Old Man’s Journey heading for release later this year

Written by Jack Allin -

The word "adventure" (in the conventional sense) may conjure up images of globetrotting, swashbuckling escades, but the real adventure for all of us is life itself. Such is the premise behind the upcoming Old Man's Journey, a stylish "soul-searching puzzle adventure game" coming later this year.

Old Man's Journey presents a lifetime of memories through vignettes that tell a story of "life, loss, reconciliation, and hope." Players must interact directly with the environment and solve puzzles in order to "shape the world around them, growing the hills to create the old man’s path forward." As you progress, you will experience the "heartache, regret and hope" he encounters along the way (because who doesn't in life?).

The first trailer shows off the stylish artwork and "beautifully sunkissed and handcrafted world" of Old Man's Journey that made the game an IGF Awards finalist for Excellence in Visual Arts. Now Austrian developer Broken Rules is teaming with IndieFund to finance the rest of the game for release on PC and mobile platforms.

The final release date for Old Man's Journey has yet to be announced, but the game is currently on track for completion sometime in 2017. To learn more about it in the meantime, visit the official website for additional details.

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