Still There nearly here on PC and Switch

Written by Jack Allin -

Manning a lighthouse has got to be a lonely job, but all the more so if your lighthouse is on a distant outpost in space. Adventure gamers will be confronted by the many challenges of just such a position when GhostShark Games' Still There is released this fall.

While story details are sparse so far, players control a man named Karl who is responsible for operating the "space-lighthouse" on the "faraway Bento." Having abandoned your family and former home for one of solitude on this remote station, your life of routine is suddenly disrupted when a "mysterious radio message breaks through." What follows promises to be a "psychological adventure game" that is "weird, sarcastic, dark, metaphysical, has a complex analytical approach to puzzles, and brims with strong emotions, humor, and things that might break your heart."

A first-person adventure featuring hand-drawn art, Still There will require regular maintenance of the lighthouse, conducted by "solving brain-bending puzzles and completing your daily tasks." But as problems begin to arise, both professionally and personally, you'll also need to "respond to emergency situations" and make "vital decisions while you unravel the emotional story of Karl's past." Players will be challenged to "confront complex issues, such as depression and grief," but the mood will be lightened in between as you "engage in hilarious conversations with Gorky, the station's AI."

While no firm launch date has been set just yet, the game will be published by Iceberg Interactive and is due to be launched on Steam for Windows and Mac along with a console version on Nintendo Switch sometime before the end of this year.