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Old 07-17-2011, 12:25 AM   #2
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I'm also playing it right now and agree with the positives.

The main drawback is the backtracking. I recognize I need an item and see the hotspot, but I can't pick it up yet. You have to take your character 5 screens one way, try something, go back, get something, go back, work on the puzzle more, go back to get something else, etc. Just let me pick everything up at once.

Basically, the pace of the game feels too slow. I find myself reading dialogue subtitles and clicking through the speech to save time.
***Read the bolded part***

"You ever wish you could just follow your instincts, live for the moment?" - Gabriel Knight

Now playing - Legend of Grimrock
Need to finish - The Whispered World
Finished - Botanicula, The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
Up Next - A New Beginning, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition
Anticipating - Asylum, Bracken Tor, The Last Crown
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