The Revenge of Sophia Red to be served up on September 22nd

Written by Jack Allin -

A thirst for revenge may feel outwardly focused, but the far more insidious damage is done internally to those poisoned by the hatred that's fueling it. We'll see that play out for ourselves soon enough when indie solo developer Sleepy Creepy Studio's The Revenge of Sophia Red is released on PC next month.

The game's eponymous author had it all: she had friends, a nice home, the companionship of the love of her life, and had just been offered a publishing deal for her new book. Sophia was a kind woman "loved by many," and "everything was perfect in her life and she was a very happy person." But all that changed suddenly when Sophia's life was "destroyed" and she found herself abandoned by those around her in her time of need. Stung by this unexpected betrayal, Sophia's "love became hate" and then "revenge was the only thing she wanted." As Dr. Paul, a specialist in paranormal phenomena, it is your job to investigate this tragic turn of events and "find out what happened in the life of Sophia." 

Described as a "psychedelic horror adventure" and presented in first-person, free-roaming 3D, The Revenge of Sophia Red is split into discrete chapters, each of which represents one of the author's different emotions. As Sophia's feelings change, so too does "the environment as well as her personality" in twisted and unsettling ways. If you're to get to the bottom of her turmoil, you must explore a variety of locations filled with disturbingly surreal imagery, solving a number of puzzles along the way. 

If you're wondering where to seek The Revenge of Sophia Red, you can find it on Steam, where the game is due to launched for Windows PC on September 22nd.

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