UK publisher identified for Alter Ego

Written by Jason L Blair -

The latest Future Games thriller may be past news for North American gamers, but Iceberg Interactive has now signed a deal to bring the murder mystery Alter Ego to UK shelves and beyond next month.

Developed by the folks behind the original Black Mirror, Alter Ego centers around the disappearance of accused murderer Sir William Lewis after his death in the late 19th century, followed by a series of gruesome murders. The game casts players as two wildly-different protagonists: petty thief Timothy Moor and Detective Sergeant Briscol, newly arrived in the English town of Plymouth on his first assignment.

Alter Ego saw its North American release last summer, but this will be the first time gamers in the UK, Ireland, and Scandinavia will have to chance to pick up a boxed copy of the game. Australia and New Zealand are also part of the deal, along with Greece, Benelux, and several unnamed territories.

We reviewed Alter Ego when it came out last year and found it to be an engaging puzzle-light game. If you're a gamer in the UK or down under who has been waiting to get your hands on a hard copy of the game, you can do so when it comes out May 20th.

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