Breached breaks through with Windows, Mac launch

Written by K R Parkinson -

Waking up alone and disoriented in alien-looking desert territory is frightening enough, but what if you have limited time left to save yourself and discover what has happened to this world? This is the urgent mandate behind Breached, a short but replayable 3D sci-fi adventure by Drama Drifters that has just been released.

Players take on the role of Corus Valott, who has awoken from a long cryogenic sleep. In the opening moments of the game, it becomes clear that the desert settlement around you is in ruins and your shelter is in disrepair, with only eight days of oxygen left to survive. It will be your responsibility to help Corus survive by repairing the shelter, examining the surrounding territory, and slowly piecing together the mysterious events leading up to the apparent catastrophe.

The “genre-bending” title promises a variety of activities, including "data mining" entries in Corus’s journal throuh linking tags to piece together the past and piloting drones to explore the derelict buildings and inhospitable environment for clues and equipment which can be used to repair the shelter. There are several obstacles to deal with, including your own looming death from lack of oxygen, as well as “glitches,” mysterious anomalies found throughout the landscape that are hazardous to the drones you are piloting.

Played from a first-person perspective using point-and-click controls, a typical playthrough is expected to last about two hours. However, subsequent playthroughs are encouraged in order to experience everything the game has to offer, providing an element of replayability to the otherwise condensed experience.

Breached is available now via digital distributors for Windows and Mac platforms. For more information, head over to the game’s official website.