Mark your calendars for Kôna: Day One in January

Written by Jack Allin -

Forecast: plenty of cold and snow ahead. That's not just a seasonal weather prediction, but the promise of a new episodic adventure set in severe wintry climes called Kôna, which is set to debut in January with its first installment, Day One.

Kôna puts players in the gumshoes of war veteran-turned-private detective Carl Faubert, who "arrives in an eerie Northern Canadian town to investigate cases of vandalism reported by W. Hamilton, a rich industrialist known to have disagreements with the local Cree community." Unfortunately for Carl, his client misses their arranged meeting, so in the midst of an unexpected blizzard he begins searching the area. But circumstances take a turn for the surreal when, "after knocking on some doors, the detective finds not only the rich man is missing... but the whole area is deserted. Where is the local population? What happened to Hamilton? Are the Cree involved?"

In this successfully-Kickstarted, free-roaming 3D adventure narrated by an omniscient third-person storyteller, players are invited to "explore frigid, all-too-quiet environments and attempt to reconstruct the strange events that befell the area, all while battling the elements to survive." The full "interactive tale with a distinct 1970s aesthetic" will take place across four episodes, each promising 1-2 hours of gameplay.

Kôna is currently being developed for Windows, Mac, and Linux with VR compatability. We don't have to wait long for the series to get underway, as Day One is slated for release in January 2016. In the meantime, you can learn more about the game at its official website.