The Wreck under construction for 2022 release

Written by Jack Allin -

We've probably all entertained the thought of revisiting the past and making changes to improve our current circumstances, but all we can really control is making the best choices in our present to improve our outlook for the future. This is the challenge facing the protagonist of The Wreck, the upcoming visual novel-styled adventure from the creators of Bury Me, My Love.

Players assume the role of a failed screenwriter named Junon, who, at 36 years old, has arrived at "the most pivotal day in her life." With everything already in shambles, Junon's "career has stalled, she’s emotionally numb, and her personal life is falling apart." Then things go from bad to worse when she receives a call from the hospital informing her that her estranged mother is in critical condition. Now, with her mind "on the point of collapse, Junon must relive the past, alter the present, and embrace the future – or else her story will end in a wreck." 

Unlike its hand-sketched 2D predecessor, The Wreck features a stylized 3D aesthetic in presenting a nonlinear "mature ... visual novel about sisterhood, motherhood, grief and survival." The game tasks you with exploring Junon's memories and "scattered thoughts through interactive text and dialogue" with a "small cast of nuanced, complex characters" in order to "piece together the story of her past, including the tragic secret that lies at its centre." With the new knowledge gleaned from a better understanding of Junon's trauma, you'll then need to help her "change how she navitages the day, unlocking new dialogue options and healing broken relationships." It won't be easy, but if successful, Junon may just be able to "find peace with herself and discover the humor, beauty and hope that lie even on life’s bleakest days."

It's too early for a release date just yet, but The Wreck is currently projected to be launched on Steam for Windows PC sometime in 2022.

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