Wilmunder Memoirs

Written by Marek Bronstring -

The Internation House of Mojo has posted the first in a series of articles called the Wilmunder Memoirs. Penned by Aric Wilmunder, who co-created the now-famous SCUMM game engine, the memoirs give us an insight into the beginnings of LucasArts (originally called LucasFilm Games).

About a month after my arrival, Ron Gilbert was also hired to join the Koronis team as the Commodore 64 engineer. The goal was to build one game and ship it on 2 platforms simultaneously. Ron would later become the genius behind SCUMM and during this time we first developed our styles for working with one another. One technique that I remember Ron using was during an afternoon when we had a disagreement on how to solve a particular problem. We were both very zealous about our proposed solution, and this eventually evolved into a shouting match. Ron got up shouting and left the office slamming the door loudly behind him. That shook me up a bit, since we had always worked well together. Two minutes later, Ron came back, a smile on his face saying, "OK, I got that out. Now let's solve this problem."

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