Reviews: Law & Order, Silver Earring

Written by Marek Bronstring -

Law & Order: Justice Is Served received a verdict of 3.5/5 stars at The Adrenaline Vault and 8.1/10 at Gamer's Hell:

"Law & Order: Justice is Served is a fun, yet brief detective adventure that will occupy several evenings of play, but like a watched episode of the show, will probably never be picked up again after completion. Taken by itself, however, the game has a solid storyline, good graphics, and effective voice acting, with only a few small interface issues. Adventure fans and the show's faithful will likely be interested in this latest serving of justice, which is a nice step in the right direction for the genre."

On a related, yet Victorian note, Sherlock Holmes: The Silver Earring was investigated by, who concluded it with a score of 76/100:

"Finally, we have here an interesting game for those who love the genre and a totally unimportant one for the rest of you. If you haven't played an adventure until now (which seems hard to believe though), I wouldn't advise you to start with the Case of the Silver Earring. The difficulty of some puzzles, the length of the conversations and the lack of a real reason for playing in the beginning of the game will make you quit. Au contraire, if you love the genre you can spend a few hours (more than a few actually) in the company of an unbelievable character, as Holmes is. His observations, his conversations, sometimes ironic, with Dr Watson give this game a very high fun factor for the one who can appreciate it. In the end, everything will be all right. Just like in the American movies. Naturally, my dear Watson!"

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