Planet RIX-13 circles back into view on consoles

Written by Jack Allin -

It's a good thing planets revolve in an orbit, because we completely missed Planet RIX-13 on its first pass when it launched in 2017 on PC. Now, however, the short retro-styled sci-fi adventure has come around again, this time on all three major consoles and PlayStation Vita.

Planet RIX-13 puts players in the boots of a "space explorer engaged in searching for planets potentially suitable for life." On your latest mission, however, you "lost control of your ship and had to make an emergency landing." Once on the surface of this mysterious planet "full of secrets and traps" and "lots of different ways to die," it soon becomes apparent that you are not the first person to land here. Now you will need to "find out what was the cause of the accident, and also to find a way to leave this planet and [get] back home."

Despite its futuristic premise, Planet RIX-13 is entirely old-school in its presentation, featuring retro-styled pixel art displaying an uncharted world. Controlling the protagonist via the keyboard or gamepad, players will need to "study the ruins of a long-dead civilization and the abandoned laboratories of researchers who have been on this planet before you." Along the way to one of two different endings, you will need to "avoid deadly dangers, study the local flora, fight with hallucinations," and of course try to find a way to escape.

Originally launched on Steam back in May 2017, the ports of Planet RIX-13 are available now on PS4, Vita, Xbox One and Switch.