most importantly) rescue the unpaid tax revenue." Unbeknowst to him, however, the dragon Ayraw is "tired of knights showing up to slay her, and is a bit jealous no one ever wants to rescue her. So she concocts a plan to trick George into rescuing her instead of rescuing the princess." Naturally, when the two meet up "hijinks ensue" with "the unlikely duo slowly growing closer through their shared adventure." 

That may sound like a very atypical fantasy adventure, but otherwise Dragon Audit is very much inspired by the genre classics. Combining anime-inspired visuals and direct control of both George and Ayraw, Dragon Audit promises a mix of "lighthearted humor with the undertones of a serious story" in which players will "get to meet a cast of quirky characters, solve puzzles, find all sorts of jokes in the interactable 3D environment, and explore the backstories of our two protagonists."

While the finished version of Dragon Audit isn't expected until sometime next year on Steam for PC as well as the PS4 and Switch, an "early, work-in-progress version of the game" is already available exclusively from the official website.  

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