The Adventure Company announces Missing

Written by Marek Bronstring -

The Adventure Company has just announced its publication of developer Lexis Numérique's innovative and mature themed Missing for PC for North America as part of its 2004 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) lineup. Missing, originally released by Ubisoft in Europe last year under the title In Memoriam, puts the player as a sleuth investigating the mysterious disappearance of a journalist and his female companion, with the game utilizing the Internet itself and coaxing the player into a game of cat and mouse through actual email messages, video movies, disturbing yet intriguing images, and websites both real and fictitious, in order to find out what happened to the vanished couple. Expect the game to launch this summer (Q2-3 2004).

To get a taste of Missing, read our own review of In Memoriam, and grab the playable In Memoriam demo from mirrors at Gamer's Hell.

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